Art and Design Transformations, and Additive Manufacturing Research Group

Art and Design Transformations, and Additive Manufacturing Research Group was established in 2021. The University of Sharjah strongly encourages and supports the establishment of multidisciplinary research groups in state-of-the-art research areas. The art and design transformations research group has been originally formed at the Department of Applied Design in the College of Fine Arts and Design to provide an artistic and scientific platform to energize collaborative efforts among colleges. Researchers and students at the University of Sharjah in the fields of art and design, applied design, interior design, graphic design, recycling technologies, and business administration and marketing, under the broader theme of circular economy. The research group communicated Bee'ah waste management and coordinators of the group already had previous successful funded projects with Bee'ah and received some intentions to collaborate in ADT research group.

The mission of the ADT research group is to serve the community through developing and disseminating knowledge related to applied design using 3D printing, and providing innovative and practical solutions needed for beter use of recycled materials. To achieve its mission, the ADT research group is planning to seek collaboration with government and private organizations through joint projects and exchange meetings as well as specialized training and consultation services.