أ.د. ايمان سعد

نائب العميد

  • الرتبة الأكاديمية


  • التخصص

    الصيدلانيات والصيدلة الحيوية وحركية الدواء

  • مجالات البحث

    My research interest takes three basic thrusts within the areas of biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, and drug targeting. Motivated by real applications, my research evolved since then to include the use of nanotechnology in the development of innovative drug delivery systems that alter the PK/PD response of different classes of drugs and reduce their systemic side effects. More recently my research evolved to include modeling-based drug development using PK/PD models to improve drug efficacy, patient’s compliance and reduce drug toxicity.


  • iahmed@sharjah.ac.ae