computer Engineering
computer Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Degree Structure


Computing and Informatics


Computer Engineering



Study System

Total Credit Hours

132 Cr. Hrs.


4 Years




Study Mode

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Important Dates

Undergraduate Admission Deadline

Undergraduate Admission Deadline

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Degree Overview

To obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering, the student must complete a total of 132 credit hours. These hours span university and departmental requirements. The allocation of the credit hours is shown in Degree Overview.

Study Plan


computer engineering study plan


What You Will Learn

UoS Computer Engineering program prepares you to apply knowledge of discrete mathematics, differential calculus, integral calculus, probability and statistics, sciences, computer science, and engineering topics necessary to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic devices, software, and systems containing hardware and software components. Also, you will be able to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. 

University Requirements

College Requirements

Degree Requirements

B.Sc. in Computer Engineering University Requirements Program Requirements Total
Compulsory 18 99 117
Electives 6 9 15
Total 24 108 132



The list of the university required courses and their descriptions are presented in University Catalog.



A.   Core Courses CE mandatory core courses (99 credits)

The Computer Engineering core courses are listed in the table below.

Course# Title Credits Pre-/Co-requisites
0201102 Arabic Language 3 None
1430115 Physics I 3 Placement Test or 1430106 Pre/Co1440133
1430116 Physics I Lab 1 Pre/Co1430115
1440133 Calculus I for Engineers 3 None
1420101 General Chemistry 3 None
1420102 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 1420101
0202112 English for Academic Purposes 3 None
1430117 Physics II
3 1430115
1430118 Physics II Laboratory 1 1430116; Pre/Co 1430117
1502101 Introduction to CPE 3 None
1440161 Calculus II for Engineers 3 1440133
1501116 Programming I 4 None
1502111 Discrete Mathematics for Engineers 3 Pre/Co 1501116
0402202 Circuit Analysis I 3 Pre/Co 1430117,1440261
0402203 Circuit Analysis I Laboratory 1 Pre/Co: 0402202,1430118
1501211 Programming II
3 1501116
1440261 Differential Equation for Engineers 3 1440161
1502201 Digital Logic Design 3 Second year standing
1501100 Introduction to IT (English)
3 None
0402241 Random Signal Theory 3 Pre/Co: 0402202
0402240 Signals and Systems 3 0402202
0402250 Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits 3 0402202 ; 1502201
0402251 Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits Laboratory 1 0402203; Pre/Co 0402250
1502202 Digital Logic Design Laboratory 1 Pre 1502201
1502232 Microprocessors and Assembly Language 4 1502201
1501215 Data Structures 3 Pre/Co1502111
0402346 Telecommunication Systems I 3 0402240; 0402241
1502346 Computer Communications and Networks 3 Pre/Co 0402241
0402340 Engineering Computation and Linear Algebra 3 1501116;1440261
1502326 Computer System Architecture 3 1502232
0302200 Fundamentals of Innovation 3 3rdYear Standing
1501352 Operating Systems 3 1501215
0402347 Telecommunication Systems I Laboratory 1 0402346
1502347 Computer Communications and Networks Laboratory 1 1502346
1502444 Computer & Network Security 3 1501215, 1502346
1502334 Embedded Systems Design 3 1502232; 0402250
Software Engineering 3 1501215
0202207 Technical Writing 3 0202103
1502442 Network Programming 3 1502346
0104100 Islamic Culture
3 None
1502491 Senior Design Project I 1 Senior Standing Pre/Co 0202207
1502300 Professional, Societal, and Ethical Issues in Engineering 1 3rd Year Standing
1502492 Senior Design Project II 3 1502491
1502490 Practical Training 0 Completion of 90credits

B.  Electivcourses

As part of the program for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, the student is required to study some technical elective courses. These courses allow the student to focus on a specific area for in depth knowledge and deep understanding. The student can also mix and match elective courses from the different areas to get a wider exposure to the different Computer Engineering disciplines. The student should select, in cooperation with his/her academic advisor, the list of electives that best meet his/her needs and aspirations. It is highly recommended that the student registers for these courses after completing all department required courses.

The following table shows the list of elective courses.

Course# Title Credits Pre-/Co-requisites
1502412 Parallel and Distributed Processing 3 1501352
1502413 Computer Systems Modeling
3 0402241
1502414 Verification in Software 3 1501366
1502416 Real-time Systems Design 3 1501352
1502420 Advanced Digital Design 3 1502201
Performance Analysis 3 1502326
1502424 High Performance Computer Architecture 3 1502326
Distributed and Cloud Computing Systems
Design of IOT Systems
1502334 or 1502336 and 1502346
1502443 Computer Networks Design and Analysis 3 1502346
1502445 Digital Image Processing 3 0402240; Pre/Co 0402340
VLSI Design 3 0402250
Special Topics in Computer Engineering 3 4th Year standing
1502462 Special Topics in Computer Architecture 3 1502326
Special Topics in Software and Computer Applications 3 Instructor Consent
Special Topics in Microelectronics and VLSI 3 0402250
1502493 Senior Seminar in Computer Engineering 1 Senior standing
1502449 Autonomous Robotics Control 3 1501116; 0402240
1501263 Introduction to Database Management Systems 3 1501116
Introduction to Computer Graphics 3 1501215
0402330 Feedback Control Systems 3 0402240
0402341 Multimedia Technology Laboratory 1 0402240
0402353 Electronic Circuits 3 0402250
0402354 Electronic Circuits Laboratory 1 Pre/Co 0402353
0402437 Programmable Logic Controllers and Applications 3 Pre: 1502336 or1502334
0402442 Telecommunications Systems 2 3 0402346
0402444 Digital Signal Processing 3 0402240
0402446 Cellular Telephony 3 0402346
0402447 Wireless Communication 3 0402346
0402448 Speech Signal Processing and Applications 3 0402340; 0402346
0406320 Solar PV Systems 3 0402250
0406321 Solar PV Systems Laboratory 1 Pre/Co 0406320


Study Plan

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering encompasses 132 credit hours that are spread over eight semesters and can be completed in four years.

The following study plan serves as a roadmap for a smooth progression toward graduation.


Year 1, Semester 1 (17 Credits) 

Course# Title Credits Prerequisites
0201102 Arabic Language 3 None
0202112 English for Academic Purposes 3 None
1420101 General Chemistry
3 None
1420102 General Chemistry Laboratory 1 Pre/Co 1420101
1440133 Calculus I for Engineers 3 None
1430115 Physics I 3 Placement Test or 1430106 Pre/Co1440133
1430116 Physics I Laboratory 1 Pre/Co 1430115


Year 1, Semester 2 (17 Credits)

Course# Title Credits Prerequisites
1501116 Programming I 4 None
1440161 Calculus II for Engineers 3 1440133
1430117 Physics II 3 1430115; Pre/Co: 1440161
1430118 Physics II Laboratory 1 1430116; Pre/Co: 1430117
1502101 Introduction to Computer Engineering 3 None
Introduction to IT (English)
3 None


Year 2, Semester 3 (16 Credits)

Course# Tile Credits Prerequisites
Discrete Math. for Engineers
3 Pre/Co 1501116
1501211 Programming II 3 1501116
1440261 Differential Equations for Engineers 3 1440161
0402202 Circuit Analysis I 3 Pre/Co 1430117,1440261
0402203 Circuit Analysis I Laboratory 1 Pre/Co 0402202,1430118
1502201 Digital Logic Design 3 Second year standing


Year 2, Semester 4 (16 Credits)

Course# Title Credits Prerequisites
1501215 Data Structures 3 Pre/Co 1502111
0402240 Signals and Systems 3 0402202
0402241 Random Signal Theory 3
Pre/Co: 0402202
1502202 Digital Logic Design Laboratory 1
1502232 Microprocessors & Assembly Language 4
1502201 &1502101- or 1502170
0402250 Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits 3
0402202; 1502201
0402251 Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits Laboratory 1
0402203; Pre/Co:0402250


Year 3, Semester 5 (15 Credits)

Course# Title Credits Prerequisites
1501352 Operating Systems 3 1501215
0402346 Telecommunication Systems I 3 0402240; 0402241
1502326 Computer System Architecture 3 1502232
0402340 Engineering Computation & Linear Algebra 3 1501116; 1440261
1502346 Computer Communication& Networks 3 Pre/Co: 0402241


Year 3, Semester 6 (17 Credits)

Course# Title Credits Prerequisites
0202207 Technical Writing 3 0202112
Software Engineering 3 1501215
1502334 Embedded Systems Design 3 1502232; 0402250
1502347 Computer Communication andNetworksLaboratory 1 1502346
0402347 Telecommunication Systems ILaboratory 1 0402346
1502444 Computer and Network Security 3 1501215, 1502346
Fundamentals of Innovation


Year 3, Summer Training (0 Credits)

Course# Title Credits Prerequisites
1502490 Practical Training for 8 weeks 0 Completion of 90 credits


Year 4, Semester 7 (16 Credits)

Course# Title Credits Prerequisites
0104100 Islamic Culture 3
1502491 Senior Design Project I 1 Senior Standing; Pre/Co 0202207
University Elective I
0401301 Engineering Economics 3
1502442 Network Programming 3 1502346
150XXXX DeptartmentElective I


Year 4, Semester 8 (16 Credits)

Course# Title Credits Prerequisites
1502492 Senior Design Project II 3 1502491
1502300 ProfessionalSocietal& Ethical Issues 1 3rd Year Standing
DeptartmentElective II
150XXXX DeptartmentElective III
University Elective II
UAE Society

Course Description


Courses in the proposed program that are offered in the department of Computer Engineering start with (1502). The program of study contains courses that are offered by other colleges. Consistent with the university policies, CE courses in the program will be assigned numbers of the form (1502ABC) where:

A Year (level)
B Areas (as follows)
0: General Electrical Engineering
1: Electromechanical and Power
2: Electromagnetism
3: Control & Instrumentation
4: Communications & Signal Processing
5: Electronics
6: Special Topics
9: Projects and Seminars
C Course sequence in area


Mandatory Core Courses

Descriptions of the core courses are given below.

1502101 IntroductiontoComputerEngineering (3-0:3)

This course helps students to understand computer engineering as a balance among hardware, software, applications and theory. Study of the basic architecture of computer systems: information representation, computer hardware, software and programming languages, peripherals, storage systems, concept of programming, high level languages, e.g., C++, Pythonvs. low level languages, e.g. assembly, operating system, embedded systems, computer networks and Internet, and computer security. The course includes introductory laboratory components, e.g., digital logic design lab, microprocessor lab, robotics lab, network lab, cloud computing lab, and computer programming. The course will introduce the students to a perspective on engineering profession, engineering design process, problem solving, and job prospects of computer engineering.

Prerequisites: None.


1502111 DiscreteMathematicsforEngineers (3-0:3)

In this course, the propositional logic, predicates, and quantifiers are defined. The sets, and its operations, functions are introduced. Different algorithms and their complexity are explored. Proof strategy, induction, recursion; relations, and equivalence relations are explained. Basic counting techniques are demonstrated.

Prerequisites:Pre/Co: 1501116-Programming I.


1502201 DigitalLogicDesign (3-0:3)

This course covers topics related to number systems and conversion between systems based on different radices. The course introduces Boolean algebra and its application in the analysis and design of logic circuits. Then, common logic gates and their operation is introduced. The course then goes through different techniques for analysis and synthesis of combinational and sequential logic systems.

Prerequisites:Second year Standing


1502202 DigitalLogicDesignLaboratory (0-3:1)

This course presents the operation of basic logic gates as well as some combinational and sequential circuits. The course illustrates how to design and implement different logic circuits such as adders, subtractors, decoders, encoders, flip-flops, counters, and shift registers. The design and implementation of the logic circuits will be accomplished practically in the lab by using Hardware Description Language (HDL) and circuit boards.

Prerequisites:1502201DigitalLogic Design.


1502232 Microprocessors&AssemblyLanguage (3-0:3)
The basic design of Microprocessor architecture and system are introduced in this course. The basic structures of the microarchitecture, ALUs, Registers, and control Unit, system bus, Main Memory architecture including their interactions are explored. Assembly language programming of microprocessors, data representation (integers and floating points), addressing modes and instruction sets (including mathematical and control flow instructions) are explained. Coding of assembly language programs for data manipulation, simple math operations, memory access for linear and array processing are demonstrated. Practical assembly coding and program debugging are taught through the course lab component.

Prerequisites:1502201 Digital Logic Design and (1502101-Introduction to CPE or 1502170-Introduction to Cybersecurity)


1502300 Professional,SocietalandEthicalIssuesinEngineering (1-0:1)

An examination of the social impact of engineering and technology and its relationship to ethics, with the objective of identifying and clarifying obligations that might arise in technological research and its applications. The course will survey a variety of moral theories, as well as engineering codes of ethics. The case study method will be used: source will include the history of science and technology, and reports from professional societies. Topics covered include whistle blowing, environmental, safety, and privacy issues.

Prerequisites:3rd year standing.


1502326 ComputerSystemArchitecture (3-0:3)

This course covers computer architecture topics including basic Logic design using hardware descriptive language, datapath and control design, single cycle and multicycle designs, pipelining. The course also discusses memory and cache designs, cache design policy including Direct-Mapped cache, Fully-Associative cache, and N-Way Associative cache. It also covers performance analysis, evaluation, and optimization levels including average Clock Per Instruction (CPI) metric, Instruction Count (IC) metric, benchmarking for performance evaluation, and Amdahl's Law.

Prerequisites:1502232- Microprocessors and Assembly Language.


1502334 EmbeddedSystemsDesign (2-2:3)

This course covers the study of the basic design of microcontroller-based embedded systems. The course discusses implementation of the principles of integration, interfacing, and total system design through lectures, laboratory experiments and a project. The course introduces application of top-down design to embedded software development in C language.

Prerequisites:1502232 MicroprocessorsandAssemblyLanguage;0402250 -Fundamentalsof Electronic Circuits.


1502346 ComputerCommunicationsandNetworks (3-0:3)

This course focuses on protocols, mechanisms and technologies for computer and communication networks, with a focus on the Internet. Topics related to protocols and technologies include Ethernet, the Internet protocol (IP), and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Topics related to network mechanisms include layered network architecture, error-control, medium access control, switching and routing, addressing, subnetting and congestion control.

Prerequisites:0402241 Random Signal Theory or 1502220 - Introduction to Probability and Data Analysis for Engineers


1502347 ComputerCommunicationsandNetworksLaboratory

This laboratory provides hands-on experience essential to the real understanding of computer networking and the devices used in building these networks. The goal is to give the student practical aspects of network topologies, network operating systems including the setup of dynamic host configuration (DHCP) and domain name system (DNS) services, peer to peer and server based networking, switch setup and VLANs, basics of IP addressing, subnetting and router configuration. Lab experiments are conducted in teams of students.

Prerequisites:1502346 Computer Communications and Networks.


1502442 NetworkProgramming (3-0:3)

This course provides a review of network protocols and topologies, TCP/IP, and RFCs with a focus on communication across different network layers. It illustrates the peer-to-peer and client-server communication models and demonstrates how to programmatically implement sockets to develop network applications using either TCP streams or UDP datagrams. Moreover, the course teaches students how to develop single-threaded and multi-threaded network applications like file-sharing, chat-server, http-client-server, etc. and how to handle Inter-Process Communications, Concurrency, and Synchronization.

Prerequisites:1502346 - Computer Communications and Networks.


1502444 ComputerandNetworkSecurity (3-0:3)

Concepts and techniques for access to computer systems and network resources. Identification and authentication. Protection of information against intentional and unintentional attacks and threats. Cryptography and encryption of data. Encryption algorithms and their information theory foundations. Computer hardware and software for data encryption.

Prerequisites:1501215 - Data Structures; Pre/Co: 1502346 - Computer Communications and Networks.


1502491 SeniorDesignProjectI (1-0:1)

This is the first phase of the capstone project, which, consists of two courses Senior Design Project I and Senior Design Project II. Subjects for the projects are linked to research interests in the department or sometimes in co- operation with local industry. Small groups of students work together to design, build, refine and test complete hardware or software systems to meet specifications. During this phase, students are expected to study the current literatures, acquire the required skills for the project, and finalize the high level specifications for the design. Each group of students submits a report and gives a presentation.

Prerequisites:Senior standing in Computer Engineering; Pre/Co: 0202207 Technical Writing.


1502492 SeniorDesignProjectII (3-0:3)

This is second phase of the capstone project, which consists of two courses Senior Design Project I and Senior Design Project II. During this phase, students are expected to implement the proposed project as outlined in the reportproduced attheendofSeniorDesignProjectI.Eachgroupof students is required to prepare a detailed report, a poster, and make a formal presentation of their work that will be used to evaluate their engineeringdesignandverbalandcommunicationskills.

Prerequisites:1502491 - Senior Design Project I.



Descriptions of the elective courses are given below:

1502412 ParallelandDistributedProcessing (3-0:3)

Parallel computer architectures: Multiprocessor vector computers and pipelined vector processors. Parallel processing algorithms. Distributed processing with applications. Centralized/Decentralized Distributed systems. Parallel Programming Paradigms.

Prerequisites:1501352 - Operating Systems.


1502413 ComputerSystemModeling (3-0:3)

Elementsofcomputersimulation,includingmodelingdeterministicand stochastic systems, generation of uniform and non-uniform random numbers, discrete-event simulations, simulation languages, design of simulations, statistical analysis of the output of simulations, variance reduction, applications to modeling stochastic systems in computer science and engineering.

Prerequisites:0402241 - Random Signal Theory.


1502414 Verification inSoftware (3-0:3)

Design specification and software requirements. Verification and validation of software specifications: completeness, consistency, feasibility, and testability. The design of software components and the study of faults resulting from interfacing, computation, and/or data specifications. Knowledge-based approaches to verification and validation. Test generation systems and tools.

Prerequisites:1501366 - Software Engineering.


1502416 Real-TimeSystemsDesign (3-0:3)

Study of 16/32 bit architectures features for real-time control. Instruction pre-fetch, instruction set extension, exception processing, bus arbitration and multiprocessor control. Introduction to real-time operating systems. Application of computers to real-time on-line control of systems.

Prerequisites:1501352 - Operating Systems.


1502420 AdvancedDigitalDesign (2-2:3)

Algorithmic State Machines, PLDs, PALs, PLAs, Stability of Sequential Circuits. The course will also complement the sequential circuit portion of Digital Logic Design (1502201).

Prerequisites:1502201 - Digital Logic Design.


1502422 PerformanceAnalysis 3-0:3)

A systematic approach to computer systems performance evaluation and analysis. Performance metrics. Evaluation Techniques, Measurements, Queuing Models, Simulation of Computer Systems.

Prerequisites:1502326 - Computer System Architecture.


1502424 HighPerformanceComputerArchitecture (3-0:3)

Cost-performance analysis, advanced topics in computer architecture, pipelining concepts, instructions Set Architecture issues, Instruction Level Parallelism: Dynamic and Static.

Prerequisites:1502326 - Computer System Architecture.


1502430 Design of IOT Systems (2-2:3)

Introduction to IoT, design principles for connected devices, prototyping of embedded devices and prototyping of online components. Topics covered also include the underlying principles in building interactive systems and using a combination of hardware, embedded software, web services and cloud computing platforms. Topics on low power design, energy harvesting, and renewable energy power sources will also be introduced.

Prerequisites:1502334 Embedded Systems Design or 1502336 Microcontroller Based Design and 1502346 Computer Communications and Networks


1502443 ComputerNetworksDesignandAnalysis (3-0:3)

This course focuses on modeling, analysis and design of computer and communication networks, with an emphasis on: switched/extended LANs and optimal/distributed spanning tree algorithms; fairness and bandwidth sharing objectives; some network design problems including optimal access network connectivity; some network design tools including linear programming and genetic algorithms; basic queuing models and network delay analysis; introduction to wireless resource allocation including scheduling and power control; new technological trends.

Prerequisites:1502346 - Computer Communications and Networks.


1502445 DigitalImageProcessing (3-0:3)

Fundamentals of digital image processing. Image representation and standards. Image acquisition and display.Image transforms. Image enhancement. Image restoration. Introduction to image compression. Introduction toImagesegmentation.Industrialand Multimedia applications.

Prerequisites:0402240 - Signals and Systems, Pre/Co: 0402340 - Engineering Computation and Linear Algebra.


1502452 VLSIDesign (3-0:3)

Fundamentals of MOS technology in VLSI design: MOS devices and circuits, Design, layout (CAD techniques), masking, fabrication, packaging and testing of VLSI chips.

Prerequisites:0402250-Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits.


1502454 ApplicationSpecificIntegratedCircuits(ASIC) (3-0:3)

Synthesis, modeling and testability issues. Tools and techniques required in allphasesofASICdesign,implementation andfabrication. Design alternatives and comparisons. Practical issues in fabrication.

Prerequisites:0402250 - Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits.



Digital CMOS process technology, Static CMOS circuit design, Dynamic CMOS logic, CMOS sequential logic circuits, Complex CMOS logic, layout techniques, Pass-transistor & transmission gate logic, Timing in CMOS circuits, CMOS buffers & bus drivers, Fast CMOS adder & multiplier design, CMOS SRAM & DRAM circuits, Low-power CMOS circuit techniques.

Prerequisites:0402250 - Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits.

1502458 DigitalIntegratedCircuitsLaboratory

Spice models for BJT and MOS transistors in digital circuits, simulation of digital inverter circuits with design optimization, design and simulation of basic digital gates (e.g., NAND, NOR, XOR) with power/frequency-response constraints, the CMOS n-well process and layout with area efficiency, top- down design of a complex circuit.

Prerequisites:Pre/Co:1502457 - Digital Integrated Circuits.


1502460 SpecialTopicsinComputerEngineering (3-0:3)

This course will be offered to cover special advanced topics in one of the areas of Computer Engineering. The contents and pre-requisite will vary depending on the topic.

Prerequisites:4th year standing.


1502462 SpecialTopicsinComputerArchitecture (3-0:3)

This course covers emerging and advanced topics in compute architecture. The contents will varydepending onthetopic.

Prerequisites:1502326 - Computer System Architecture.


1502463 SpecialTopicsinSoftwareandComputerApplications (3-0:3)

This course covers emerging and advanced topics in Software and Computer Applications. The contents will vary depending on the topic.

Prerequisites:Instructor Consent.


1502464 SpecialTopicsincomputerNetworks (3-0:3)

This course covers emerging and advanced topics in computer networks. The contents will varydepending onthetopic.

Prerequisites:1502346 - Computer Communications and Networks.


1502465 SpecialTopicsinMicroelectronicsandVLSI (3-0:3)

This course covers emerging and advanced topics in microelectronics and VLSI. The contents will vary depending on the topic.

Prerequisites:0402250 - Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits.


1502493 SeniorSeminarinComputerEngineering (1-0:1)


Course provides a review of contemporary topics in computer engineering to enrich senior students' knowledge about the latest technologies and research areas in computer engineering field. It includes latest software, hardware, networkingtechnologiesandtheirusesinnewcomputer, Internet, and security applications. The course also gives students the opportunity to introduce the students to research methodologies and sharpen skills needed to be successful as future engineers.It helps senior students to understand career development process and explore trends in the market while at the same time preparing them to start their career path. The course aims to enhance oral communication skills by giving the opportunity for senior students to give seminars about new topics of their selection.

Prerequisites:Senior standing.


1502449 Autonomous Robotics Control (3-0:3)

A comprehensive treatment on the fundamentals of robotics & dynamics. Topics include: Forward kinematics, Inverse kinematics, Dynamics. Robot actuators and sensors. Humanoid anthropomorphic and bio-mimetic Robots and parallels to biological systems. Robot navigation fundamentals; foveation, saccadic eye movements and Attention. Field Stabilization, Pursuit of non-rigid targets in Motion, Object Classification, Robotic Control and Navigation, Robotic object detection and Robotic obstacle avoidance. Projects using Laboratory Robots to develop robotic tracking and navigation applications based on course concepts.

Prerequisites:1501116 Programming I, 0402240 Signals and System


Courses offered for other majors .

The Computer Engineering department offers courses for other engineering majors. These courses are described below.


1502201 DigitalLogicDesign (3-0:3)

This course covers topics related to number systems and conversion between systems based on different radices. The course introduces Boolean algebra and its application in the analysis and design of logic circuits. Then, common logic gates and their operation is introduced. The course then goes through different techniques for analysis and synthesis of combinational and sequential logic systems.

Prerequisites:Second year standing.


1502202 DigitalLogicDesignLaboratory (0-3:1)

This course presents the operation of basic logic gates as well as some combinational and sequential circuits. The course illustrates how to design and implement different logic circuits such as adders, subtractors, decoders, encoders, flip-flops, counters, and shift registers. The design and implementation of the logic circuits will be accomplished practically in the lab by using Hardware Description Language (HDL) and circuit boards.

Prerequisites:1502201DigitalLogic Design.


1502336 MicrocontrollerBasedDesign (3-0:3)

Study of the use of amicrocontroller inacomplex engineering system. Microcontroller architecture, programming techniques using assembly and C languages, peripheral interfacing, common on-chip peripheral devices used in microcontroller-based systems, interfacing to different types of sensors and actuators.

Prerequisites:1502201 - Digital Logic Design.


1502337 MicrocontrollerBasedDesignLaboratory (0-3:1)
The laboratory companion to 1502336 (Microcontroller Based Design). Students in this laboratory will Microcontroller training module to implement the techniques learned in the companion lecture course in practice

Prerequisites:Pre/Co: 1502202 - Digital Logic Design Laboratory; Pre/Co: 1502336 - Microcontroller Based Design.


1502300 Professional,SocietalandEthicalIssuesinEngineering (1-0:1)

An examination of the social impact of engineering and technology and its relationship to ethics, with the objective of identifying and clarifying obligations that might arise in technological research and its applications. The course will survey a variety of moral theories, as well as engineering codes of ethics. The case study method will be used: source will include the history of science and technology, and reports from professional societies. Topics covered include whistle blowing, environmental, safety, and privacy issues.

Prerequisites:3rd year standing.

Career Path

Career paths for this program include roles such as computer systems or network designers, digital system designers, IT security officers, embedded integrated circuit designers, and software and web developers. Additionally, graduates can explore opportunities in artificial intelligence, designing models to solve complex engineering problems.

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