
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Degree Structure







Study System


Total Credit Hours

123 Cr. Hrs.


4 Years


Fall and Spring



Study Mode

Full Time

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Degree Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Chemistry is a full-time, four to six-year Bachelor Program. The BSc program in chemistry is accredited by the Commission for Academic Accreditation, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, United Arab Emirates, in 2018, and the ASAC from ABET in 2023. The BSc Chemistry program is designed in accordance with the mission and vision of the Chemistry Department, College of Sciences, and University of Sharjah to meet the needs of the students, the chemistry community, and society. Quality and excellence in both the curriculum and the instructional pedagogy are ensured. Students undertaking this program should complete a total of 123 credit hours. The program gives the participants extensive knowledge and skills in chemistry. The BSc in Chemistry program covers essential science disciplines, including general, analytical, organic, inorganic, physical, and biochemistry. Theoretical, pedagogical, and scientific learning outcomes are assessed throughout the program.

Study Plan


Study Plan


What You Will Learn

Upon the successful completion of the BS program in Chemistry, graduates will be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of mathematics and core sciences in Chemistry.
  • Analyze and interpret data in Chemistry areas.
  • Solve technical as well as scientific problems in Chemistry.
  • Use of modern laboratory equipment and techniques to conduct experiments related to Chemistry.
  • Formulate a scientific process in Chemistry to meet the desired needs.
  • Determine professional and ethical responsibility related to Chemistry.
  • Analyze the impact of Chemical solutions in a global and societal context.
  • Work individually and in a team to develop effective workplace relationships.
  • Communicate effectively verbally and in writing.

University Requirements

  • A student must have completed her/his secondary education and have had at least 12 years of schooling before the date of application.
  • The applicant should have graduated from a school licensed and recognized by the Ministry of Education in the UAE and must submit a certified copy of the secondary school certificates or its equivalent, with a grade script certified by the school and the Ministry of Education or the Education Zone in the UAE.
  • An overall average of 70% or greater in courses from a recognized secondary school.
  • TOEFL score of at least 500 or (IELTS) 5.0 or more in each part.
  • An applicant who attended school outside the UAE should be a school graduate recognized by the official education authority in the country of study.
  • The Education Authority must authenticate certificates submitted in the country of study, such as the Ministry of Education, Boards of Education, or the British Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the country, then the relevant Embassy of the United Arab Emirates or the Embassy of the Country in the UAE, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates.

College Requirements

Degree Requirements

Course Description

1420101 General Chemistry I 3-0-3
This course covers the Chemical Foundations, Atoms, Molecules and Ions, Stoichiometry, Types of Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry, Gases, Thermochemistry, Atomic Structure, Periodicity, Bonding, Liquids and Solids, and Properties of Solutions.
1420102 General Chemistry I Lab 0-3-1
Prerequisite: Pre/Co 1420101.
This course covers experiments on qualitative and quantitative aspects of general chemistry I.
1420103 General Chemistry II 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420101 and 1420102.
This course focuses on Rates of reactions, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, Redox Reactions, and Electrochemistry.
1420104 General Chemistry II Lab 0-3-1
Prerequisite: Pre/Co 1420103.
This laboratory course covers experiments on quantitative and qualitative aspects of general chemistry II.
1420211 Organic Chemistry I 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420103
This course covers structure and bonding, Polar covalent bonds, acids and bases, alkanes and their stereochemistry, and cycloalkanes and their stereochemistry. It gives an overview of organic reactions, Alkenes, structure, and reactivity, alkenes: reactions and synthesis, an introduction to the organic synthesis of alkynes, and covers stereochemistry at the tetrahedral center.
1420212 Organic Chemistry I Lab 0-3-1
Prerequisite: Pre/Co 1420211.
This laboratory course is designed to cover various topics in practical methods of separation, purification, extraction, and synthesis of organic compounds and their identification.
1420217 Organic Chemistry II 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420211.
This course covers the aromaticity and chemistry of benzene, alcohols and phenols, ether and epoxides, carbonyl chemistry, aldehyde, ketone, and carboxylic acids and their derivatives, and forward and backward synthesis of functional groups in simple and complex organic compounds. Structure determination using NMR Spectroscopy is covered as well.
1420218 Organic Chemistry II Lab 0-3-1
Prerequisite: Pre/Co 1420217.
This course covers various syntheses of organic compounds and basic spectroscopic techniques (IR and NMR).
1420221 Analytical Chemistry 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420103.
The course covers the treatment of errors, gravimetric and volumetric techniques, acid/base, precipitation, complex formation, redox titrations, extraction, and electrochemistry.
1420222 Analytical Chemistry Lab 0-3-1
Prerequisite: Pre/co: 1420221.
The lab course covers experiments and data analysis, including treatments of errors, pH- measurements, gravimetric and potentiometric titration, complexometric formation, and precipitation titration.
1420241 Physical Chemistry I 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420103.
This course covers basic gas laws and equations of state; laws of thermodynamics, entropy, and free energy; chemical equilibrium; phases and phase equilibrium.
1420242 Physical Chemistry I Lab 0-3-1
Prerequisite: Pre/Co 1420241.
This lab course covers techniques of physical measurement, error analysis, and statistics with experiments on gas laws, calorimetry, equilibrium, and phase diagrams.
1420311 Identification of organic compounds 1-3-2
Prerequisite: 1420217
This course introduces the spectroscopic methods of determining structural characterization and identification of organic compounds, mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, and proton and carbon nuclear magnetic resonance.
1420322 Instrumental Analysis 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420221.
This course covers the theory and practice of modern instrumental analysis methods, including UV-VIS and infrared absorption spectrophotometry, emission spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, electrochemical methods, and chromatography.
1420323 Instrumental Analysis Lab 0-3-1
Prerequisite: Pre/Co 1420322.
The course covers the experimental use UV-Vis, Fluorometer, Atomic absorption, ICP-OES, Flame photometer, HPLC, GC and Electrochemical instrumentation. It deals with specific sample preparations and chemical analyses of a variety of substances and mixtures using instrumental methods.
1420331 Inorganic Chemistry I 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420103.
The course covers atomic structure, molecular structure and shape, symmetry and group theory, structure of solids, acids and bases, nomenclature of inorganic compounds, introduction to organometallic compounds of the main group elements, d-metal complexes, and electronic spectra.
1420332 Inorganic Chemistry II 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420331.
The course will cover Classical complexes; complexes of pi-accepter (pi-acid) ligands; organometallic compounds of transition metals; organometallic compounds in homogeneous catalytic reactions; bio-inorganic chemistry of iron, cobalt, and some other metals; hydrogen bonding; and the noble gases.
1420333 Inorganic Chemistry Lab 0-3-1
Pre/Co-requisite: 1420332.
This laboratory course is designed to teach practical experiments based on synthesis and physical measurements of coordination and organometallic compounds.
1420341 Physical Chemistry II 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420241.
The course covers Reaction kinetics, surface chemistry, transport phenomena, kinetic theory of gases, Electromagnetic radiation, old quantum theory, Schrodinger's wave quantum, and quantum mechanics of simple systems.
1420342 Physical Chemistry II Lab 0-3-1
Pre/Co-requisite: 1420341.
This laboratory course covers various practical physical chemistry techniques in which experiments involve transport properties of solutions, kinetics of reactions, measurements of surface properties, and transport properties of gases and liquids.
1420361 Biochemistry 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420217.
This course covers the chemical properties of biomolecular constituents of living cells, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids and their biochemical reactions. The emphasis is on the intermediary metabolism and biologically important reactions of carbohydrates and lipids.
1420391 Chemical Literature and Seminar 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 3rd year standing.
This course covers traditional and automated methods for searching chemical information, emphasizing online computer searching. Students will participate in giving and attending seminars of general chemical interest. Topics cover a review of current literature and professional ethics in chemistry.
1420410 Organic Chemistry III 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420217.
The course covers synthetic organic chemistry, including halogenation, alkylation of active methylene compounds, carbonyl condensation and related reactions, amines, and heterocyclic compounds, chemical view of biomolecules like carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides, nucleic acid, and Lipids.
1420412 Chemistry of Natural Products3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420332
This course covers the biosynthesis of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, steroids, terpenes, alkaloids, prostaglandins, polysaccharides, natural products from carbohydrates, aliphatic compounds, prostaglandins, antibiotics, aromatic compounds; terpenes, steroids, alkaloids, the penicillins, and coenzyme A, amino acids, peptides, proteins.
1420420 Electrochemistry 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420322.
This course covers advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical techniques such as voltammetry and rotating disc electrodes.
1420423 Separation Methods in Chemical Analysis3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420322.
This course covers the modern analytical techniques for separation, including the fundamental theories for the separation of mixtures, analytical gas chromatography (GC), and liquid chromatography. The coupling of these techniques with other analytical techniques, such as MS, will also be covered. The course covers the driving force of each technique, instrumentation, factors influencing the quality of separation, and interpretation of results.
1420429 Forensic Chemistry 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420323.
The course covers methods of analysis for forensic materials from the fundamental and chemical point of view. Topics include an introduction to forensic chemistry, chemistry, and the law, instrumentation for forensic analysis, and drugs in the body. It also covers combustion, arson, explosives, paint, firearms and gunshot residue, forensic toxicology, colors and colorants, inks, paints, papers, fibers, and plastics.
1420433 Homogeneous Catalysis 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420332.
This course covers the topics of transition metal chemistry, isomerization, hydrogenation, addition reactions of olefins and dienes, reactions of carbon monoxide, oxidation of olefins and dienes, arene reactions, acetylene reaction, olefin metathesis, alkene reaction, oxidation of hydrocarbons by oxygen, environmental catalysis, green chemistry, and recent trends in homogeneous catalysis.
1420440 Computer Applications in Chemistry 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420342.
This course covers how to implement the computer-aided approach to explain the theory and applications of computational chemistry. It includes molecular modelling and visualization basics, molecular dynamics and mechanics, density functional theory, ab initio molecular orbital theory, semi-empirical methods, and an introduction to chemo/bioinformatics tools.
1420441 Photochemistry 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420341.
The course introduces the concepts of light and matter and the resulting electronically excited states, processes involving physical deactivation of the electronically excited states, an overview of the chemical properties of excited states, including their reaction pathways and the differences between photochemical reactions and the so-called 'thermal' reactions, photochemical reactions of alkenes and carbonyl compounds.
1420442 Quantum Chemistry 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420341.
The course covers classical mechanics versus quantum mechanics, postulates of quantum mechanics, the Schrodinger equation, particle in a box, harmonic oscillation, rotation, atomic wave functions, Russell-Saunders coupling and perturbation theory, vibration rotation spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and electronic spectra.
1420451 Polymer Chemistry 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420217.
This course covers the introduction to polymer science, polymerization reactions, mechanism and kinetic studies, physical and analytical characterization of polymers, polymer properties and synthesis, copolymerization reactions, additives in polymer industries, and basic concepts of polymer technology.
1420452 Industrial Training 0-8-3
Prerequisite: Junior Standing (65 C.H.).
This course consists of 6-8 weeks, "180 training hours" during the summer of the junior year training in an appropriate chemical industry or firm. The students will be evaluated based on their performance at the training site. They must submit a report and present a seminar about their experience and findings before receiving a grade for the course.
1420453 Petrochemistry 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420218.
The course covers primary raw materials for petrochemicals, hydrocarbon intermediates, crude oil processing and production of hydrocarbon intermediates, nonhydrocarbon intermediates, chemicals based on methane, ethane and higher paraffins-based chemicals, chemicals based on ethylene, chemicals based on propylene, C4 olefins and diolefins-based chemicals, chemicals based on benzene, toluenes, and xylenes, polymerization, and synthetic petroleum-based polymers.
1420454 Environmental Chemistry 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420322.
This course explains the relationship between chemistry and the environment from the chemical viewpoint, considering the chemistry of the atmosphere, air and air pollution, natural waters, analysis, wastewater purification, aspects of energy sources and their environmental consequences, the environmental impact of organic and inorganic pollutants, and introduction to methods of dangerous waste disposal.
1420455 Heterocyclic Chemistry 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420217.
The course introduces the effects of introducing a heteroatom in a cyclic system, both on chemical and physical properties. The students will be familiar with the broad field of heterocyclic organic chemistry by reviewing the major classes of heterocyclic compounds in terms of nomenclature, structure, properties, preparations, and reactions.
1420460 Biochemistry of Plants 3-0-3
Prerequisite: 1420361
This course provides students with advanced knowledge about biochemical processes in plants, including photosynthesis (light reaction and dark reaction), monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides biosynthesis and storage, nitrogen fixation and sulfur metabolism, lipid synthesis, and storage, biosynthesis of flavonoids, antimicrobial peptides, peptide hormones, vitamins, and fibers.
1420490 Chemistry Senior Project 1-6-3
Prerequisites: Senior standing.
This course introduces students to research under the direction of a faculty member and trains them on different chemistry techniques and research principles. A written report and formal presentation of the research results must be presented.

Career Path

Chemistry graduates have a broad array of career opportunities, spanning industries such as petroleum and petrochemicals, environmental and waste management, fine and heavy chemical industries, quality and safety control, forensic laboratories, medicinal and clinical laboratories, desalination and power plants, as well as research, teaching, and consultation roles.

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