Dr. Jibran Sualeh Muhammad

King Hussein Cancer Foundation Award-2022

Dr. Jibran Sualeh Muhammad, Associate Professor in the College of Medicine has won the Promising Researcher Award from The King Hussein Cancer Foundation in Jordan.

He received this award in an official ceremony under the patronage of HRH Princess Ghida Talal, Chairperson of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) and Center (KHCC) on 14th November 2022, held in Amman Jordan. The King Hussein’s Promising Researcher Award is highly competitive and very prestigious, in which the awardees were selected from a pool of 137 researchers from 16 countries.

Along with recognition KHCF also provides funding of up to USD 100,000 for research to be conducted in the Arab world by the award winner, in a discipline related to cancer.


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