
Jana Bizri

Defect Passivation to Enhance Perovskite Solar Cell Performance

Perovskite solar cells(PSCs) are a newly developed type of solar cell, in which the light harvesting material has a perovskite crystal structure. The PSC uses hybrid organic-inorganic lead halide-based materials such as methyl-ammonium lead triiodide (MAPbI3). Despite its disadvantages, people are competing on enhancing the PSCs power conversion efficiency(PCE) by various methods, one of which is passivating the defects, trap states, with passivating agents and different passivating techniques. We used titanium tetraiodideTi I4, titanium tetrabromideTiBr4, tetrabutlyammonium iodide TBAI and tetrabutlyammonium bromide TBAB as passivating agents. Furthermore, we used two approaches for passivating techniques; surface and bulk passivation. It turned out that for the surface defect passivation with Ti I4 and TiBr4 as passivating agents, and at different spin coating rotation speeds of 1000rmp and 6000rpm, the higher the rotation speed the better the defect passivation, regardless of the agents. On the other hand, for the second passivation, using the bulk passivation technique with different concentrations of the agent of 20μL, 50μL, and 100μL, we concluded that defect passivation is better for higher concentrations of passivating agent.Finally, in the third series of experiments, the bulk passivation technique was used but with the passivating agents TBAI and TBAB. The result was not consistent enough to have a solid conclusion; this might be due to the agents themselves. We used the Time-Resolve Photoluminescence(TRPL) to measure the efficiency of the passivation.


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