Reviewing a paper for British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.

Based on the university's goals of developing learning methods and approaches, and due to the commitment of the History Department to improving teaching methods, Dr. Badriya Al Shamsi, one of the experts in the field of heritage, hosted an application of the strategy of inviting an expert as a method of learning, known as "Expert-based learning," in the course of “Cultural and Tourism Heritage,” On Monday, 30/9/2024, at 12:00, Ms. Ubaida Al Shahi was hosted as an expert in heritage and popular culture. The students benefited from her expertise, which enhanced the value of communication between the University of Sharjah and the local community. The students enriched their knowledge from the information provided by the guest, further enhancing the course content. At the end of the lecture, the guest was honored by Dr. Badriya Al Shamsi.

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