6th Annual Speech Competition

The College of Communication organized its 6th annual speech competition on Wednesday, April 20, 2022, where students of the media writing and news reporting class get the chance to refine their writing and speaking skills.

Amongst the attendees were Prof. Jairo Alfonso Lugo-Ocando, the Dean of the College, Prof. Abderrahmane Azzi, the Chair of the Mass Communication Department, and the panelist which hosted Prof. Tevhide Serra Gorpe, Dr. Emenyeonu Ogadimma who are lecturers in the college, and Dr. Engy Khalil, the Public Speaking instructor.

The event was moderated by Roufaida Tabet, who welcomed the attendees then presented the 8 students who gave their speeches on various topics, from soul searching, to mental health, the internet, and the environment. After the speeches, the panelists discussed the runner ups. No.1 was Aisha Butaweel, followed by Shaikha AlShamsi in No.2, then No.3 were Thekra AlShar and Ayah Zalloum. Certificates of participation were given to all participants.

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