Sustainable Construction Materials and Structural Systems (SCMASS)



The SCMASS Research Group's mission is to promote innovative research in the area of sustainable construction materials and structural systems by serving as a platform for collaborative research efforts fostering the interaction between industry and academia in the field of civil engineering. The research group's interest covers a broad range of inter-related research activities encompassing fundamental research in materials science, mechanics, computational methods, and applied research, including integrating novel & sustainable materials for structural applications and rehabilitation. Of particular interest are research activities focusing on seismic-resilient systems and novel energy dissipation and isolation materials and devices.

Goals & Objectives:

  1. To conduct and support quality research related to sustainable construction materials and structural systems and obtain grants and other funding sources to promote related scientific research.
  2. To develop and test sustainable construction materials and structural systems using rigorous laboratory experiments and advanced analytical models and simulations.
  3. To contribute and advance current knowledge through research activities and disseminate findings in scientific research and professional papers, databases, software, and decision-support tools.
  4. To develop strategic research partnerships with leading local companies, government organizations, and research groups globally.
  5. Accelerate the development of new and innovative sustainable construction materials and technologies based on the industry demands and to serve the community.
  6. To educate and train graduate students, and support the M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs at the University of Sharjah.


The Sustainable Construction Materials and Structural Systems (SCMASS) research group established in 2015/2016 at the University of Sharjah. SCMASS is a focused group composed of nine faculty members who will pursue research interests in sustainable construction materials and structural systems. The group members cover the following research disciplines: Structural and Earthquake Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Materials Engineering, and Pavement Engineering.
