Highlights On The Amendments To The French Civil Code Of 2016 And How To Benefit From Them In The Arab Countries Laws

Under the patronage of His Excellency Prof. Humaid Al Nuaimi, Chancellor of the University of Sharjah, the College of Law, in cooperation with the Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Sharjah, organized on 10/11/2023, at 12:00 PM, a symposium entitled Shedding Light on the Amendments to the French Civil Code of 2016 and How to Benefit from them in the Arab Countries Law. laws. which was delivered by faculty members, in the presence of members of the academic staff and students.

The opening session began with a speech delivered by Professor Faker Al-Gharaibeh / Director of the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences. A warm welcome was extended to everyone and to the College of Law for its efforts in presenting a variety of research topics that will benefit the humanities and social sciences research community. In conclusion, Professor Adnan Sarhan, Dean of the College of Law, gave a speech, praising the efforts of the faculty members in presenting new topics throughout the semester that contribute positively to society. It is stressed that the College of Law seeks to establish bridges of collaboration with other departments and colleges at the University of Sharjah. The symposium was organized in one session and chaired by Professor Saleh Al-Lahibi, Head of the Private Law Department, and included the following research papers:

Participants Names Title of the Paper

Prof. Adnan Sarhan

Professor of Civil Law - College of Law - University of Sharjah

“The Most Important Amendments to the Provisions for Concluding a Contract Pursuant to the Decree Amending the French Civil Code Issued on February 10, 2016, and the Law ratifying it in 2018."

Dr. Mahmoud Fayyad

Associate Professor of Civil Law - College of Law - University of Sharjah

“The Extent to which French law, in its Amendments, is Affected by the Provisions of English Law in Regulating the Penalties resulting from non-performance of the Contract."

Dr. Maamar Bintaria

Associate Professor of Public International Law - College of Law - University of Sharjah

“The Concept of Economic Coercion in light of the Reform of French Civil Codification: New and Old."

The symposium concluded with discussions by the attendees.

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