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Continuous Improvement and Sustainability Excellence

Continuous Improvement and Sustainability Excellence Circle

Dr. Malek Masmoudi
Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management Department - College of Engineering
Leader of Continuous Improvement and Sustainability Excellence Circle

Dr. Zehra Canan Araci
Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management Department - College of Engineering
Co-leader of Continuous Improvement and Sustainability Excellence Circle

Dr. Zafar Said
Department of Sustainable & Renewable Energy Engineering, College of Engineering
Co-leader of Continuous Improvement and Sustainability Excellence Circle


  • Map of sustainability indicators into the identified KPI by the various circles
  • Model and analyze interdependencies among the identified KPI
  • Identify opportunities for improvement
  • Help in prioritizing sustainability projects and initiatives
  • Monitor and measuring progress in achieving the sustainability targets
  • Contribute in creating a culture of continuous improvement (Continuous improvement should be the responsibility of everyone in the university (not just for the sustainability teams).