Institute of Leadership in Higher Education
Institute of Leadership in Higher Education

Institute of Leadership in Higher Education

Publication Strategies for Graduate Students and Early Career Researchers in Social Sciences - Session 2

Date: 29 / Apr / 2024 | Presenter: Dr. Mehmet Sukru Bellibas
This is the second session of a four-part workshop series tailored for graduate students and early career researchers in the social sciences, who are in the process of crafting their research papers. This series is designed to equip participants with the necessary writing strategies and awareness of common pitfalls that are crucial for avoiding rejection from prestigious academic journals. Each workshop focuses on a different aspect of the manuscript, as well as various key issues related to the writing and submission process. Between workshops, participants have the opportunity to apply what they have learned, refine their papers, and submit them for personalized feedback from the instructor. Due to the hands-on and detailed feedback approach of our instructor, participation is exclusive to 15 attendees.
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: Reading room – W16-011 Women's Library