Events and Activities
Our Team
Goals and Objectives
The University of Sharjah strongly encourages and supports the establishment of multidisciplinary research groups in state-of-the-art research areas. The Intelligent Information Systems and Applications group has been originally formed at the Department of Information Systems in the College of Computing and Informatics to provide a scientific platform to energize collaborative efforts among faculties, researchers and students at the University of Sharjah in the fields of Business Information Systems, Business Administration, Enterprise Systems, Expert Systems, Operational Research, Computer Science, and Engineering.
Intelligent systems, multi-modality data, and various computing platforms enable rapid, personalized, dedicated services for our communities. The global perspectives on intelligence information systems showcase cutting-edge research that embraces several fields from system design to deployment and from data acquisition to analysis in cross-disciplinary areas that require the discovery of valuable information from dynamic, massive, diversified data. The research of this group focuses on the pressing, contemporary aspects of the intelligence techniques for data management in information systems applications including business, resource management, transportation, health, environment, and security, to name a few.
The vision of IISA research group is to conduct and promote world-class research in the fields of Intelligent information systems for Smart Cities, Business Intelligence and cryptocurrency, Big data analytics for sustainable development and Information Security in Urban intelligence applications. This will help IISA to become one of the top research organizations in the area and internationally recognized.
The mission of the IISA research group is to serve the community through conducting high quality research, targeting innovations, disseminating research findings through training/ extension/ consultancy activities in the areas of intelligent information systems, business intelligence, operational research, big data analytics, information management, expert systems and applications, data processing, system analysis and design, and urban intelligence applications. The research group will facilitate access to interdisciplinary expertise in business information systems, information technology, information management, smart cities, and urban intelligence. In addition to increasing the collaboration opportunities with industry towards boosting the local economy.
Members of the IISA research group will strive to emphasize the practical and innovative aspects of intelligent information systems through enhancing existing undergraduate and graduate courses in the engaged departments within the IISA research group, as well as offering new integrated courses. The members of the research group will integrate graduate and undergraduate students in research and professional activities to help prepare a new generation of data analysts, system designers, engineers, and scientists ready to meet the development needs of the society and strategic goals of the government outlined in the UAE vision 2030.
Both fundamental and applied research will be synergistically conducted in various facets of intelligent information systems spanning the areas of business intelligence, big data analysis, smart systems, internet of things, urban intelligence, self-organizing systems, metaheuristics techniques, intelligent transportation systems, operational research, and hybrid intelligent systems.
The goal of the IISA research group is to conduct state-of-the-art research activities that are focused on the intelligent information systems models, in view of the smart applications of business information systems, information technology, information management, smart cities, and urban intelligence.
The research group is intended to encourage inter-disciplinary research within multiple departments in the University of Sharjah.
The main objectives of the research group are to:
- Conduct multi-disciplinary research on intelligent information systems and their applications.
- Carry out the integration of artificial intelligence and database technologies to generate Intelligent Information Systems.
- Presents systems architecture, analysis and design tools and techniques, and implementation practices in intelligent information systems.
- Develop applied research projects in business intelligence and business risk management.
- Cooperate with potential industrial partners, in addition to national, regional and international institutions involved in intelligent systems and smart technologies.
- Provide training and education opportunities for students and professionals in the field.
- Organize public seminars to raise the public awareness to information management.
Events and Activities
The content will be available soon.
The content will be available soon.
- The IISA research group has a collaboration with Prof. Xiaohui Yuan (University of North Texas, USA). The agreements are collaborative research, possible joint international conference, and possible exchange program between University of Sharjah and University of North Texas
As a result of collaboration with College of Business, The IISA research group jointly published 3 papers with COBA in (Q1 and Q2 journals).