
Why Sustainable & Renewable Energy Engineering?

The Department of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering (SREE) is known for excellence in Research, Teaching, and Community Service. The faculty and students are habitually winning awards and accolades their outstanding achievements on national, regional, and worldwide scale. The SREE Department is one of the active departments in the engineering college, with over 600 undergraduate students and more than 60 graduate students. A PhD program has been submitted for accreditation and is expected to attract candidates from the world over. The department is dedicated to enabling students for their future be it in graduate school or as part of the industry in the UAE and abroad. The faculty members are highly trained professionals with a range of backgrounds in research, industry, teaching and even backgrounds.

The curriculum is continually morphing and developing to stay up to par with an ever-changing world. This provides excellent education where graduates gain theoretical understanding and hands-on training required to design, develop, implement, and improve integrated sustainable energy systems. Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering program are prepared for a variety of demanding jobs in design, testing, production, and managing sustainable energy systems. Graduates are prepared to make valuable contributions to the rapidly evolving field of sustainable and renewable energy in a variety of jobs, including energy auditors, system integrators, industrial engineers, designers, inspectors, planners, and more.