
Medical Education Center

Department Overview


To support the University of Sharjah’s mission and community service objectives by leading change in health professions education.


To foster a culture of collaboration and scholarly endeavors that lead to high-quality teaching and learning in the field of health education at the University of Sharjah and to build the capacity of faculty to fit their new role in transforming and scaling up of health professions education.


  1. Developing faculty competencies in all aspects related to their new roles in transforming new health profession education.
  2. Developing and disseminating instructional materials and study manuals related to innovative and modern teaching and learning.
  3. Introducing, developing, and evaluating educational technology, i.e., simulation, e-learning, etc.
  4. Educational planning, curriculum development and program evaluation with emphasis on interprofessional education, patient safety, ethics and professionalism, and social accountability.
  5. Promoting social accountability and interprofessional education among the medical and health sciences colleges.
  6. Promoting the academic activities in health professions education.