
Hagar Abdulrahman, Omar Hamrawi, Tarek Zaki, Amal Fathi, Mariam Rawashdeh, Yazan Katroon,

Awareness and Attitudes Towards Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Students

Three research groups, including students from the College of Medicine, won the first three places (Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards) under the Best Poster by Non-trainees category at the Al Amal Hospital Research Awards Day on December 6th, 2023. The winning research poster presentations were conducted by medical students as part of the Community-Based Research (CBR) program, which is taught and coordinated by Dr. Amal Hussein, Assistant Professor at the Department of Family and Community Medicine and Behavioral Sciences at the College of Medicine.

The Gold Award was won by the research poster titled: Awareness and Attitudes Towards Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Students. This research was presented at the event by the students Hagar Abdulrahman, Omar Hamrawi, and Tarek Zaki. The research was conducted by the CBR research group, including the students Hagar Abdulrahman, Omar Hamrawi, Tarek Zaki, Amal Fathi, Mariam Rawashdeh, and Yazan Katroon, under the supervision of Dr. Hamid Al Haj and Dr. Amal Hussein.


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