Central Laboratories Directorate
Central Laboratories Directorate

Central Laboratories Directorate

Applied Physics Laboratories

Test/ Service Name  Equipment Available  Remarks 
 1 NDT Flaw Detection (Ultrasound)
Ultrasonic Flaw Detector  Using Frequency shift
 2 NDT (Ultrasound) Characterization of biomedical and engineering materials High Voltage Pulser/receiver  Wide range of transducers covering frequencies from 24kHz to 20 MHz
We are capable of measuring bulk and shear modulus for biological samples & engineering solid & porous materials. We also can characterize the properties of jells, foams and brittle structure. Measurements are done noninvasively with sample sizes, shapes.
 3 NDT Multi-layer Thickness measurements Ultrasonic thickness gauge   We can measures layer thickness down to mm scales, including paintings coatings etc.
 4 Noise assessment Digital Noise Meter Nor140 Sound Analyzer  Noise source identification with markers and sound recording
Environmental noise assessment   
Sound power 
Noise Nuisance Recorder
 5 Noise prediction and Mapping KadnA Noise mapping Software  Calculation, presentation, assessment and prediction of environmental noise.
 6 EMC RF & EMF Spectrum-Analyzer Spectran NF-5020
Spectran HF-6080
 1Hz – 1 MHz (NF)
10 MHz – 10 GHz (HF)
Portable EMC, RF and EMF hand-held  spectrum analyzer
 7 Optical properties of  thin and thick semiconductor film
 8 Electric and  Opto-electric  properties  of thin films Kiethley assemblies equipment.Such as :
Kiethley 2425 programmable for measuring I-V characteristic junction
 9 Non-destructive Elemental analysis of solids using mirco-XRF Horiba XGT-7200
micor-XRF system
 Elements from Mg to U in concentrations of 10s of ppm to 100%
 10 Light absorption and transmission Acton Research spectrometers and Janis cryostat  Wavelength range of 300-1500nm and temperature range of 10-350k
 11 Thermal conduction Hot-Disk Instrument  Preparation  of some samples might require additional cost
 12 Thermal Expansion Linear thermal expansion. Measurement Setup  Preparation  of some samples might require additional cost
 13 Elemental material Testing XRF  Archeological Material
Forensic Material
Toys, commercial objects testing for hazardous materials
 14 Linux/Open Source Training Computers  *Training material on how to create open source freeware educational Material
*Optimizing Scientific desktop for best productivity
*Setting up school/enterprise server for educational purposes
 15 Computational Time Provided Parallel Computing facility  Prices negotiable.
We provide number crunching capabilities
Also, we can setup parallel computing facility from commodity computing.