Research Groups

Arabic Computational Resources

This research group shall endeavor to compile electronic linguistic and translation resources that will facilitate natural language processing and linguistic research alike. It shall develop technology that will make Arabic more adept for scientific communication, produce linguistic research that will improve lexicography, language learning, and translation, and train graduate and undergraduate students on Arabic corpus and computational linguistics.

Arab Digital Media Industry

This research group was launched in May 2023, to study how digital technology has transformed the media landscape in the region, including new forms of distribution and sharing. The group examines both the opportunities and challenges associated with this technology, including the potential for digital technology to reproduce offline power relations. The group has three strands of research: digital cultural industries, digital divide and literacy, and digital media innovations. These strands will explore the impact of digital technology on diverse media sectors, define digital literacy in the region, and investigate the use of advanced media technologies to engage audiences and improve digital literacy.

Art and Design Transformations, and Additive Manufacturing Research Group

Art and Design Transformations, and Additive Manufacturing Research Group was established in 2021. The University of Sharjah strongly encourages and supports the establishment of multidisciplinary research groups in state-of-the-art research areas. The art and design transformations research group has been originally formed at the Department of Applied Design in the College of Fine Arts and Design to provide an artistic and scientific platform to energize collaborative efforts among colleges. Researchers and students at the University of Sharjah in the fields of art and design, applied design, interior design, graphic design, recycling technologies, and business administration and marketing, under the broader theme of circular economy. The research group communicated Bee'ah waste management and coordinators of the group already had previous successful funded projects with Bee'ah and received some intentions to collaborate in ADT research group.

Civil and Commercial Legislation in the Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Civil and Commercial Legislation In The Applications of Artificial Intelligence group was established in2022.The group aims to collaborate between civil and commercial law professors to identify Artificial intelligence applications in civil and commercial legislation, especially in Anglo-American countries as well as in Latin American countries, to be possible to know the position of the Emirati legislator on these applications and propose for that the necessary legal texts.

Accounting for Sustainability and Innovation in the Technology Era

The accounting research group “Accounting for Sustainability and Innovation in the Technology Era" is established with the aim to explore the technical and societal roles of Accounting in achieving not only the strategic targets and goals of private and public organizations, but also the sustainable developments of these sectors, and the wider society. The Group is set up to be a vibrant and collaborative research environment through which accounting, management, and information technology researchers from UoS and around the world can get together and collaborate. Further, the group makes a research space for the researchers to network to produce rigorous knowledge that contributes to (a) the growing literature on accounting for sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and (b) inform policymakers and decision-makers with the most up-to-date knowledge of the area of accounting for sustainability and SDGs. Therefore, the Group focuses on all main aspects of accounting research (e.g., financial and corporate reporting, management and control, and capital market-based accounting) in relation to sustainability and SDGs within the context of rapid technological advancements such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Blockchain. The accounting research group “Accounting for Sustainability and Innovation in the Technology Era" provides a space to develop in-depth research in the following two areas:

Business and Islamic Finance Research Group

Business and Islamic Finance Research Group (BIFRG) aspires to combine the frontier knowledge of the finance discipline with the Islamic principles and tenets reminiscent of those found Arab and other Muslim countries. BIFRG create new knowledge through implementing cutting-edge research programs that help improve financial decision making by private entities and government operating within the economic environment of the Arab and the broader Muslim world. BIFRG generally pursue research activities within two themes, namely, Business Finance and Islamic Finance. Business Finance projects cover corporate finance and governance, asset pricing and investment analysis, banking operations, financial regulation and risk management, while the Islamic Finance theme focuses on Islamic banking operations, Islamic financial assets, and Islamic investments. BIFRG facilitate cultivation of high impact knowledge in both thematic areas by undertaking relevant projects, seminars, conferences, symposiums, workshops, and collaborations with local and international scholars and institutions. This aids to identify innovative and practice-oriented research projects.

Financial Reporting quality group

The main purpose of the Financial Reporting Quality Research Group is to employ the theoretical and empirical knowledge of accounting in order to address problems and issues that are raised at the local and international levels. The research group will endeavor to contribute to existing literature by putting into practice relevant theories such as the mediating or/and moderating theory to enhance our understanding of some disciplines such as earnings management, audit quality and working capital management (WCM) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In doing so, the research group will carry out projects in relevant areas such as: (1) The Impact of Firms' Performance on Ownership Structures and Earnings Management: The Case of the United Arab Emirates; and (2) The Impact of Audit Quality on Working Capital Management and Firms' Performance in the United Arab Emirates. Accordingly, the group will participate effectively in a comprehensive set of activities such as conferences, workshops, invite guest speakers as well as teamwork with external academic and professional parties. The research outcomes will be beneficial to corporate management, investors, regulators, accounting standard setters and other stakeholders, especially to deal with the current liquidity crises due to low oil prices and international economic slowdown.

The Gulf Studies Group

The Gulf Studies Group is a multidisciplinary group concerned with various research and studies in the Gulf region due to the existence of common links and similar features between the region, its history and destiny.

History, Museums and Tourism Research Group

History, Museums & Tourism Research Group was established in 2022. The group seeks to do a number of specialized research and studies in the fields of history, museums, tourism and heritage as these fields have significant scientific, economic, intellectual and social importance, and through which we can come up with a series of specialized research that contributes to strengthening the scientific and academic aspects of these fields. The group will be launched based on two existing research projects supported by the University of Sharjah, in which members of the group participate, in addition to other research projects that the group will present according to the group’s specific goals.

Health and Science Communication Research Group

Health and Science Communication Research Group was established in 2023. The health and science communication is an interdisciplinary specialization that deals with issues of the modern society related with public health and environmental concerns. The research group divides its research topics under health, environment, science, and technology. The Health and Science Communication research group aims to apply communication research fundementals to the field of health, environment, technology and science in the region by focusing on the individual, organizational, mass communication and societal perspectives with the objective of improving of individual, organizational, societal and global concerns of people, professionals and society at large. The purpose of the Health and Science Communication research group is three-fold. One of them is related with contributing and increasing the scholarship in the health, environment, technology, and science communication in the MENA region. The second purpose is to support the interdisciplinary (in the pipeline) master program of College of Communication, master's in Health and Science Communication. Thirdly, the research group aims to create awareness on the issues of health and science literacy among specific groups and professionals.

Hadeeth Studies Research Group

Hadeeth Studies Research Group was established in 2016.The group will encourage serious specialist research studies in the area of Prophetic Hadith and the study of our noble heritage through joint research. This will be followed by the publication of such work in reference books, authoritative research and in research papers for international conferences. The group shall also benefit students from Higher Graduate Studies of the university, by offering them opportunities as research assistants, until the training in Research Methodology at the Master's and Doctoral level is completed.

International Court of Justice Group

International Court of Justice Group was established in2021. The international judiciary system is important, and therefore understanding the international judicial mechanisms helps countries to know their rights and duties, as well as the procedures by which they protect their rights in the international community. In addition, the presence of the UAE before the International Court of Justice has become obvious during the last two years, thus it is important to work on involving PhD students in this research program to prepare national legal experts that can deal with cases to which the state is a party. Translation and commenting on them will provide researchers with deep experience in international justice that can be relied upon by decision-makers.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is considered as the engine of economic development. Innovation and entrepreneurship are complementary to each other and both are multi-dimensional phenomena. Given the current importance and pivotal role of innovation and entrepreneurship in the economy, It is particularly crucial in the context of UAE as there is lot of support from the Government and various initiatives to foster innovation and entrepreneurship. Therefore, the formation of this group is both timely and much needed to explore various aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship in the context of UAE and beyond. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group aims to conduct research at the country level involving cross-country examination of the entrepreneurial dynamics as well as organizational level studies investigating innovation and entrepreneurship related concepts. In particular, the group plans to conduct research pertaining to three major streams. First, it aims to explore the effects of entrepreneurship on efficiency and examines how entrepreneurship affects corruption and environmental sustainability. Second stream of research focuses on fostering tourism entrepreneurship performance in UAE. Third stream takes the social identity perspective of green innovation ambidexterity and entrepreneurial orientation in the UAE and explores the role of cosmopolitanism, materialism and knowledge acquisition. These research streams show that the group aspires to undertake leading-edge research in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Mass Media Group

Mass Media Group was established in 2018.The research group focuses on how the science of communication can impact and improve the performance of media and communication institutions in the UAE. The group involves 3 inter-related areas: 1) professional and ethical education & training of UAE journalists, 2) public relations and advertising status in the UAE with special emphasis on the part played by education in the rise and the development of this field in the UAE. While the topics seem diverse, they converge on the theme of relating the science of communication to the reality of the work place in the UAE. The research in question involves practical and field research based on what we consider as sound theory and concepts of analysis and interpretation. The purpose is to evaluate the state of media and communication practices and suggest ways to enhance and improve performance in line with scientific and universal standards in the field

Orientalism and Arabic Culture

Oriental studies have greatly contributed to enriching research in our Arabic culture over the decades, introducing new research methods, advanced approaches, and innovative techniques. Orientalism has had a significant impact on deepening the exploration and examination of Arab culture and its literature. Arab researchers have benefited from its methodological approaches, procedural tools, scientific achievements, and cognitive outcomes. It has also sharpened their critical abilities, enabling them to criticize Orientalist theories and respond to non-objective views from Orientalists. However, the utilization of new Orientalist research remains limited.

Public Relation and Institutional Communication Group

The Public Relations and National Communications Group was established in 2017. It has been practicing public relations and national communications for three decades, undergoing major transformations that may have never been witnessed before, and these transformations directly affected the traditional way in which practitioners decided how to manage public relations. Some of these transformations came from the academic disciplines of public relations, while others reflected and transformed the practice of public relations and national communication on the professional side. In the first case, practitioners discovered the difficulty in applying knowledge about transformations and developments in the academic aspect. In the second case, academics either criticize public relations in its aspect of practicing the profession or attempt to codify it scientifically.

Sustainability in Business Research Group

Sustainability in Business Research Group was established in 2021.Sustainability in Business Research Group is integrated as a new research group aiming to accomplish meaningful and significant research collaboration that is aligned with the University of Sharjah's vision and aspirations. As the University of Sharjah is leading on Sustainability rankings, the College of Business is keen to contribute and be actively connected to this conversation. The importance of sustainability is driven by the persistent need to consider the well-being of future generations. In addition, this is an important area of research, particularly after the launch of the UN2030 agenda for Sustainable Development revolving around the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) explicitly recognizing that the business community has an important role to play in advancing sustainability goals and targets while driving progress on sustainable development.

Social, Educational and Health Problems Group

The Emirati community has witnessed significant social and economic developments over the past four decades due to a social change scheme applied by the United Arab Emirates. Social and educational changes resulted in the emergence of several problems pertaining primarily to family life, teaching, and the community. Examples of social problems are marriage to foreign women, domestic violence, divorce, overspending, volunteer work issues, low female participation in economic and political affairs, and crime, among others. Regarding educational problems, cultural and educational institutions (high school and university) face serious problems as a result of continuous development.

Sharjah Group for Language Studies

Sharjah Group For Language Studies was established in2022. The development in the fields of linguistic studies and the new research interests that the world is witnessing, it requires researchers to direct their research interests to modern linguistic issues and to study linguistic phenomena in society, by absorbing the ancient linguistic lesson and benefiting from contemporary trends in linguistic research, Hence the idea of this linguistic group emerged to be one of the means of the University of Sharjah in achieving its mission to serve the community and study its issues.

Technology-based Learning and Education

Technology-based Learning and Education Group was established in2021.At the present time, the educational process, in all its educational stages, faces a set of challenges related to its various components, starting with its philosophy, passing through its curricula, techniques, teaching methods, strategies, evaluation tools...etc. Contemporary changes, especially those resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, require the study of many issues related to the educational process at its various levels, especially since the entire world, and the UAE in particular, is witnessing a set of social and educational changes, which in turn resulted in a set of challenges facing various educational institutions, and opened At the same time, there are plenty of opportunities. In order to face these challenges and take advantage of the available opportunities, it is necessary to focus on the various aspects and components of the educational system. With the aim of improving the educational and learning outcomes of educational institutions.