Institute of Leadership in Higher Education
Institute of Leadership in Higher Education

Institute of Leadership in Higher Education

Benefits of Peer Observation

The benefits of Peer Observation of Teaching

The process of peer observation provides both the observed and the observer with opportunities to learn from each other. It also offers an opportunity for collaborative learning among the faculty members by sharing thoughts on best teaching practices and supporting each other's facilitating skills development. The benefits of PoT are highlighted below, among others:

  • Provide opportunities for honest intellectual conversations.
  • Foster the process of identifying new ways of addressing teaching and learning issues.
  • Encourage reflective practices to enhance teaching and learning.
  • Help in strengthening interpersonal and team management skills.
  • Boost professional confidence and an effective work ethic.
  • Create and reinforce a collegial work environment.

Target Participants/Beneficiaries

This initiative seeks to support the faculty members in strengthening their teaching expertise, drawing on internationally recognized best practices, and using a collaborative learning philosophy. The target participants in the program are as follows:

  • Faculty in their first year of appointment at the University.
  • Faculty new to the higher education teaching and learning environment.
  • Faculty with low student evaluations.
  • Any faculty looking to enhance their professional practices.