Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Degree Structure




Electrical Engineering


Graduate Phd

Study System

Courses and Theses

Total Credit Hours

45 Cr. Hrs.




Fall and Spring



Study Mode

Full Time

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Degree Overview

The Electrical Engineering Department (EE) at the College of Engineering and Computer Engineering Department (CPE) at the college of computing and informatics offers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The Ph.D. program's main goal is to provide advanced knowledge in Electrical and Computer Engineering topics with in-depth research experience. The program delivers a comprehensive list of courses based on the fundamentals of applied sciences, research, and optimization methodologies focused on cutting-edge subjects in electrical and computer engineering.

Candidates admitted to the Ph.D. program should hold a master degree in Electrical, Computer Engineering, or closely related field. The program requirements for the candidates to be awarded the Ph.D. degree are to successfully finish the course work along with the completion of a research based dissertation.

The program develops the Ph.D. candidates' proficiency in understanding fundamental and advanced issues in electrical and computer engineering, communicating their knowledge with excellent oral and written skills, and taking the lead in research and development in their field of expertise. The candidates should demonstrate their ability to engage independently in state-of-the-art research and provide original and significant contribution in their area of specialization

Study Plan


Study Plan for Students Joined in 2023-24


What You Will Learn

The Ph.D. program will provide its students with advanced knowledge in Electrical and Computer Engineering topics with in-depth research experience. The program delivers a comprehensive list of courses based on the fundamentals of applied sciences, research, and optimization methodologies focused on cutting-edge subjects in electrical and computer engineering.

University Requirements

College Requirements

Degree Requirements

The total course credit is 24 (9 compulsory + 15 electives) for course work and 21 for dissertation work.

Category Compulsory Elective Total
Core Courses 9 - 9
Elective Courses - 15 15
Qualification Exam PASS/FAIL - -
Doctoral Research Proposal 3 - 3
Dissertation 18 - 18
Total 30 15 45

Course List:

Compulsory Courses
N Course Code Course Name Cr. Hrs. اسم المساق Prerequisites
1. 0402700 Advanced Statistics 3 - Grad. Standing
2. 0402701 Advanced Numerical Analysis 3 - Grad. Standing
3. 1502702 Advanced Modeling and Simulation 3 - Grad. Standing
4. 0402797 Ph.D. Qualifying Examination 0 - Grad. Standing
5. 0402798 Doctoral Research Proposal 3 - Grad. Standing
6. 0402799 Ph.D. Dissertation 18 - -

Elective Courses

N Course Code Course Name Cr. Hrs. اسم المساق Prerequisites
1. 0402710 Advanced Topics in Control and Automation 3 - Grad. Standing
2. 0402711 Advanced Topics in Non-linear Control 3 - Grad. Standing
3. 0402712 Advanced Topics in Power Systems 3 - Grad. Standing
4. 0402713 Advanced Topics in Electric Machines 3 - Grad. Standing
5. 0402714 Advanced Power Electronics Applications 3 - Grad. Standing
6. 0402715 Advanced Topics in Autonomous Robotics 3 - Grad. Standing
7. 0402720 Special Topics in Communication 3 - Grad. Standing
8. 0402721 Information Theory and Coding 3 - Grad. Standing
9. 0402722 Radiation and Propagation of EM Wave 3 - Grad. Standing
10. 0402730 Advanced Signal Processing 3 - Grad. Standing
11. 0402740 Advanced Analog Electronics 3 - Grad. Standing
12. 0402741 Advanced Digital Electronics 3 - Grad. Standing
13. 0403750 Cyber Security and Privacy 3 - Grad. Standing
14. 0403751 Artificial Intelligence 3 - Grad. Standing
15. 0403752 Special Topics in Software Applications 3 - Grad. Standing
16. 0403760 Advanced Multicore Architectures 3 - Grad. Standing
17. 0403761 Advanced Topics in Embedded Systems 3 - Grad. Standing
18 0403770 Special Topics in Communication Networks 3 - Grad. Standing
19. 0403771 Communication Networks Design and Performance 3 - Grad. Standing
20. 0402780 Contemporary Topics in Electrical Engineering 3 - Grad. Standing
21. 0403781 Contemporary Topics in Computer Engineering 3 - Grad. Standing

Note that the student is allowed to take up to 6 credit hours of electives from the 500 and/or 600 level elective courses.

Course Description

General Courses


Advanced Statistics


Topics include hypothesis testing, statistical inference, single and multiple linear regression, logistic regression, parametric and non-parametric statistical tests.


Advanced Numerical Analysis


Initial-value problems for ordinary differential equations. Approximation theory. Numerical solutions of nonlinear systems of equations. Boundary-value problem solution for ordinary differential equations. Numerical solutions to partial differential equations. Engineering applications.


Advanced Modeling and Simulation


This course provides an in-depth exploration of advanced concepts and techniques in simulation and modeling. Topics include foundational principles, such as the classification of systems, physical and mathematical modeling, and the complete modeling and simulation process. Students will delve into discrete event simulation, continuous system modeling, statistical models, and Monte Carlo methods, gaining hands-on experience with pseudo-random number generation and random variate generation. Advanced subjects like modeling complex adaptive systems, queueing systems with Markov processes, and optimization via simulation are also covered.

Elective Course


Advanced Topics in Control and Automation


This course covers the tools and methods for modeling and control systems. The focus will be on system modeling via Lagrange methods, state-space representation, controllability, and observability, controller design using state feedback, pole placement, stability existence, and characterization using the direct Lyapunov method, controller design using the direct Lyapunov method, and basic facts on stochastic systems.


Advanced Topics in Non-linear Control


This course covers the tools and methods for nonlinear control systems. The focus will be on advanced analysis of uncertain nonlinear systems, stabilization of nonlinear systems. Design methodologies for complex interconnected nonlinear systems. Adaptive back-stepping and control-Lyapunov function techniques. Applications of nonlinear and adaptive control design to aerospace and robotic systems.


Advanced Topics in Power Systems


The major focus of this course is to train graduate students for developing research projects related to power system operation, control, and dynamics through lecturing or group projects. Students will study and analyze power system dynamics for active and reactive power flow, frequency and voltage control, voltage and angle stability, power system oscillations. Students will study the transmission system and distribution system control using different controllers including different versions of controllers starting from passive controllers to nonlinear controllers. Students also will learn about advanced power system applications such as distributed generation systems, microgrids, and smart grids. Students are required to use Simulink or other tools for simulation aspects for the projects.


Advanced Topics in Electric Machines


Advanced dynamic modeling and parameters identification of electric machines. New application areas of electric machines, modeling of dynamic loads. Advanced control strategies of electric drive systems, Digital implementation issues of drive systems. Model parameters and uncertainty issues.


Advanced Power Electronics Applications


The major focus of this course is to train graduate students in developing research ability related to the operations of advanced power electronics converters and their modeling, advanced modulations, and control dynamics through lecturing or group projects. The performance of the advanced controllers on the power converter will be discussed for different applications. The necessary concepts are widely reviewed, and a complete model in the Matlab-Simulink environment is developed for obtaining simulation results.


Advanced Topics in Autonomous Robotics


This course covers the tools and methods for kinematics and dynamics and analysis and control for robots. The focus will be on open-chain articulated manipulators, but other types of mechanisms will also be covered, including closed chain manipulators such as multi-fingered hands and parallel robots and nonholonomic systems such as wheeled robots. The emphasis of the course will be on developing a systematic, analytical understanding of the basic principles in the analysis and control of robotic systems.


Special Topics in Communications


Advanced and emerging topics are selected from the area of communications. Contents of the course will be provided one semester before it is offered.


Information Theory and Coding


Entropy and Information, Information Channels, Source Coding, Data compression Algorithm, Channel Coding, Error-Correcting Codes, Block and Cyclic codes, BCH, Reed-Solomon, Golay, and Fire codes. The algebraic decoding algorithms. Convolutional codes, encoding, and decoding algorithms are given—principles of interleaving and concatenation, The principles of Turbo Codes.


Radiation and Propagation of EM Waves


EM radiation principles, polarization, antenna characteristics, dipole, horn and microstrip antennas, antenna arrays, scattering by objects, computational methods, EM wave propagation, waveguides, and optical fibers.


Advanced Signal Processing


Parametric signal modeling. Spectral estimation. Multirate processing of digital signals. Efficient Fourier transform and convolution algorithms. Fundamentals of adaptive signal processing. Short-time Fourier transform. Two-dimensional signal processing. Some advanced topics in filter design.


Advanced Analog Electronics


The course serves as an advanced course for electronics students in analog electronic circuits analysis, design, and simulation. The course will focus on delivering important knowledge about the different models of MOS and BJT transistors and the limits of operations of analog circuits, including noise, distortion, and coupling effects. The course will pass quickly on elementary building circuits like amplifiers, current mirrors, cascade circuits, and op-amp basics to make sure our Ph.D. students digested the operation of these circuits. Then, the course will cover advanced analog circuits like Rail to rail input and output amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, continuous-time filters essentials, and single transistor crystal oscillators in addition to the CMOS ADC and DAC Principles.


Advanced Digital Electronics


VLSI design process; Static and dynamic design; CMOS transistor resistance and capacitance modeling; high-speed gate design, transistor sizing, and logical effort, skewed and symmetric gates; on-chip interconnect types and modeling techniques, cross-talk; sequential logic design and clocking methods, memory and cash design; low power design; design for Manufacturability; design for Testability.


Cyber Security and Privacy


The objective of this course is to expose students to cutting-edge research topics in information security and its applications.


Artificial Intelligence


Topics include fuzzy logic, neural networks, neuro-fuzzy, genetic algorithm, and particle swarm algorithm.


Special Topics in Software Applications


This course covers cutting-edge and advanced topics in software applications. The contents will vary depending on the topic when the course is offered.


Advanced Multicore Architectures


The primary objective of this course is to present a broad overview of current research topics and interesting developments in the field of computer architecture. In this course, we will mostly read and discuss recent key papers from top computer architecture articles encompassing a variety of topics. The course will be based on advanced topics regarding multicore hardware: core design, Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous cores, memory systems, cache coherence protocols, interconnection networks and Network On a Chip (NOC), and parallel algorithms. In addition to performance, the issues of power, energy, temperature, reliability, and resiliency in the face of process variations in multicore environments are discussed.


Advanced Topics in Embedded Systems


Topics include hardware/software embedded systems design using Processing system (PS) and Programming Logic (PL) of modern FPGA boards.


Special Topics in Communication Networks


This course covers cutting-edge and advanced topics in communication networks. The contents will vary depending on the theme chosen at every offering of the course.


Communication Networks Design and Performance


The course focuses on modeling and analyzing communication networks, network protocols and applications, using mathematical tools. Topics include queuing models, network delay analysis, optimal routing, capacity planning, and topology design.


Contemporary Topics in Electrical Engineering


This course covers emerging and advanced topics in the field of Electrical Engineering. The contents will vary depending on the topic.


Contemporary Topics in Computer Engineering


This course covers emerging and advanced topics in the field of Computer Engineering. The contents will vary depending on the topic.

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