Master of Science in Applied Mathematics​

Degree Structure






Graduate Masters

Study System

Courses and Theses

Total Credit Hours

33 Cr. Hrs.


2-4 Years


Fall and Spring



Study Mode

Full Time and Part Time

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Degree Overview

Applied Mathematics is a specific branch of mathematics that deals with practical methods as they are applied to specific fields. The M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics program will prepare the students to analyze real-world mathematical problems, consider assumptions, discover patterns, develop insights, construct mathematical models, and provide solutions that make sense. Students will explore various means of resolving real-life challenges by using statistics and high-level mathematics. Through analyzing data, visualizing their results, and asserting their discoveries. Students will leave the program with the ability to critically contemplate and address problems that need solving using mathematical data.

Study Plan

What You Will Learn


Upon the successful completion of the program, student will be able to:

  • Use mathematical concepts and techniques in practical and applied problems
  • Communicate mathematical ideas, results, context, and background effectively and professionally in written and oral form.
  • Apply relevant mathematical methods, further develop them and adapt them to new contexts
  • Analyze complex problems of other fields of science and technology, plan strategies for their resolution, and apply notions and methods of mathematics to solve them
  • Apply a wide repertoire of probabilistic concepts, computational science techniques and engineering-oriented methodologies of modern financial and industrial mathematics to real-life problems, and formulate suitable solutions
  • Communicate and interact appropriately with different audiences
  • Perform research in conjunction with a team as well as individually.

University Requirements

College Requirements

Degree Requirements

Program Structure Requirements

The Master program consists of 33 credit hours distributed as follows.

Requirements Compulsory Elective Total
- Courses Credit Hours Courses Credit Hours Courses Credit Hours
Courses 4 12 4 12 8 24
Thesis 1 9 - - 1 9
Total Credit Hours 21 - 12 - 33 -

Study Plan

Study Plan: Course List

  • Compulsory courses (21 credit hours)

  • Elective Courses (12 credit hours)

  • Thesis (9 credit hours)

Compulsory Courses

Course Code Course Title Course Title in Arabic Credit Hours Pre-requisite
Compulsory Courses
1440511 Methods in Applied Partial Differential Equations طرق في تطبيقات المعادلات التفاضلية الجزئية 3 Undergraduate ODEs or PDEs.
1440512 Advanced Complex Analysis تحليل عقدي متقدم 3 1440332 or equivalent
1440513 Applied Linear Algebra تطبيقات الجبر الخطي 3 1440211 or equivalent
1440514 Advanced Real Analysis تحليل حقيقي متقدم 3 1440331 or equivalent
1440599 Thesis الأطروحة 9 After completing successfully 18 Credit hours

Elective Courses

Course Code Course Title Course Title in Arabic Credit Hours Pre-requisite
Elective Courses
1440521 Applied Functional Analysis التحليل الدالي التطبيقي 3 1440331 or equivalent
1440522 Advanced Methods for Partial Differential Equations طرق متقدمة للمعادلات التفاضلية الجزئية 3 1440341 or equivalent
1440531 Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations معادلات تفاضلية متقدمة 3 1440241 or equivalent
1440532 Selected Topics موضوعات مختارة 3 Consent of instructor
1440542 Optimization: Fundamentals and Applications الأمثلة: أسس وتطبيقات 3 1440221 & 1440371 or equivalent
1440582 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis مقدمة في تحليل البيانات باستخدام طرق بييزيان 3 1440381 or equivalent
1440585 Applied Regression Analysis تحليل الانحدار التطبيقي 3 1440381 or equivalent
1440584 Applied Time Series Analysis تحليل المتسلسلات الزمنية التطبيقي 3 1440381 or equivalent
1440591 Numerical Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations حلول عددية للمعادلات التفاضلية الخطية 3 1440371 or equivalent
1440592 Numerical Solutions for Partial Differential Equations حلول عددية للمعادلات التفاضلية الخطية الجزئية 3 1440371 or equivalent
1440587 Generalized Linear Models النماذج الخطية العامة 3 1440381 or equivalent
1440588 Numerical Linear Algebra جبر خطي عددي 3 1440211, 1440371 or equivalent

Study Plan: Course Distribution

First Year
Fall Semester Spring Semester
Course # Course Title Type Cr.Hrs Course # Course Title Type Cr.Hrs
1440511 Methods in Applied PDEs CC 3 1440513 Applied Linear Algebra CC 3
1440512 Advanced Complex Analysis CC 3 1440514 Applied Measure Theory CC 3
14405-- Elective Course EC 3 14405-- Elective Course EC 3
Total - - 9 Total - - 9
Second Year
Fall Semester Spring Semester
Course # Course Title Type Cr.Hrs Course # Course Title Type Cr.Hrs
1440599 Thesis CC 3 1440594 Thesis CC 6
14405-- Elective Course EC 3 - - - -
14405-- Elective Course EC 3 - - - -
Total - - 9 Total - - 6

Course Description

Course Descriptions for Applied Mathematics Program

Methods in Applied Partial Differential Equations (1440511)

Introduction and derivation of real-life equations (vibration, diffusion, flows); solution methods for some linear and nonlinear PDE, separation of variables, Green's functions, Fourier and Laplace transforms.

Advanced Complex Analysis (1440512)

Analytic functions, Cauchy's theorem and consequences, Mobius transformations, singularities and expansion theorems, maximum modulus principle, residue theorem, and its application, compactness and convergence in the space of analytic and meromorphic functions, elementary conformal mappings, Riemann mapping theorem, elliptic functions, analytic continuation, and Picard's theorem.

Applied Linear Algebra (1440513)

Linear transformations. Change of basis, transition matrix, and similarity. Nilpotent linear transformations and matrices. The canonical representation of matrices, Jordan canonical forms. Linear functionals and the dual space. Bilinear forms. Quadratic forms and real symmetric bilinear forms. Complex inner product spaces. Normal operators. Unitary operators. The spectral theorem.

Advanced Real Analysis (1440514)

Outer measure, measurable sets, measurable functions, Lebesgue integration, the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, Fatou's Lemma, Monotone convergence Theorem, Convergence in Measure, Continuity and differentiability of Monotone functions, The Lebesgue spaces, Duality, Riesz Representation theorem.

Thesis (1440599)

The student has to undertake and complete a research topic under the supervision of a faculty member. The thesis work should provide the student with an in-depth perspective of a particular research problem in his chosen field of specialization. It is anticipated that the student is able to carry out his research fairly independently under the direction of his supervisor. The student is required to submit a final thesis documenting his research and defend his work in front of a committee.

Applied Functional Analysis (1440521)

Metric and normed spaces. Convergence and completeness. Banach spaces. Linear operators. The dual space. Hilbert spaces and orthogonality. The Riesz representation theorem. Hilbert-adjoint operator. Self-adjoint and compact operators. Fundamental Theorems of Banach spaces include the Hahn-Banach theorem, Uniform boundedness theorem, Open mapping theorem, and Closed graph theorem. Strong, weak, and weak* convergence. Banach fixed point theorem and applications. Basic properties of the spectrum of linear operators.

Advanced Methods for Partial Differential Equations (1440522)

Sobolev spaces in R, Sobolev spaces in R^n, Lax Milgram Lemma, Hille-Yosida Theorem, linear and elliptic problems, Weak formulation, Existence, regularity, maximum principle Heat equation, Wave equation.

Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations (1440531)

The course presents the advanced analysis of nonlinear systems, with an emphasis on the geometric interpretation of dynamical systems, including linearization, nonlinear feedback control tools, special attention to the averaging technique and the asymptotic tools of perturbation theory, tools for stability analysis of nonlinear systems like Poincare' Stability, Lyapunov's method, and Uniform stability.

Selected Topics (1440532)

This course is designed for specialized topic areas in applied mathematics, which are not covered in the list of courses in the applied mathematics master program.

Optimization: Fundamentals and Applications (1440542)

Convexity of sets and functions. Linear Programming: Theory of the Simplex method, Duality, and the dual Simplex method. Nonlinear Programming: Unconstrained optimization problems, Necessary and sufficient optimality conditions, Line search method, Steepest descent method, Newton's method, Optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints, Method of Lagrange multipliers, Necessary and sufficient KKT optimality conditions, Separable programming, Quadratic programming, Linear combinations method, Game Theory.

Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis (1440582)

Introduction to statistical sciences. Displaying and summarizing Data. Logic, probability, and uncertainty. Discrete random variables and their Bayesian Inference. Continuous random variables and their Bayesian inference. Comparing Bayesian and frequentist inferences for different statistics. Robust Bayesian methods. Bayesian inference for multivariate normal and multiple linear regression model. Computational Bayesian statistics.

Applied Regression Analysis (1440585)

Simple linear regression. Residual Analysis, inference for model parameters. Multiple linear regressions with matrix approach Development of linear models. Inference about model parameters. Residuals Analysis. Analysis of variance approach. Model building and variable Selection of the best regression variables. Multicollinearity. Regression with qualitative variables. Using statistical packages to analyse real data sets. Case studies.

Applied Time Series Analysis (1440584)

This course considers statistical techniques to evaluate processes occurring through time. It introduces students to time series methods and the applications of these methods to different types of data in various contexts (such as actuarial studies, climatology, economics, finance, geography, meteorology, political science, risk management, and sociology). Time series modelling techniques will be considered with reference to their use in forecasting where suitable. While linear models will be examined in some detail, extensions to non-linear models will also be considered. The topics will include: deterministic models; linear time series models, stationary models, homogeneous non-stationary models; the Box-Jenkins approach; intervention models; non-linear models; time-series regression; time-series smoothing; case studies. Statistical software R will be used throughout this course. Heavy emphasis will be given to fundamental concepts and applied work. Since this is a course on applying time series techniques, different examples will be considered whenever appropriate.

Numerical Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations (1440591)

Existence and Uniqueness of solutions for Initial Value Problems and BVP's, One-Step and multistep Methods for Non-stiff Initial Value Problems IVPs, Adaptive Control of One-Step Methods, One-Step Methods for Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations ODE, Multistep Methods for ODE and IVPs, Boundary Value Problems for ODEs, Error analysis and stability of methods, Numerical programming, and implementation.

Numerical Solutions for Partial Differential Equations (1440592)

Finite Difference Method for Transport, Wave, Heat, and Poisson equations; Elliptic Partial Differential Equations; Sobolev Spaces; Weak Solutions; Finite Element Method.

Generalized Linear Models (1440587)

The course introduces the generalized linear models that include categorical and discrete responses. It reviews the multiple linear regression models and covers the log-linear models, logistic regression for binary responses, and binomial and Poisson regression. It also includes mixed effects models, model selection and checking, and inference about model parameters of restricted and full data models. The R language, with many packages available that deal with the GLM, is used.

Numerical Linear Algebra (1440588)

Topics include direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems; vector and matrix norms; condition numbers; least-squares problems.

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