Events and Activities
Our Team
Goals and Objectives
The fast-growing and changing economy of UAE and the region leads to a rapid expansion of industries and infrastructures that emphasize achieving competitive advantage and sustainable business outcomes that rely on a good economy without compromising safety, environmental and social issues. This creates the need for implementing innovative and sustainable methods that consider the various phases of the life cycle of engineering assets. Our vision is to become a regional leading research group in the field of sustainable engineering asset management. At the same time, our mission is to contribute to the development of research and higher education and services to the community in innovative and sustainable design, development, operations, maintenance, disposal, and management of engineering assets and technologies. The group's research is multidisciplinary, where researchers from different disciplines, including industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, and applied statistics, pool their knowledge and expertise to solve engineering assets problems.
- To conduct high-quality research in the field of SEAM.
- To provide the community with high-quality services in the field of SEAM.
- Conducts multidisciplinary research with a focus on UAE and the region.
- Collaborate with industrial and governmental organizations in UAE and the region on sustainable engineering assets management and technologies.
- Produces research publications in leading journals.
- Offers tailored professional training courses.
- Provides consultancies that suit the need of the industry in UAE and the region.
- Collaborates with leading international research groups and institutions.
Events and Activities
- Participate in Third ICAO Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels (CAAF3)
- 2nd Progress meeting for Collaborative project with Dubai Taxi Corporation
- The 6th technical workshop: UAV management
- Progress meeting for Collaborative project with Dubai Taxi Corporation
- Dr. Ashokan Arumugam was promoted to Associate Professor in January 2024.
- Dr. Emad Mushtaha was promoted to Professor in July 2023.
- Dr. Anwar Jarndal was promoted to Professor in July 2023.
- Eng. Abdulrahman Azzam Othman joined SEAM as Graduate Research Assistant (PhD's scholarship) in March 2022.
- Dr. Alex Opoku joined SEAM as a member in March 2022.
The research group did many collaborative researches with:
- Road & Transportation Authority (RTA), Dubai, UAE
- Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects (DAEP), Dubai, UAE
- Physical plant at University of Sharjah
- International Affiliated member from Malaysia
- International Affiliated member from Sweden
- Dubai Taxi Corporation (DTC), Dubai, UAE.
- LFV and Linkoping University, Sweden
- Economic Development Department, Government of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE.
- Directorate of Housing, Government of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE.
- Sharjah City Municipality, Government of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE.
- Dubai Air Navigation Services (dans), Dubai, UAE.
- Department of Civil Aviation, Government of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE.