Architectural Engineering
Architectural Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering

Degree Structure




Architectural Engineering



Study System


Total Credit Hours

158 Cr. Hrs.


5 Years


Fall and Spring



Study Mode

Full Time

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Degree Overview

The Department of Architectural Engineering offers internationally-recognized education that is contemporary and, at the same time, rooted in the context and environment of the region. The curriculum equips students with theoretical and practical skills, and the department provides students with opportunities for practical training. Together, these two features of our program prepare students to join the employment market as designers and architectural engineers with ample knowledge of sustainable design and the construction and technical requirements of the UAE's building industry. 

Study Plan


Study Plan for Students Joined in 2021-22


Study Plan for Students Joined in 2023-24


What You Will Learn

Students in the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering program develop a solid foundation in areas such as structural health monitoring and analysis, materials processing, and water and energy efficiency. Undergraduates gain real-world experience through specialized projects, architectural studio courses, and internships. Students are prepared to work at engineering, architecture, and construction firms or to pursue advanced degrees.

University Requirements

College Requirements

Degree Requirements

To obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural Engineering, a student must complete a total of 158 credit hours spanning University requirements (UR), College requirements (CR) and Program requirements (PR) as shown below.

Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering (158 Credits)
- UR CR PR Total
Mandatory Credits 18 26 102 146
Elective Credits 6 - 6 12
Total 24 26 108 158

Course Description

Mandatory Courses

Descriptions of the Mandatory courses are given below.

0404100 Introduction to Architectural Engineering 1-0:1

Prerequisite: None

The course explains architectural engineering as a profession and its position in the building industry. It introduces forms, functions, and materials, as well as construction methods and architectural styles. It emphasizes the connection between architectural engineering and its socioeconomic and cultural contexts, and stresses the significance of ethics. The course involves lectures and small group projects with an emphasis on teamwork.

1440151 Analytic Geometry 3-0:3

Cartesian and parametric equations of curves (including lines) in plane and in space; and surfaces (including planes) in space. Conic sections and hyperbolic functions (Cartesian and Parametric Forms). Quadric surfaces (Cartesian and Parametric Forms). Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates Systems. Level curves of scalar valued functions of two variables and level surfaces of scalar valued function of three variables. Introductory optimization, linear programming, simplex method.

Prerequisite: Pass Placement test or 1440098 Pre-calculus

0404101 Architectural Drawing I 2-3:3

The course is designed to enable students to understand, read and draw architectural drawings and acquire the basic skills of drawing techniques. The first part of the course introduces the 2 dimensional drawings in terms of plans, sections, and elevations in multiple storey, it includes rendering techniques as textures and tonal values. The second part is an introduction to three dimensional drawings including isometric drawing only as a basic transformation from 2D to 3D; it includes shadow projections in both 2D and 3D drawings. Basic layout of drawings is introduced as well as emphasis on freehand sketching for 2D and 3D drawings.

Prerequisite: Pre/Co: 0404100 Introduction to Architectural Engineering

0404221 Basic Design 2-3:3

This course is a basic introduction to design principles, spatial organizations and compositions. Emphasis on space typologies to create abstract forms through the introduction of elements such as masses planes, frames and linear elements. Solid and void relationships are introduced through volumetric addition and subtraction techniques. Basic introduction of form and function relationships are included in this course.

Prerequisite: 0404101 Architectural Drawing I; 1440151 Analytic Geometry

1411113 Programming for Engineers 3-0:3

This course introduces basic programming techniques to non-major students. Subjects include: computer science fields, general introduction on computers and numbering systems, software development process, programming languages, selection structures, repetition structures, functions and procedures, structured and user-defined data types, text files, arrays, and dynamic memory allocation.

Prerequisite: None

1440281 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3-0:3

Descriptive statistics; Axiomatic probability; Random variables and their moments; Special discrete and continuous distributions; Sampling distributions; Estimation; Hypothesis testing; Linear regression; Analysis of variance; Analysis of categorical data.

Prerequisite: 1440133 Calculus I for Engineering

0401201 Statics 3-0:3

Knowledge and understanding of vector resultant of forces in two and three dimensions; type of structural supports; equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies; analysis of internal forces in beams and trusses; static and kinetic friction; centroids of lines, areas and volumes; moments of inertia.

Prerequisite: 1430115 Physics I

1450103 Introduction to Ecology 3-0:3

This course focuses on the science of ecology with historical background and its relationships with the other relative sciences. It deals with the ecosystem structure and functions, Energy flow and matter transfer in the food chain among the different trophic levels. The course covers the biogeochemical cycles and their components, examples of the different ecosystems in the world biomes and the desert ecosystem in United Arab Emirates. The course contents also include some population attributes such as density, age structure, mortality, natality and population growth rate, in addition to study of life tables and the application to a case study of human population growth in the UAE. Interactive relationships between living organisms in the ecosystems are also covered. These include predation, herbivory, parasitism and diseases and mutualism. Pollution problems are also covered in relation to pollutant sources, composition, impacts on living organisms and solutions to the problem.

Prerequisite: 1420101 General Chemistry I

0401202 Mechanics of Materials 3-0:3

Simple states of stress and strain; Hook's law; torsional stresses; axial deformation; internal forces in beams; bending and shearing diagrams and stresses; beam design; stress transformation; thin-walled pressure vessels; beam deflection, lab session and experiments.

Prerequisite: 0401201 Statics

0404241 Thermal Sciences 2-0:2

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer, including conservation of mass, energy, momentum, and first and second laws of thermodynamics. It also introduces basic evaluation techniques of heat transfer modes involving conduction, convection and radiation.

Prerequisite: 2nd Year Standing

0401243 Dynamics 3-0:3

Introduction and Fundamental Principles, Kinematics of a particle: Rectilinear and curvilinear motion of a particle with normal and tangential components, force and acceleration, Work and energy, Impulse and momentum.

Prerequisite: 0401201 Statics

0401343 Fluid Mechanics 3-0:3

Properties of fluids; Fluid statics; Translation and rotation of fluid masses; Dimensional analysis and similitude; Fundamentals of fluid flow; Fluid resistance; Compressible flow; Ideal fluid flow; Fluid measurements.

Pre/Co: 0401243 Dynamics

0404201 Architectural Drawing II 1–3:2

Sketching is used to develop spatial ability and the ability to visualize and communicate an architectural idea. The course covers principles of 1-point and 2-point perspective, viewpoint selection, "depth" through shadows, textures, and detail, and matching a building image to a site.

Prerequisite: 0404201 Architectural Drawing I

0404204 Surveying 1-3:2

Surveying methods, instruments and computations related to field problems; construction applications in surveying, leveling, linear measurement; applications of GPS in land surveying; GIS applications and importance in urban planning. (Laboratory sessions are included to cover above topics).

Prerequisite: 2nd Year Standing

0404222 Architectural Design I 1-6:3

Introducing buildings as an environmental and cultural product having spatial and functional relationships. Students are taught how to analyze and solve these relationships in an integrated manner.

Prerequisite: 0404221 Basic Design

0404231 Building Construction I 2-3:3

Principles of building materials cover structural, thermal and aesthetic properties of materials; Introduction of specific materials like lime, cement, fine and coarse aggregates, concrete, bricks and blocks. Elements and types of superstructure, substructure and foundations cover international and local building construction methods; concrete construction: formwork, reinforcement, slabs, site cast and precast framing systems; soils; shallow and deep foundations; masonry wall construction; insulation materials and applications; exterior wall cladding systems. (Laboratory sessions are included to basic tests on materials).

Prerequisite: 0404101 Architectural Drawing I

0404261 History of Architecture I 3-0:3

Exploration of architectural history from Prehistory until the 18th century in different regions around the world, in chronological format. Study of the links between social and historical context and cultural production. Focus on cities and building analysis and architectural design strategies.

Prerequisite: None

0404301 Computer-Aided Architectural Design 2-3:3

Application of computer-Aided Design to architecture, planning, building construction and project management: line surface, and solid modeling; perspective and other relevant projections; data gathering techniques; analysis of both design and execution phases; building model and design ideas.

Prerequisite: 0404101 Architectural Drawing I and 2nd Year Standing

0404305 Electricity and Power Distribution for Buildings 2-0:2

Codes and standards of electrical power system for buildings; system components such as conductors, fuse, circuit breakers, motors, generators and transformers; power management, distribution, power quality and safety; electric wiring and metering, emergency and standby power systems and protective devices.

Prerequisite: 1430117 Physics II

1430102 Introduction to General Geology 3-0:3

History of the earth and geological time; atoms, bonding and crystals; minerals and rocks; volcanoes; streams and flooding: weathering, glaciations, glacial deposits and other unconsolidated deposits; plate tectonics; earthquakes; water as a resource; energy resources and alternative sources; waste disposal and water pollution; geology of UAE; lab session and experiments.

Prerequisite: None

0404311 Fundamentals of Structural Analysis 3-0:3

Classification of structures; loads; truss analysis, internal loadings in structures, shear and moment diagrams for beams and frames; influence lines for determinate structures; deflections; introduction to methods of analysis of statically indeterminate structures.

Prerequisite: 0401202 Mechanics of Materials

0404313 Reinforced Concrete Design of Buildings I 3-0:3

Materials and mechanical properties of concrete; the code and specifications. Behavior of compression and tension members; analysis and design of various shaped-sections for flexure by the ultimate strength method; shear and diagonal tension; bond and anchorage of reinforcement; edge-supported slabs, short columns, continuous beams, detailing of reinforced concrete structures, design sessions (computer applications).

Prerequisite: 0404311 Fundamentals of Structural Analysis

0404321 Architectural Design II 1-6:3

The course introduces additional and more complex spatial requirements and functions, as well as other requirements re. structural grids, horizontal and vertical circulation, car parking and traffic flow. All are expected to be creatively solved in an integrated manner in, for example, a hotel or commercial building.

Prerequisites: 0404222 Architectural Design I; Pre/Co: 0404201 Architectural Drawing II

0404322 Architectural Design III 2-6:4

The emphasis is on response to the urban and environmental contexts. Social factors, market factors and various spatial typologies are introduced in, for example, a high density residential complex.

Prerequisite: 0404321 Architectural Design II

0404331 Building Construction II 2-3:3

Skeleton structures; overview of international and local building construction methods for specific materials: wood and manufactured wood; heavy timber and wood light frame constructions; steel - Structural Steel Light Gauge Steel Constructions. Introduction to international and local building construction methods for major and minor building components: low-slope and steep roofs; staircases and elevators; windows and doors - specific material glass; interior walls and partitions - specific material gypsum; floor coverings and ceiling.

Prerequisite: 0404231 Building Construction I

0404341 Building Illumination and Acoustics 3-0:3

The course introduces the fundamental principles, systems, and planning concepts for electrical and illumination systems in modern buildings. It also introduces the acoustical design for noise control and good hearing conditions, construction and materials details, acoustical properties of room shapes, and sound transmission and absorption.

Prerequisite: 0404305 Electricity and Power Distribution for Buildings

0404361 History of Architecture II 3-0:3

Overview of the history of architecture in the Islamic world. Analysis of the main features of Islamic architecture and cities, with an emphasis on architecture in the UAE, heritage conservation strategies and contemporary developments.

Prerequisite: 0404261 History of Architecture I

0404401 Professional Engineering Practice & Ethics 2-0:2

Factors that affect the practice of architectural engineering, in particular professional ethics, ethical and legal responsibilities towards clients and employees, business considerations, office management, legal aspects and risks.

Prerequisite: 4th Year Standing

0404417 Structural Steel Design 3-0:3

Introduction to Structural Steel Design, LRFD design concept and its applicability, analysis and design of steel tension members, beams, columns, beam-column connections; elastic and plastic methods; structural steel; and design applications.

Prerequisite: 0404311 Fundamentals of Structural Analysis

0404421 Architectural Design IV 2-6:4

Advanced design of buildings with problems of complex structures, requirements, and functions in addition to acoustics, heating and ventilation. Students are expected to apply knowledge acquired in related subjects (building construction and environmental physics) to the design process. At least one major project with a specific and complex problem.

Prerequisite: 0404322 Architectural Design III; Pre/Co: 0404331 Building Construction II

0404422 Architectural Design V 2-6:4

Design of building complex within the context of a related urban fabric where urban design analysis is required prior to building design that involves complex functions as well as acoustic, heating and ventilation requirements.

Prerequisite: 0404421 Architectural Design IV

0404438 Project Management 2-0:2

The processes of Project Management such as initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria. Includes Integration, Scope, Human Resources, Communication, Risk and Procurement Management methods as well as methods of managing and estimating of cost and time and control of quality focusing on Construction Projects. Includes an introduction to critical path analysis.

Prerequisite: 0404331 Building Construction II

0404441 HVAC Design for Buildings 2-0:2

This course introduces the fundamental principles and engineering procedures for the design of HVAC systems (heating and cooling), thermal comfort, ventilation mechanisms and concepts, air conditioning systems and types, air diffusion design and layout techniques, duct design and distribution, architectural and constructional space requirements for HVAC systems. The course also introduces the energy utilization techniques and conservation constraints, mixed mode system and other sustainable alternatives.

Prerequisite: 0404241 Thermal Sciences; Pre/Co: 0404331 Building Construction II

0404451 Urban Planning and Design 2-3:3

Evolution and history of city development. Basic theories, principles and skills involved in planning the physical environment. Land use planning. Comprehensive urban development process. Environmental planning. Historic preservation. Application of theoretical concepts on city design and problems; emphasis on the historical aspects specific to the region.

Prerequisite: 4th Year Standing

0404491 Senior Design Project I 2-0:2

An interdisciplinary team-work design experience that includes preparation of project plan, data collection and analysis, building selection, preliminary investigation of building systems and evaluation of possible architectural solutions. Teams are required to submit and present technical progress reports.

Prerequisites: 0404422 Architectural Design V; 0202207 Technical Writing

0404492 Senior Design Project II 1-9:4

Continuation of 0404491. Emphasis on engineering analysis and design of building systems. Individual students in a team are expected to handle a specific task of the project and coordinate with the rest of the group. The team is required to submit preliminary and final technical reports supplemented with all necessary documents and drawings. A presentation of the project results will be part of the evaluation.

Prerequisite: 0404491 Senior Design Project I

0404490 Practical Training 0-0:0

At least eight weeks of field practical training. The purpose is to introduce students to local and regional practices in the area of their specialization. In addition, it exposes students to possible career opportunities. Upon completion, students are required to submit a technical report to the practical training supervisor, and to the Department Chair.

Prerequisite: 4th year standing

Elective Courses

Descriptions of the elective courses available to Architectural Engineering students follow.

0404405 Advanced Computer Aided Design 2-3:3

Advanced applications of Computer-Aided Design to architecture, planning, building construction and project management including: experimentation of 3D drawings; stimulation and animations as basic devices in design developments.

Prerequisite: 0404301 Computer Aided Architectural Design

0404406 Working Drawings 2-3:3

This course includes a production of complete set of working drawings in order to expose students to actual and practical projects, and to bridge the gap between design and construction stage.

Prerequisite: 0404331 Building Construction II

0404418 Modern Structural Systems 3-0:3

Analysis and design of building structures of unusual types. The course also addresses the dynamics logic of building technology and structural systems, and their effect on architectural space and language. Review of pre-industrial structural systems and post-industrial structural systems.

Prerequisite: 0404313 Reinforced Concrete Design of Buildings I

0404435 Specifications and Quantity Surveying 3-0:3

Introduction; types and documents of tenders; types of construction contracts; bonds and insurance requirements; International general conditions and obligations of construction contracts; preparation of specifications; regulations pertinent to buildings, construction works and building materials; quantity surveying and bill of quantities; rights and obligations of engineering consulting offices.

Prerequisite: 0404331 Building Construction II

0404436 Construction Contracts 3-0:3

Contracts law and application to engineering services agreements and construction contracts; specifications agency, torts, professional liability and alternate dispute resolution.

Prerequisite: 0404331 Building Construction II

0404437 Construction Engineering 3-0:3

Construction methods, equipment, and cost estimating of the earthmoving, rock excavation, and concrete production phases of civil engineering construction projects.

Prerequisite: 0404331 Building Construction II

0404442 Building Environmental Control System Design 3-0:3

Global and local climate factors, indoor environment and human comfort, heat stress and thermal balance of buildings, condensation, heat and moisture transfer in building fabrics, shading device designs, thermal control in buildings, ventilation and air movement requirements and patterns, natural cooling techniques in buildings, mechanical solutions through air conditioning systems design.

Prerequisite: 0404331 Building Construction II; 0404441 HVAC Design for Buildings

0404443 Building Illumination System Design 3-0:3

Work in daylighting, light distribution, interreflections, vision and color; electric light, related equipment circuitry; illumination design procedures.

Prerequisite: 0404341 Building Illumination and Acoustics

0404444 Building Electrical System Design 3-0:3

Design of electrical systems for commercial and industrial facilities emphasizing design practice and integration with codes and standards.

Prerequisite: 0404341 Building Illumination and Acoustics

0404445 Building HVAC System Design 3-0:3

Design of several different systems for a course project building; control strategy; economic comparison using lifecycle cost techniques.

Prerequisite: 0404441 HVAC Design for Buildings

0404446 Mechanical Systems 3-0:3

Design detail, and evaluation of cold and hot water supply systems within buildings and neighborhoods, cold and hot water cisterns, sanitary systems: drainage above and below ground, sewage disposal, storm water systems. HVAC systems: boiler and firing equipment, hot water heating systems components and piping, air distribution systems and components, vertical circulation systems, firefighting systems, landscape mechanical systems: fountain designs and irrigation systems.

Prerequisite: 0404331 Building Construction II

0404447 Environmental and Climatic Design 3-0:3

The sun, the earth, and time and their effect on architecture. Sun angles and ray projection, and building orientation in different climatic conditions. Solar energy and examples on solar architecture.

Prerequisite: 0404331 Building Construction II

0404455 Landscape Design 2-3:3

Factors influencing site development and site analysis; site planning with in-depth analysis leading to site development as an integral part of the Landscape Design process. Designing of outdoor spaces in conjunction with built or open spaces and the planning, design, and management of land.

Prerequisite: 0404451 Urban Planning and Design

0404465 Contemporary Architecture 3-0:3

This course investigates the evolution of architecture since the industrial revolution. It covers architectural movements and schools, as well as pioneering architects and their influences on architecture. The course addresses political, socioeconomic, cultural, and technological transformations that affected architecture in the 19th and 20th centuries, and also touches upon architectural transformations as they relate to global influences in the early 21st century.

Prerequisite: 0404261 History of Architecture I

0404466 Islamic Architecture 3-0:3

The development of Architecture in the Islamic World with examples from several Islamic periods. Analysis of elements, methods and functions of Islamic architecture including contemporary development in various Islamic regions. Strategies used for renovation, preservation, conservation and reuse of Islamic historical buildings. Emphasis on recent experiments intend to achieve the continuity of Islamic architecture.

Prerequisite: 0404261 History of Architecture I

0404467 Local and Regional Architecture 3-0:3

Study of formative influences, climate, sociology, economics, technology and materials and how people of the region use them to create new solutions in various contexts: identification of local and regional characteristics and change to recognize common factors and variables in the development of architectural language. Special focus on the contemporary contributions with their influence on current theories towards creating local and regional architectural theories.

Prerequisite: 0404261 History of Architecture I

0404303 Building Information Modeling "BIM" 2-3:3

This course deals with the rapidly growing technology of Building Information Modeling (BIM). It covers the basic principles (fundamental concepts) of BIM such as: concept, evolution, implementation, standards, collaboration, communication, documentation, visualization, coordination, and simulation.

Prerequisite: 0404301 Computer Aided Architectural Design

0404487 Solar Energy in Buildings 3-0:3

The course introduces students to the applications of solar energy in buildings as an alternatives source of energy modern buildings. The course aims to enhance the students understanding of the principles of solar energy collection, conversion, storage and distribution. Solar water heating, space heating and cooling applications, components and systems in addition to the concepts passive solar strategies and sustainable architecture are also highlighted in this course.

Prerequisite: 4th Year Standing

0404480 Selected Topics in Architectural Engineering 3-0:3

The course covers a special topic in architectural engineering. Content varies according to topic.

Prerequisite: Depends on topic

0404481 Selected Topics in Structural Engineering 3-0:3

This course covers a special topic in the field of construction engineering. Content varies according to topic.

Prerequisite: Depends on topic

0404482 Selected Topics in Architectural Design 3-0:3

This course covers a special topic in the field of architectural design. Content varies according to topic.

Prerequisite: Depends on topic

0404483 Selected Topics in Construction 3-0:3

This course covers a special topic in the field of construction. Content varies according to topic.

Prerequisite: Depends on topic

0404484 Selected Topics in Environmental Control 3-0:3

This course covers a special topic in the field of environmental control. Content varies according to topic.

Prerequisite: Depends on topic

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