Board of Trustees

H.H. Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi
Deputy Ruler of Sharjah, President of the University of Sharjah

H.H. Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi
Deputy Ruler of Sharjah, President of the University of Sharjah
His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi, the Deputy Ruler of the emirate of Sharjah, Deputy Chairman of the Sharjah Executive Council, is Chairman of Sharjah Media Council, serving under the supervision of this Council: Sharjah Broadcasting Authority, Sharjah Government Media Bureau, Sharjah Media City "SHAMS Free Zone Authority", also H.H is occupying the position of chairman for Sharjah Petroleum Council and President of the University of Sharjah.
His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi has chaired Basma Group since 2005, and chaired the Board of Directors of Sharjah National Oil Company since 2010, Tilal Properties LLC since 2014 and Arada Real Estate Development Company since 2017, also His Highness chaired the Board of Directors of Invest Bank since 2019.
March of Giving
His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi has held many key leadership positions in sectors of economy, tourism and sports at the emirate of Sharjah, most highlighted: Chairman of Board of Directors for Sharjah Pipeline Company “Anabeeb” (2003-2019), Vice Chairman of Board of Directors for Sharjah Liquefaction Gas Company (SHALCO) (2004-2011), Member of Board of Directors for Dana Gas (2005-2019), Vice Chairman of Board of Directors for Sharjah Equestrian and Racing Club (2002-2011), and Chairman of Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority (2006-2012).
His Highness has many contributions in the preservation of the environment, through his chairmanship of the Board of Directors of "Green Planet" LLC since 2005, and Medical & Hazardous Waste "Weqaya" LLC since 2010.
His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi received the Arab League’s Media Personality award of the Year 2016 from League of Arab States, and H.H has been elected as the Humanitarian Envoy for The Big Heart Foundation since2017.
Under His Highness wise leadership, a lot has been achieved in two sectors Government Communication and Media, including the establishment of Sharjah Media Council, Sharjah Media City "Shams" Free Zone Authority, Sharjah Government Media Bureau "formerly Sharjah Media Center", and restructuring of Sharjah Broadcasting Authority, establishing several new television channels including "Al Sharqiya" channel from Kalba and "Al Wousta" channel from Al Dhaid, in addition to the establishment of new radios including “Sharjah Quran”, “Plus 95” and “Watar” radio stations.
Also, His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi has established; the online news website "Sharjah 24" in 2015, and launched the first and largest digital media and communications platform "OMNES Media" in 2017.
At the level of the region, His Highness launched pioneering and first-of-its-kind initiatives, most highlighted: International Government Communication Forum in 2011, Sharjah Government Communication Award in 2013, International Photography Festival in 2016, and the establishment of the International Government Communication Centre in 2017.
His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Arkansas State University of United States of America, and a Masters degree in Computer Information Systems from the University of Detroit Mercy, in Michigan, USA.

H.E. Prof. Hamid M.K. Al Naimiy
Chancellor of the University of Sharjah, President of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences

H.E. Prof. Hamid M.K. Al Naimiy
Chancellor of the University of Sharjah, President of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences
Prior to his appointment as Chancellor of the University of Sharjah on 01-20-2014, Prof. Hamid M.K. Al Naimiy served as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College of Sciences, UOS, UAE, from 2010-2015.
Also Prof. Al- Naimiy served as Acting Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences & Dean of the College of Sciences, UOS, UAE, from 2008-2010. and served as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences , UOS, UAE,from 2006-2008.
Prior to occupying different positions at the University of Sharjah, Prof. Al-Naimiy worked at different universities in the UAE and the Arab world :
Chairman of the Physics Department, UAE University, Al Ain, UAE, from 2001-2006
Dean / Institute of Astronomy and Space Science, Al al-Bayt University, Jordan, 1994-2001.
Chair / Physics Department /College of Science/ University of Baghdad/ 1990 - 1994
Director General /Astronomy and Space Science Center/Iraqi Council for Scientific Research/ President Office, 1980 - 1989.
Vice President of the Academic Iraqi Scientific Societies 1982- 1988.
General Secretary of Arab Union for physics & Mathematics 1984-1990.
Prof. Al-Naimiy obtained the Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from The University of Baghdad; 1971. He graduated from Manchester University; UK with the Masters degree in Astronomy and Doctoral Degree in Astrophysics in 1975 and 1978 respectively.
Prof. Al-Naimiy is well known internationally for his contributions to teaching and research in the fields of Applied Physics, Astronomy and Space Sciences. He has won several regional and international awards in recognition of original research and for innovations that led to advancements in his field of specialization. Some of these awards are:
Khalifa Award for Education 2009/2010 (In the Field of Higher Education & Research).
Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute Plaque, in recognition of his contribution to the 2009 UN/NASA/ESA/JAXA workshop on Basic Space Sciences and the International Heliophysical Year 2007, September 22nd , 2009. Daejeon/Korea.
NASA Plaque in Recognition of his contributions as the Coordinator for the Asian & Pacific region on IHY2007, for the period 2005 – 2009.
UN appreciation letter for scientists who displayed excellence in organizing the UN/ESA workshops. The 3rd UN/ESA/NASA workshop, Tokyo/Japan, 18th – 22nd, May, 2007.
Personality of the Week .The International Heliophysical Year IHY2007.In the occasion of the 50years anniversary for IGY, Launching the 1st world space rocket Sputnik. IHY International Committee, June 8th, 2007.
The Award for the best department chair, teacher and researcher for the year 2006 from UAE University.
Included in International Marquis Who's Who for the 21st century, 19th Edition, 2002.
The best scientific public media Publication Prize. The Iraqi Scientific Research Council 1987, Baghdad, Iraq.
The best Scientific Researcher Prize. The Iraqi Scientific Research Council 1984, Baghdad, Iraq.
Chancellor Alnaimy has published over 120 refereed journal papers, 32 books and more than 800 articles and supervised more than 30PhD and Masters graduate students to completion. Also he has more than 500 TV interviews to his name. He taught many different courses in Physics, Astrophysics and Space Sciences in many Universities (UK, Iraq, Jordan and UAE); chaired many Scientific organizing Committees for International and Regional conferences; attended more than 100 International and Regional Conferences and was the General Coordinator for the Developing Science Teaching Project for secondary school teachers 2009-2015. Also he has extensive editorial experience in science related journals such as :- Editor in Chief / Bin Al-Haitham Journal for Science and Technology / 2005 – 2006.;Member of Editorial Board / International Journal for Applied Physics / India 2004 - to date.; Editor in Chief / the Universe Magazine, Issues by the AUASS, 2005 - 2011.Editor in Chief / International Journal for scientific Research / Faculty of Science, United Arab Emirates University, 2001- 2006 and Editor in Chief / Science Magazine / Iraq (1989 – 1994).
Prof. Al-Naimiy is an active member in many International Societies and Organizations that deal with Astronomy and Space Sciences. Some of these societies are: The International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) Organized by UN/ESA/NASA/JAXA , September 2009 – 2012( as UAE National coordinator),; UAE Representative for the IAY2009, Supervised and implemented by International Astronomical Union and UNESCO, 2009; Regional Coordinator and UAE representatives / IHY / NASA, 2005 – to date ; the Higher Council in the International Astronomy without Boarder Association 2004 – to date ; International Society of Searching for Intelligent life in the Universe 1981 - to date; International Astronomical Union 1980--- to date and the International Variable Stars Society 1980 - to date.
Prof. Al-Naimiy has contributed in the establishment and building of many active projects related to Astronomy and Space Sciences; some of which are: Sharjah Astronomy Center for Astronomy and Space Sciences , 2013-2015 ; Albayte Institute for Astronomy and Space Sciences; Ibn-AlShater Astronomy Park, Al-Albayte University, Jordan 1994-2001 .; Maragaha Observatory, Al-Albayte University , Jordan, 1995 .; The Iraqi Astronomical Observatory , Korek Mountain , North Iraq , 1980 – 1990, which was the 10th largest Observatory in the world in that time.

H.E. Dr. Obaid Ali Obaid Bin Butti Al Muhairi
Former Executive Dean for Arabic Language and Emirati Studies, Higher Colleges of Technology, Chair of the BOT Academic Committee.

H.E. Dr. Obaid Ali Obaid Bin Butti Al Muhairi
Former Executive Dean for Arabic Language and Emirati Studies, Higher Colleges of Technology, Chair of the BOT Academic Committee.
Dr. Obaid Al Muhairi holds a PhD in Modern and Contemporary History from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA. He served as the Executive Dean for Arabic and UAE Studies across all Higher Colleges of Technology. He was also the Director of the Higher Colleges of Technology in Fujairah.
Before assuming his current position, Dr. Obaid held many other roles, some of which are listed as follows:
• Executive Director of the Arabic Language Institute, Zayed University.
• Member of the Arab Parliament at the Arab League, serving on the Political, National Security, and Defense Committee.
• Worked on several parliamentary committees, including the Education and Culture Committee, the Legal Committee, and the Financial Committee.
• Director of the Curriculum Development and Educational Materials Center at the Ministry of Education.
• Director of the Heritage Department at the Jumaa Al Majid Center, where he contributed to the establishment of the center and the management of national heritage.
• Diplomat at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Dr. Obaid Al Muhairi is also a member and participant in several national institutions and committees, including:
• Vice Chairman of the Sharjah Education Council and a member of the Board of Trustees.
• Member of the Advisory Council for the Arabic Language and the Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Arabic Language Award.
Dr. Obaid holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Science from Cairo University and a Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania, USA.

H.E. Mohammed Abdallah
Chief Executive Officer of Sharjah Islamic Bank, Chair of the BoT Finance Committee

H.E. Mohammed Abdallah
Chief Executive Officer of Sharjah Islamic Bank, Chair of the BoT Finance Committee
Mr. Mohammed Abdallah is the Chief Executive Officer of Sharjah Islamic Bank. He is an influential figure in the finance industry remarkably recognized individually and also on behalf of the organization by prominent awards including Forbes International & Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award, Union of Arab Banks; respectively among others.
He currently holds vital positions in various prominent institutions namely-
Member of the Board of Trustees & Chairman of Finance Committee – University of Sharjah
Board Member of Sharjah Establishment for supporting of pioneer projects (RUWAD)
Board member of Sharjah Equestrian Club
Deputy Chairman of ASAS Company
Deputy Chairman Sharjah National Hotels
And a few other vital positions

H.E. Dr. Mansour Mohamed bin Nassar
The Legal Advisor and Chairman of Sharjah Government Legal Department, Member of the Sharjah Executive Council, Chair of the BoT Internal Audit and Compliance Committee

H.E. Dr. Mansour Mohamed bin Nassar
The Legal Advisor and Chairman of Sharjah Government Legal Department, Member of the Sharjah Executive Council, Chair of the BoT Internal Audit and Compliance Committee
Mansour bin Nassar is proud to have obtained three degrees from the University of Sharjah, a bachelor's in law in 2004, a master's in public law in 2012, and a PHD. In public law in 2017 with a grade of excellence at a rate of 4/4.
On the scientific and academic level, Bin Nassar chaired the University of Sharjah Alumni Association for two consecutive sessions (2011-2015), and also chaired the Advisory Board of the College of Law (2018-2020), and he currently chairs the Compliance and Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees of Al Qasimia University, and he also teaches administrative law, constitutional law and political systems. At the Sharjah Academy of Police Sciences, and has published numerous research and articles in the field of law.
On the professional level, Bin Nassar worked as a legal researcher in the government of Sharjah, then moved to work as a director of the legal administration in the office of His Highness the Ruler of the Emirate of Sharjah in 2009, until the legal department of the government of Sharjah was established in 2020 and he was appointed as its chairman and legal advisor to the government by an Amiri decree from the Ruler of Sharjah.
Mansour bin Nassar has chaired the Higher Committee for the Sharjah Consultative Council Elections since 2015, and has been chairing the Legislative and Legal Affairs Committee since 2014, and he has been a member of the Technical Committee for Federal Legislation since 2009, a member of the Higher Committee for Human Resources for the Emirate of Sharjah, a member of the Board of Directors of the Sharjah Social Security Fund since 2017 and He is the first Secretary General of the Sharjah Prize in Public Finance since its inception in 2017 and until now.

H.E. Dr. Muhadditha Al Hashimi
Chairperson of the Sharjah Private Education Authority, Chair of the BoT Emiratization Committee for Academic and Administrative Positions

H.E. Dr. Muhadditha Al Hashimi
Chairperson of the Sharjah Private Education Authority, Chair of the BoT Emiratization Committee for Academic and Administrative Positions
Dr. Muhadditha Al Hashimi, is the Chairperson of the Sharjah Private Education Authority, a body established with the aim of regulating private education in the Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Also, HE serves as the President of the Sharjah Education Academy, a non-profit graduate school of education and professional learning institution. Prior to her appointment, Dr. AlHashimi held several senior positions in higher education and healthcare institutions. She was the Campus Director of the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) Sharjah Women & Men campuses, the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, HCT, and the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs at the HCT.

H.E. Saeed Sultan Baljaiw Al Suwaidi
Chairman of the Sharjah Electricity, Water and Gas Authority

H.E. Saeed Sultan Baljaiw Al Suwaidi
Chairman of the Sharjah Electricity, Water and Gas Authority
His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammed Alqasimi, Member of the Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah issued the Emiri Decree No. 37 of 2020 on 13 December 2020 of appointing H.E. Saeed Sultan Al Suwaidi chairman of the Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority
Al Suwaidi has broad experience in the fields of administration, finance, procurement management and other administrative support services.
He assumed a number of leadership positions in public and private sectors and has had several achievements. He moved up in the career. He worked for the Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority for 12 years. He started as an administrative supervisor and then he worked as director of procurement in 2005. On 21 October 2012, he was appointed deputy director-general for the support services sector at the General Authority for Regulating the Telecommunications Sector. The tasks of the support services sector include providing the Authority with the highest standard support services needed to carry out programs, initiatives and projects at the national level. The support services provided are instrumental to achieving the Authority's goals and include management, human resources, finance and corporate communication services.
Al Suwaidi was appointed chairman of the Sharjah Cooperative Society in 2007, a member of the board of directors of the Cooperative Union, a member of the board of trustees of the Information and Communication Technology Fund, in addition to the membership of a number of higher committees at the level of the country's federal government. In view of his fruitful efforts that resulted in achieving high earnings and remarkable development of services, he received several appreciation certificates and letters from His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council, Ruler of Sharjah.
Al Suwaidi obtained a bachelor degree in International Studies in 1999, the master degree in International Relations in 2000 from the American University in Washington D.C, USA. He also obtained a master degree in Strategic and Security Studies with all the rights and privileges thereto pertaining from the General Command of the Armed Forces – National Defense College (June 2017).

H.E. Dr. Khawla Abdulrahman Al Mulla
Former Chairperson of the Family Affairs Authority

H.E. Dr. Khawla Abdulrahman Al Mulla
Former Chairperson of the Family Affairs Authority
Dr. Khawla Al Mulla holds a PhD degree in Sociology, specific specialization: Policies and Development, University of Sharjah, a Master degree in Applied Sociology, Family Counselling and Social Work, University of Sharjah, and a Bachelor degree in Business Administration and Economics from the United Arab Emirates University. She also received a Graduate Diploma in Management from the united Arab Emirates University and the Diploma in Leadership from Zayed University.
Dr. Khawla continued education and received other diplomas in total quality management, small business cost accounting and strategic management.
She moved up in her career life from a schoolteacher to deputy principal to principal and then, an executive director at the Ministry of Education, Dubai.
She worked for the Supreme Council for Family Affairs and was the director of the Women Affairs Department, the director of the Family Counselling Department and the executive director of the Family Development Centers. She served as the Chair of the Consultative Council of Sharjah in its ninth consultative term.

H.E. Prof. Jacques Frémont
President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Ottawa - Canada

H.E. Prof. Jacques Frémont
President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Ottawa - Canada
Jacques Frémont is President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ottawa. In 2013, Quebec's legislative assembly appointed him to chair the Quebec Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission. Prior to this appointment, he worked at the Open Society Foundations, in New York, as Director of the International Higher Education Support Program.
Mr. Frémont was formerly at the University of Montreal, where he was Dean of the School of Law, as well as Provost and Vice-Rector (Academic Affairs) until 2010. He has also been a visiting professor at many Quebec, Canadian, European and Asian universities, and is the author of several books, articles and book chapters on constitutional law and public law. In 2012, he was named professor emeritus of the University of Montreal.
Throughout his career, Mr. Frémont has advised various international organizations on issues involving human rights, good governance and democracy, and has directed major international cooperation projects in the fields of human rights and judicial training. He has also been very active in higher education in Canada and abroad.
Mr. Frémont is a graduate of Laval University, in Quebec City, and pursued graduate studies at York University in Toronto. He has been awarded prizes and honours, including being named to the Order of the French Academic Palms in 2009 and receiving an honorary doctorate from Paul Cézanne University in Aix-en-Provence in 2010.

H.E. Prof. Alexander Kuleshov
President of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology “Skoltech” - Russia

H.E. Prof. Mohd Hamdi Abd Shukor
Previous Vice–Chancellor of Universiti Malaya & Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

H.E. Prof. Mohd Hamdi Abd Shukor
Previous Vice–Chancellor of Universiti Malaya & Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Professor Hamdi earned his Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) degree from Imperial College London and a Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Systems Management from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK. He further pursued his Doctor of Engineering degree at Kyoto University, Japan, under the prestigious Japanese government scholarship (Monbusho).
His academic career began in 1995 at Universiti Malaya (UM), where he advanced through the ranks, being promoted to Associate Professor in 2006, Full Professor in 2010, Senior Professor in 2014, Senior Most Professor in 2019, and ultimately Distinguished Professor in 2021.
Professor Hamdi served as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at UM from 2009 to 2011 and later became the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International) from 2011 to 2014. In 2019-2020, he was seconded to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) as Vice-Chancellor before returning to UM, where he held the position of Vice-Chancellor until 2023.
Notably, he is the founding director of the Centre of Advanced Manufacturing and Material Processing (AMMP) and the Centre for Research in Industry 4.0 (CRI4.0) at UM. With over 218 impactful publications in journals indexed by Web of Science (WoS), he holds an impressive h-index of 43 and has garnered more than 7,654 citations.
Currently, Professor Hamdi is a board member and Vice President of the International Association of Universities (IAU), an organization under UNESCO. He also serves on the Board of Directors of PICORP LTD, a publicly listed company in Malaysia. His past roles include board memberships with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), and the ASEAN University Network (AUN).
In recognition of his exceptional contributions to academia and engineering, Professor Hamdi received the Darjah Johan Mangku Negara award from the Malaysian Supreme King in 2019, as well as the Darjah Datuk Paduka Negeri Sembilan honour, carrying the title Dato', awarded by the King of Negeri Sembilan state in 2020.

H.E. Prof. Tan Eng Chye
President of the National University of Singapore - Singapore

H.E. Prof. Tan Eng Chye
President of the National University of Singapore - Singapore
President of the National University of Singapore, Singapore

H.E. Prof. Paul M O’Byrne
Dean of the College of Health Sciences and Vice-President of McMaster University - Canada

H.E. Prof. Paul M O’Byrne
Dean of the College of Health Sciences and Vice-President of McMaster University - Canada
Prof. Paul M. O’Byrne the Dean and Vice President of the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University. His research interests focus on the mechanisms and treatment of asthma. His accolades include the James H. Graham Award of Merit of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; election to the Royal Society of Canada; election to the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences; and McMaster University’s top academic award, Distinguished University Professor.

H.E. Prof. Martin Barstow
Vice Chancellor Strategic Science Projects, Director of the Leicester Institute of Space & Earth Observation, Professor of Astrophysics and Space Science at the University of Leicester - UK

H.E. Prof. Martin Barstow
Vice Chancellor Strategic Science Projects, Director of the Leicester Institute of Space & Earth Observation, Professor of Astrophysics and Space Science at the University of Leicester - UK
Martin Barstow joined the University of Leicester and the Department of Physics and Astronomy in 1979, following his undergraduate degree in physics at the University of York, to study for a PhD in X-ray Astronomy. Following his PhD he was detector scientist for the ROSAT Wide Field Camera and then won a Research Council Advanced Fellowship to exploit the data from that mission. He was appointed to a Lectureship in 1994, became Reader in 1998 and then Professor of Astrophysics and Space Science in 2003. He was head of the Physics and Astronomy department from 2005 to 2009 and Pro-Vice Chancellor and founding Head of the College of Science and Engineering from 2009 to 2016, before taking on the role of Pro-Vice Chancellor for strategic science projects and Director of the Leicester Institute of Space & Earth Observation, charged with developing Space Park Leicester. He has played a leading role in raising approximately £27M in external capital funding for the project, which opened in summer 2021. His current role is Director of Strategic Partnerships for Space Park Leicester.
Martin's research interests are the study of hot white dwarf stars and the surrounding interstellar medium. He has been involved in many space missions during his career, including NASA's Voyager probes, during their interplanetary cruises, the ESA EXOSAT mission, IUE, EUVE, Hubble and FUSE. He has had a 30+ year involvement with Hubble, initially as part of the team acquiring the first observations of white dwarfs with the telescope following up with many observing programmes in the intervening years. He was a member of the Space Telescope Users' Council during planning for the final Hubble servicing mission, which took place in May 2009. He leads the Leicester contribution to the ESA Gaia mission and has been a team member for the Large UVOIR telescope study, which will form the basis of the next NASA Flagship astronomy mission. During his scientific career, Martin has accumulated more than 500 publications, of which 236 are in refereed journals. with almost 22,000 citations. He has held more than £10M in research grants as PI and a further £14M as CoI.
In recent years, Martin has been fortunate to have had opportunities to play important roles in UK scientific funding and advisory structures, as a member of the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (2009-2015) and the Physics REF panel (2014 & 2021). He has also been a member of the ESA Astronomy Working Group (2012-2014) and Space Programme Advisory Committee of the United Kingdom Space Agency (2012-2015, Chair 2019-). In 2005, he was elected to the Council of the Royal Astronomical Society, becoming Astronomy Secretary in 2008 and President for two years from May 2014 to May 2016. Martin was closely involved in the development of the National Space Centre in Leicester and continues to support its educational programme. He has been chair of the Space Telescope Science Institute Council since 2016 and is a member of the board of the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA).

H.E. Prof. Kamal Youcef-Toumi
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director – Center for Complex Engineering Systems at KACST and MIT

H.E. Prof. Kamal Youcef-Toumi
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director – Center for Complex Engineering Systems at KACST and MIT
Kamal Youcef-Toumi earned his advanced degrees (M.S. 1981 and Sc.D. 1985) in Mechanical Engineering from MIT. His undergraduate degree (B.S. in Mechanical Engineering awarded in 1979) is from the University of Cincinnati. He joined the MIT Mechanical Engineering Department faculty in 1986.
He is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Director of the Center for Complex Engineering Systems at KACST and MIT.
Youcef-Toumi's research and teaching interests have focused on design, modeling, simulation, instrumentation, and automatic control systems. The applications have included manufacturing, robotics, automation, metrology and nano/biotechnology.
Youcef-Toumi served on many scientific and technical committees in the US and around the world. He has also served as a consultant and conducted research and development for many companies and government agencies. He is interested to use these experiences to contribute to several activities including (i) curriculum (content, teaching methods, and digital learning), (ii) hands-on students' experience, (iii) innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystem, (iv) research and development with industrial focus and sponsorships, and (v) partnerships for establishing leadership in selected areas.

H.E. Prof. Oussama Khatib
Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, and Director of the Stanford Robotics Lab, Stanford University - USA
Board of Trustees Committees
Academic Committee
H.E. Dr. Obaid Ali bin Butti Al Muhairi (Chair)
H.E. Prof. Hamid M.K. Al Naimi
H.E. Dr. Muhadditha Al Hashimi
H.E. Dr. Khawla Abdulrahman Al Mulla
H.E. Prof. Jacques Frémont
H.E. Prof. Alexander Kuleshov
H.E. Prof. Mohd Hamdi Bin Abd Shukor
H.E. Prof. Tan Eng Chye
H.E. Prof. Paul M O’Byrne
H.E. Prof. Martin Barstow
H.E. Prof. Kamal Youcef-Toumi
H.E. Prof. Oussama Khatib
Finance Committee
H.E. Mohammed Abdallah (Chair)
H.E. Prof. Hamid M.K. Al Naimi
H.E. Dr. Mansour Mohamed bin Nassar
H.E. Saeed Sultan Baljaiw Al Suwaidi
Internal Audit and Compliance Committee
H.E. Dr. Mansour Mohamed bin Nassar (Chair)
H.E. Dr. Obaid Ali bin Butti Al Muhairi
H.E. Dr. Muhadditha Al Hashimi
Emiratization Committee for Academic and Administrative Positions
H.E. Dr. Muhadditha Al Hashimi (Chair)
H.E. Dr. Obaid Ali bin Butti Al Muhairi
H.E. Dr. Khawla Abdulrahman Al Mulla
H.E. Prof. Kamal Youcef-Toumi