
Hamza Khaled Ramkani

Master's Thesis

"The study employed the inductive method to trace the obstacles, formulations, and tools of Al-Hajjawi's corrections or refinements, and the analytical method to interpret, justify, and critique Al-Hajjawi's objections when necessary. The study concluded that the purposes of jurisprudential fiqh objections for Al-Hajjawi were to correct mistakes, which varied into correcting the identification of school of thoughts (Mazhab), correcting the jurisprudential fiqh formulation, and to dispelling misconceptions arising from ambiguity, unqualified generality, and unrestricted absolution. The objections aimed to complete deficiencies, including completing the definition of Mazhab, completing the jurisprudential formulation, and completing the related issues. The forms of jurisprudential objections for Al-Hajjawi varied between denunciatory, evaluative, dialogical, and problematic forms, with evaluative forms being the most prevalent, followed by denunciatory forms. The objections were balanced between leniency and severity. The tools used included textual transmission like quotes from hadiths, texts from Imam Ahmad, books of Mazhab, and its Islamic scholars (sheikhs), as well as cognitive manners like linguistic knowledge, principles of jurisprudence, purposes of rulings and its objectives, with a predominance of quotes from books of Mazhab and its Islamic scholars (sheikhs)."


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