Institute Overview

RISE Vision:

To position the University of Sharjah (UoS) as a science and technology research and innovation hub in the UAE and the region.

RISE Mission:

The mission at RISE is to facilitate, support, streamline, strengthen and otherwise serve the research and training needs of the UoS researchers, students, and stakeholders through promoting quality research and innovation in priority science and engineering areas that are aligned with and serve the sustainable development needs of Sharjah, the UAE and the region.

The Research Institute of Sciences and Engineering (RISE) was established in September 2014 to help position the University of Sharjah (UoS) as a science and technology research and innovation hub in the U AE and the region.

RISE is responsible for planning, funding, managing and monitoring the following research entities, projects and activates related to Sciences, Engineering and Computing and Informatics:

  • Research centers
  • Research laboratories
  • Research groups
  • Service laboratories and workshops
  • Students' research projects
  • Graduate students' research assistantships
  • Exchange research activities and internships
  • Faculty research projects and activities
  • Research oriented professional activities and community services
  • Special graduate programs

Research agreements with local, regional and international entities,

Any other research related activities in the university.

RISE researchers include faculty members in the Colleges of Sciences, Engineering and Computing and Informatics, as well as researchers employed directly by RISE to work under the research groups and research centers.

Currently RISE has a Center of Excellence in Advanced Materials Research as well as 14 research groups in key areas of sciences, engineering and computing and Informatics. Efforts are under way to establish three additional research centers of excellence in the fields of: renewable energy technologies; sustainable infrastructure and built environment; and information, communication and network technologies. Furthermore, RISE has an Advanced X-Ray Materials Testing Laboratory, in addition to the University of Sharjah Seismic Observatory, which is part of the Global Seismic Network (GSN). Furthermore, six additional service research laboratories, facilities and workshops are being established, including: multifunctional-multipurpose workshop; integrated analytical laboratory; materials laboratory; high performance computing facility; GIS and Remote Sensing Center; and renewable energy development facility.

RISE funds a wide range of research grants in science and engineering, including seed research grants, competitive research grants and collaborative research grants. RISE is supported by the Research Funding Department in terms of managing all logistical issues related to research funding. Furthermore, RISE provides a number of Graduate Research Assistantships for students pursuing their MSc or PhD studies in Sciences and Engineering.

A number of interdisciplinary Graduate Research MSc and PhD Programs are being considered by RISE in the areas of renewable energy and energy efficiency, advanced materials, GIS and remote sensing, environmental science and technology. These programs will be established to strengthen the main research directions of RISE research centers of excellence.