
Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy

Degree Structure


Health Sciences





Study System


Total Credit Hours

138 Cr. Hrs.


4 Years


Fall and Spring



Study Mode

Full Time

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Degree Overview

Physiotherapy is a health care profession in the field of rehabilitation that promotes optimal health in individuals of all ages. Physiotherapists are qualified to provide preventive and therapeutic services which aim at restoring function and preventing disability arising from disease, trauma or injury. The University of Sharjah offers a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Science in physiotherapy (BSc.PT).

The program is designed to meet the goals of the Department of Physiotherapy. A student undertaking this program.

  • Should complete a total of 138 credit hours distributed as follows

BSc. in Physiotherapy
UR CR PR Total
Mandatory Credits 15 24 90 129
Elective Credits 9 - - 9
Total 24 24 90 138

Study Plan


Physiotherapy study plan


What You Will Learn

Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession in the field of rehabilitation that promotes optimal health in individuals of all ages. Physiotherapists are qualified to provide preventive and therapeutic services that aim at restoring function and preventing disability arising from disease, trauma, or injury. Graduates work in a variety of healthcare settings such as hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers, sports and fitness centers, and communities. Graduates have the opportunity to work in the UAE or abroad, to pursue graduate studies, and to become involved in research activities.

University Requirements

College Requirements

Degree Requirements

Course # Title CrHrs Prerequisites
0502265 Introduction to Radiology 2 -
0503253 Pathophysiology 3 0500160
0503262 Clinical Pharmacology 3 0503253
0505250 Therapeutic Modalities 3 1430107; Co: 0505254
0505251 Biomechanics and kinesiology (1) 2 0500160; Co: 0505254
0505252 Histology 1 0500150; Co: 0503253
0505253 Therapeutic Exercise 3 0500160; Co: 0505254
0505254 Anatomy (1) 4 0500160
0505260 Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Conditions 4 0503253; Co: 0505261 and 0505264
0505261 Clinical Practice for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Conditions 2 Co: 0505260, 0505262
0505262 Assessment in Physiotherapy 2 0505254; Co: 0505265
0505263 Biomechanics and kinesiology (2) 3 0505251; Co: 0505265
0505264 Exercise Physiology 2 0503253; Co: 0505260
0505265 Anatomy (2) 4 0505254
0505350 Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions (1) 4 0505265; Co: 0505352, 0505351
0505351 Physiotherapy for Medical and Surgical Conditions 2 0505260; Co: 0505352, 0505350
0505352 Clinical Practice for Musculoskeletal (1) and Medical /Surgical Conditions 5 Co: 0505350 and 0505351
0505353 Neurosciences 2 0505265
0505354 Orthotics and Prosthetics 2 0505265
0505360 Physiotherapy for Neurological Conditions 4 0505353; Co: 0505362
0505361 Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions (2) 4 0505350; Co: 0505362
0505362 Clinical Practice for Neurological and Musculoskeletal (2) Conditions 5 Co: 0505360
0505450 Physiotherapy for Pediatrics 4 0505353; Co: 0505452
0505451 Physiotherapy for Obstetrics and Gynecology 2 0505351; Co: 0505452
0505452 Clinical Practice for Pediatrics / Obstetrics and Gynecology 4 Co: 0505450 and 0505451
  0505460   Physiotherapy for Geriatrics   2 0505360; 0505361; Co: 0505461
0505461 Integrated Physiotherapy Clinical Practice 6 0505452; Co: 0505460 and 0505462
0505462 Selected Topics in Physiotherapy 3 Co: 0505461
0505463 Research Project 3 0500450

Course Description

0505250 Therapeutic Modalities (2-3-0:3)
Prerequisite: 1430107 General Physics for Health Sciences; -
Co-requisite: 0505254 Anatomy (1) -
This course is designed to introduce the students to the scientific and clinical principles involved in the use of physical agents (modalities) in client assessment and treatment. The course focuses on thermal, light, sound, electrophysiological, and mechanical agents used by physical therapists to treat clients, and explores the physics, physiology, and clinical aspects of commonly used modalities. The lab component includes practice and working knowledge in the use of therapeutic modalities to ensure the students acquire the skills to be able to safely apply them to clients during their clinical placement.
0505251 Biomechanics and Kinesiology (1) (2-0-0:2)
Prerequisite: 0500160 Human Anatomy and Physiology -
Co-requisite: 0505254 Anatomy (1) -
This course includes principles of biomechanics and kinesiology as they relate to human motions. Analysis of structure and function of bones, joints, and muscles, and their individual and combined contribution to human movement in general and analysis of the upper limb movements in particular will be presented in this course.
0505252 Histology (1-0-0:1)
Prerequisite: 0500150 Biology -
CoCo-requisite: 0503253 Pathophysiology -
This course examines the structure and function of the human body based on microscopic examination of the tissues. Special emphasis is placed on organ systems most directly impacted by the practice of physiotherapy. The course will cover basic tissues of the body; cell, epithelium, connective tissue, cartilage, bone, muscular tissue, nervous tissue, blood and immune system, circulatory system, lymphoid tissue, skin and its appendages.
0505253 Therapeutic Exercise (2-3-0:3)
Prerequisite: 0500160 Human Anatomy and Physiology -
Co-requisite: 0505254 Anatomy (1) -
Students will acquire knowledge of concepts and practice related to therapeutic exercise and interventions, including passive, active and resistive range of motion, strengthening programs, stretching exercises, mobilization techniques for the extremity joints, relaxation exercises and gait training. Students will also learn the proper and safe movement of patients between surfaces, including body mechanics, bed mobility, and transfer training. Students will develop and write home programs, design exercise programs for therapeutic purposes, and critically analyze interventions. It also includes a lab component in which the student will practice skills related to the therapeutic exercise.
0505260 Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Conditions (3-3-0:4)
Prerequisite: 0503253 Pathophysiology -
Co-requisite: 0505261 Clinical Practice for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Conditions 0505264 - Exercise Physiology
Lecture/laboratory course designed to introduce students to the care of clients with cardiovascular/respiratory disorders. Students acquire knowledge on the roles and functions of physiotherapists as related to cardio-respiratory conditions. Topics include clinical exercise testing, exercise prescriptions, and clinical practice guidelines for management of clients who require long-term cardiovascular/respiratory care.
0505261 Clinical Practice for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Conditions (0-0-6:2)
Co-requisite: 0505260 Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiovascular -
Conditions; Assessment in Physiotherapy - 0505262 -
Students practice in selected clinical facilities to integrate knowledge, skills and professional behaviors into clinical practice with clients of all ages with cardiovascular and/or respiratory conditions, or general fitness-related health issues.
0505262 Assessment in Physiotherapy (1-3-0:2)
Prerequisite: 0505254 Anatomy (1) -
Co-requisite: 0505265 Anatomy (2) -
This course will introduce the students to basic assessment in physiotherapy as related to various body systems,including the use of special equipment (including ROM evaluation, Manual Muscle Testing, etc.)
0505263 Biomechanics and Kinesiology (2) (3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: 0505251 Biomechanics and Kinesiology (1) -
Co-requisite: 0505265 Anatomy (2) -
This course includes analysis of the spine and lower limb movements in the context of biomechanics, kinesiology and ergonomics. Human posture and gait will be also discussed.
0505264 Exercise Physiology (1-3-0:2)
Prerequisite: 0503253 Pathophysiology -
Co-requisite: 0505260 Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Disorders -
Lecture/laboratory course provides students with an in-depth understanding of the physiological responses that occur during exercise. Particular attention will be given to the acute and chronic responses of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and metabolic systems during exercise, their integration and regulation.
0505350 Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions (1) (3-3-0:4)
Prerequisite: 0505265 Anatomy (2) -
Co-requisite: 0505352 Clinical Practice for Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions (1) 0505351 - Physiotherapy for Medical and Surgical Conditions
This course is the first of 2 musculoskeletal courses, and it aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of musculoskeletal dysfunction. At this point students will be introduced to the causes, pathologies and clinical features associated with acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions of the upper and lower limbs. Using this knowledge, communication skills and clinical reasoning skills, students will be expected to start to develop clinical assessment proficiency and an ability to manage patients/clients with musculoskeletal dysfunction of the upper and lower limbs.
0505351 Physiotherapy for Medical and Surgical Conditions (1-3-0:2)
Prerequisite: 0505260 Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Disorders -
Co-requisite: 0505352 Clinical Practice for Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions (1) 0505350 - Physiotherapy for Medical and Surgical Conditions
Lecture/laboratory course provides an overview of common medical disorders with an emphasis on conditions encountered in physiotherapy. Student understanding of altered structural and physiological adaptation processes and how they apply to physiotherapy assessment and treatment, with special attention to physiotherapy approaches for clients in ICU and following surgeries. Topics include: role in common metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity etc.), post-operative physiotherapy and management for burn clients.
0505352 Clinical Practice for Musculoskeletal Conditions (1) and for Medical and Surgical Conditions (0-0-15:5)
Co-requisites: 0505350 Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal -
Conditions (1); 0505351 Physiotherapy for Medical and Surgical Conditions -
Students practice in selected clinical facilities to integrate knowledge, skills and professional behaviors into clinical practice with clients of all ages with acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions of the upper and lower limbs, common medical and surgical conditions encountered in physiotherapy.
0505353 Neuroscience (2-0-0:2)
Prerequisite: 0505265 Anatomy (2) -
This course covers concepts in cell and molecular neurosciences, principles of systems neurosciences, and fundamentals of the development of the nervous system. It also gives students a broad appreciation of the various subdivisions, nuclear groups, and axon tracts in the human brain and spinal cord. Functional aspects of neurosciences are explored through examples of common neurological clinical problems in order to provide a solid foundation for planning therapeutic interventions. Students will be introduced to electrodiagnostic techniques.
0505354 Orthotics and Prosthetics (1-3-0:2)
Prerequisite: 0505265 Anatomy (2) -
This course provides an analysis of contemporary upper and lower-limb orthotic and prosthetic components and trunk orthoses, including the biomechanical principles upon which the designs are based. Topics include the static and dynamic evaluation of clients fitted with orthoses and prostheses. Recent trends in early prosthetic management of clients with amputation will be included. The role of the physiotherapist as part of the rehabilitation team in selecting orthotic and prosthetic devices will be examined briefly. The laboratory will include practical tutorials on splinting, casting and fitting.
0505360 Physiotherapy for Neurological Conditions (3-3-0:4)
Prerequisite: 0505353 Neuroscience -
Co-requisite: 0505362 Clinical Practice for Neurological and Musculoskeletal Conditions (2) -
Students acquire knowledge on the roles and functions of physiotherapists as related to patients/clients with neurological conditions. This course and its lab focuses on physiotherapy, assessment, diagnosis, and functional intervention for clients with central and peripheral neurological conditions with consideration for acute to rehabilitation management including palliative care. Students also acquire competencies in task analysis of activities of daily living (ADL) and in the application of relevant therapeutic modalities.
0505361 Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions (2) (3-3-0:4)
Prerequisite: 0505350 Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions (1) -
Co-requisite: 0505362 Clinical Practice for Neurological and Musculoskeletal (2) Conditions -
Students will build on their previous musculoskeletal knowledge to include more complex and chronic pathologies as well as vertebral disorders and sports injuries. Students should have the opportunity to perform independent assessments and demonstrate the ability to plan treatment.
0505362 Clinical Practice for Neurological and Musculoskeletal (2) Conditions (0-0-15:5)
Prerequisite: None - -
Co-requisites: 0505360 Physiotherapy for Neurological -
Conditions; 0505361 Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions (2) -
Students practice in selected clinical facilities to integrate knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors into real-life clinical situations under supervision for clients with central and peripheral neurological conditions and complex musculoskeletal conditions (vertebral disorders and sports injuries).
0505450 Physiotherapy for Pediatrics (3-3-0:4)
Prerequisite: 0505353 Neurosciences -
Co-requisite: 0505452 Clinical Practice for Pediatrics/Obstetrics and Gynecology -
Students acquire knowledge on the roles and functions of physiotherapists as related to pediatric patient/client, from the neonate through the school-aged child till adolescence. Congenital, orthopedic, respiratory, and neuromuscular disorders, as well as oncology and burns to be discussed. Special evaluation and treatment techniques will also be included. Practical tutorials and guidance will be given.
0505451 Physiotherapy for Obstetrics and Gynecology (3-3-0:4)
Prerequisite: 0505352 Physiotherapy for Medical and Surgical Conditions -
Co-requisite: 0505452 Clinical Practice for Pediatrics/Obstetrics and Gynecology -
Students acquire knowledge on physiotherapy evaluation and treatment of the common gynecological and obstetric conditions. Care of pregnant women will be stressed. Practical tutorials and guidance will be given.
0505452 Clinical Practice for Pediatrics/Obstetrics and Gynecology (0-0-12:4)
Prerequisite: None - -
Co-requisite: 0505451 Physiotherapy for Obstetrics and Gynecology; 0505450 - Physiotherapy for Pediatrics -
Students practice in selected clinical facilities to integrate knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors into clinical practice with clients from the neonate through the school-aged child till adolescence. Physiotherapy evaluation and treatment methods are performed on clients with common pediatric disorders and injuries. Also, students practice physiotherapy evaluation and treatment methods of common gynecological conditions, normal and abnormal pregnancy and labor, common obstetric injuries and pre and postnatal care.
0505460 Physiotherapy for Geriatrics (1-3-0:2)
Prerequisite: 0505360 Physiotherapy for Neurological -
Conditions; 0505361 Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions (2) -
Co-requisite: 0505461 Integrated Physiotherapy Clinical Practice -
Students will gain knowledge and skill in applying assessment and treatment principles related to representative conditions common in older adults. Changes in various body systems and psychosocial factors with aging will be included in addition to the theories of aging.
0505461 Integrated Physiotherapy Clinical Practice (0-0-18:6)
Prerequisite: 0505452 Clinical Practice for Pediatrics/Obstetrics and Gynecology -
Co-requisite: Physiotherapy for Geriatrics 0505462 - Selected Topics in Physiotherapy
Students practice in selected clinical facilities to integrate knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors into real-life clinical situations under supervision and deal with clients with a variety of disorders utilizing all the knowledge gained throughout the program.
0505462 Selected Topics in Physiotherapy (3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: None - -
Co-requisite: 0505461 Integrated Physiotherapy Clinical Practice -
The course will cover selected topics of interest within physiotherapy like current trends in physiotherapy, introduction of other allied and alternative therapies, professional and psychosocial issues, physiotherapy administration and management, and critical evaluation of physiotherapy literature using an evidence-based approach.
0505463 Research Project (3-0-0:3)
Prerequisite: 0500450 Introduction to Research -
This course encourages a systematic understanding of the published literature in a defined subject area of the student's choice within the field of or relevant to physiotherapy. Having critically reviewed the literature, the student formulates a research question and produces an appropriate and feasible research proposal. Finally, the student will implement that information in performing and reporting a small research. At the end of the course, the students will perform a research poster presentation.

Career Path

Physiotherapists work across various settings, such as outpatient clinics, hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, extended care facilities, education and research centers, schools, hospices, industrial workplaces, and fitness or sports training centers. Additionally, students are equipped to pursue advanced studies towards a master's or PhD degree. Physiotherapists may also transition into non-patient care roles, including positions in health policy, health insurance, healthcare administration, or as healthcare executives or professors.

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