Institute of Leadership in Higher Education
Institute of Leadership in Higher Education

Institute of Leadership in Higher Education

Integration of Research into Undergraduate Education Grant

Aims of the grant
Priority Areas
Grant Timeline
Grant Application Process
Evaluation Criteria
Project Requirements
Faculty Support
Budget and Financials

Aims of the grant

Various analyses done inhouse have pointed out that the grant will play a prominent role in:

  • Developing and implementing innovative pedagogical strategies to foster students’ critical and analytical thinking skills
  • Assisting the undergraduate students to develop the skills to conduct quality and systematic literature review
  • Enhancing the academic writing skills of the undergraduate students through vigorous research-oriented class activities and tasks
  • Supporting students to develop skills for utilizing analyses software, such as SPSS and NVivo
  • Increasing the undergraduate students’ participation in research and scholarly endeavors, including presentations at conferences and publishing in academic journals
  • Encouraging the dissemination and sharing of best practices on teaching and learning, locally and/or through presentations/publications to the higher education community
  • Evaluating the impact of innovative teaching and research-oriented methodologies before and after implementations
  • Strengthening the UoS’ teaching and learning process and fostering evidence-based higher education innovative pedagogies

Priority Areas

In enhancing the teaching and learning process at University of Sharjah, it is also essential to redesign some curricular content and methods for enhancing students' learning. The UoS encourages endeavors that support the development of new pedagogies and use research oriented active learning in undergraduate classrooms by employing technology and innovative teaching practices. The Integration of Research into Undergraduate Education Grant (IRUEG) is provided to faculty members. Through the office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCCA), the program is led and coordinated by the Institute of Leadership in Higher Education (ILHE). The grant also provides high-impact practice opportunities for students to be co-investigators in the research.

Grant Timeline

Once the grant proposal is approved and the funds are released, the scholarships of teaching and learning activities and report should be completed within one year.
Annual Faculty Incentive Award Timeline:
Once the grant proposal is approved and the funds are released, the scholarships of teaching and learning activities and report should be completed within one year.
Annual Faculty Incentive Award Timeline:

Grant Announcement
15th September 2022
Last Day of application 28th October 2022
Result announcement 28th November 2022

Grant Application Process

The application process are as follows:

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals for the grant are evaluated based on:

  • Degree to which the proposal supports UoS' mission
  • Clarity of T&L objectives and issues for exploration
  • Sound evidence that it is informed by the existing T&L literature
  • Appropriateness and sound method of inquiry
  • Likelihood of generating a peer-reviewed product
  • Innovativeness and originality of project
  • Potential impact on students' learning
  • Strength and clarity of project narrative
  • Feasibility of completing the project within proposed timeline
  • Appropriateness of budget
  • Support of the applicant's Dean or Department Head

Project Requirements

A final completion report must be submitted at the end of the grant funding period. Additionally, grant recipients will be expected to participate in one or more grant related activities, such as:

  • Leading interest groups in topics related to the project
  • Publishing the results of the project
  • Facilitating seminars that mentor or support new scholars
  • Presenting the work as part of the TEIG event series
  • Participating in a TEIG poster session
  • Participating in the TEIG spotlight series of videos

Faculty Support

The following support mechanisms are made available to the awardees through the Institute of Leadership in Higher Education:

  • Annual faculty professional development sessions will be available through ILHE annual forum.
  • Digital course content development/revamping
  • Implementing technology

Budget and Financials

Amount of Grant:
Duration: 1 year
Funding Amount: AED 10,000
Funding will be provided to support the following:

  • Personnel (Human resources)
  • Technology (hardware/software) where it contributes substantially to the project

Funding will NOT be provided for the following items:
  • Conferences: registration, travel, accommodation
  • Technology already available elsewhere, or where the alternative is available
  • Office supplies
  • Phone Charges
  • Faculty and staff salaries

Applicants are expected to submit their expenses' statement using the Form.
