Institute of Leadership in Higher Education
Institute of Leadership in Higher Education

Institute of Leadership in Higher Education

Teaching Excellence and Innovation Grants

Aligning with the University of Sharjah (UoS) strategic goal to strengthen the teaching and learning process, the University leadership has committed to funding two Teaching Excellence and Innovation Grants.

The purpose of these grants is to:

Provide funding for the faculty at UoS to develop and implement innovative pedagogical strategies to foster excellence and scholarship in teaching, learning, and the effective use of technology.

Strengthen the University's teaching and learning process and foster the implementation of evidence-based innovative pedagogies.

Provide high-impact practice opportunities for students to actively participate in undergraduate research.

Through the office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCCA), the program is led and coordinated by the Institute of Leadership in Higher Education (ILHE).

Faculty members are invited to apply for the grant.

Chancellor's Teaching Excellence and Innovation Grant (TEIG)

Guided by the Chancellor's vision, this grant supports the departure from the classical teaching approach and the adoption of innovative pedagogical approaches that have the potential to guide teaching and transform learning within UoS.

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Integration of research into undergraduate education grant (IRUEG)

This grant aims to facilitate structured opportunities for undergraduate students to learn through active, critical, and analytical inquiry within the classroom. The grant supports the development of pedagogies focused on engaging students in research and implementing their findings in real-life situations.

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Grant Committee:

The committee will include experts from within and outside the University.


Full-time UoS faculty members

Non-academic staff and part-time or visiting faculty members*

Visiting faculty members who have at least one year remaining in their contract term*

Full-time Undergraduate/Master/Ph.D. students*


Each project team must include at least one full-time faculty member.

* Can apply as only co-investigators.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns, please use the information below to contact ILHE.

Phone: +971 6 5585000

Fax: +971 6 5585099


P. O. Box 27272, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.