Sustainability in Business Research Group

Sustainability in Business Research Group was established in 2021.Sustainability in Business Research Group is integrated as a new research group aiming to accomplish meaningful and significant research collaboration that is aligned with the University of Sharjah's vision and aspirations. As the University of Sharjah is leading on Sustainability rankings, the College of Business is keen to contribute and be actively connected to this conversation. The importance of sustainability is driven by the persistent need to consider the well-being of future generations. In addition, this is an important area of research, particularly after the launch of the UN2030 agenda for Sustainable Development revolving around the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) explicitly recognizing that the business community has an important role to play in advancing sustainability goals and targets while driving progress on sustainable development.

Sustainability in Business Research Group aims to execute extensive leading-edge research to better highlight the role of businesses in society, and the business community in advancing sustainability with regard to the three major lines of impact which are economic, environmental, and social impact, also called the triple bottom line.

There are currently five teams under the umbrella of Sustainability in Business Research group. The five teams plan to undertake research covering various aspects of Sustainability at the organizational level and at the country level, in addition to comparative research. The group will work collaboratively within the college and in an inter-disciplinary and complementary manner with other colleges. The group will focus on highlighting relevant aspects of the involvement of business in sustainability both within the UAE while also trying to draw comparisons to other nations as well.

The Sustainability in Business Research Group will cover several topics such as Fair Trade Consumption in the UAE: Drivers and Barriers, Understanding Sustainability Practices in the UAE, The moderating effect of Green Climate & perceived Green Reputation on the relationship between Servant Leadership and Green Performance, and Can Renewable Energy Drive a Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery? Pro-Health Behaviors in the UAE during the COVID19 Pandemic.  The research within this group will span a number of key topics relating to Sustainability in Business, including Renewable Energy, Green Reputation, Fair Trade, to glean a holistic understanding of sustainability practices within the UAE.