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SAASST Establishes S-Band Ground Station for Sharjah-Sat CubeSat Series

The CubeSat team at the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences and Technology (SAASST) at the University of Sharjah (UoS), has completed the construction of the Academy latest scientific instrument, the 4.5 meters S-Band Ground Station, an essential asset to the Academy which allows higher data transfer and download of high-resolution images from the Sharjah-Sat CubeSat Series.

The primary mission of the station is to receive data from “Sharjah-Sat-1”, the first Cube Satellite launched by SAASST in January 2023. The satellite carries two payloads, the primary one is the improved X-ray detector (IXRD) that helps study the outer space weather by observing the solar coronal holes and measuring their effect. The secondary payload is a dual optical camera that aims to capture the UAE and Emirates of Sharjah. The S-Band Ground Station will also be utilized in the Academy future missions, such as the Sharjah-Sat-2 project, which will contribute to the development of the infrastructure projects in the Emirate of Sharjah.


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