Degree Structure
Health Sciences
Study System
Total Credit Hours
137 Cr. Hrs.
4 Years
Fall and Spring
Study Mode
Full Time
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Degree Overview
A nursing degree is a comprehensive educational pathway designed to prepare students for a rewarding career in the field of healthcare. It integrates both theoretical knowledge and practical skills essential for providing high-quality patient care. The nursing department offers two distinguished degrees: the Bachelor of Science in Nursing and the Master of Science in Adult Critical Care Nursing.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing:
Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN), the student will have the following competencies and be able to:
Integrate knowledge, skills and values from the liberal arts, sciences, humanities and nursing theories to provide holistic, competent and safe care for individuals, families and communities within a multicultural society.
Utilize the nursing process (assess, diagnose, plan, implement, evaluate) as a framework in caring for individuals, families, communities and populations across the health care continuum in diverse settings.
Appraise and synthesize evidence-based practice guidelines and research findings to improve patient outcomes.
Demonstrate effective therapeutic and inter-professional communication in the provision of high-quality safe nursing care.
Use health informatics and patient care technology in the management of patient care.
Collaborate with other healthcare professionals by working dependently, independently and interdependently to deliver patient-centered care to individuals, families, and communities.
Implement effective leadership and management skills including motivating employees and self-mentoring, conflict management, introducing change, decision-making and delegation responsibilities.
Demonstrate accountability and responsibility for life-long learning and professional skills.
Employ ethical principles, legislations, and regulations related to nursing practice in the UAE and globally.
What You Will Learn
The Bachelor of Science (BSN) in Nursing Program is designed to prepare graduates for leadership roles, evidence-based practice, interdisciplinary collaboration, cultural competence, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. Through comprehensive education in both theoretical and practical skills, graduates will be equipped to meet the complex healthcare needs of individuals and communities delivering high-quality, patient-centered care .
This will be achieved by:
Mastering Knowledge and Skills to provide holistic, competent, safe and patient -centered care. Applying problem-solving skills and clinical reasoning to make sound decisions in patient care.
Employing effective communication and collaboration with patients, families, and healthcare team members in the provision of high-quality, safe nursing care.
Learning skills to lead and manage nursing teams, and handle administrative roles.
Educating patients and communities on health maintenance and preventive care.
Integrating the best current evidence with clinical expertise to provide the highest standard of care.
Providing care that is respectful of and responsive to the cultural needs of diverse populations addressing public health concerns.
Ensuring patient safety and minimizing risks in the healthcare environment.
Employing ethical principles, legislation and regulations in nursing practice and maintaining professional standards.
Leveraging healthcare technology, artificial intelligence and informatics to improve health care delivery.
Understanding research methodologies and contributing to scientific inquiry in nursing.
University Requirements
College Requirements
Degree Requirements
The nursing program consists of Major Compulsory Courses, College Compulsory Courses, University Compulsory Courses, and University Elective Courses. The distribution of credit hours for the Nursing program is outlined in the table below:
Category |
Credits |
Major Compulsory Courses |
89 |
College Compulsory Courses |
24 |
University Compulsory Courses |
18 |
University Elective Courses |
6 |
Total |
137 |
Course Description
Course # |
Course Title |
Cr Hrs. |
0500150 |
Biology This course will introduce students to basic aspects of human biology. Itcommenceswith a general introduction to life, its chemical and biological basis, and the meaning of its unity and diversity. Cells, as the building blocks of living matter, will be discussed at length in terms of their structure, function, classification, physiology, genetics, and reproduction. Moving up the biological hierarchy, tissuesconstitutingthe human body will be discussed at length. Higher levels oforganization likeorgans and organ systems will also be addressed in some detail. |
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0500160 |
Human Anatomy & Physiology The course focuses on the fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology, with emphasis on functional and gross anatomical aspects of skeletal system, respiration, kidney functions, circulation, digestive system, nervous, hormonal coordination, water balance and metabolism. In the laboratory part the students will be exposed to the gross anatomy and practicing different techniques of the functions of different systems of the human body like blood cells counting, ECG, respiratory function test,etc. |
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0501257 |
General Microbiology This course introduces the students to the basic microbiology with emphasis on the general characteristics and general properties of microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa, requirement and control of microbial growth in the lab and the hospital, microbial genetic and metabolisms and drug resistance, in addition to the impact of microorganisms on the health and wellbeing of humans and all of life forms. Practical sessions will cover media preparation for isolation and identification of microorganisms, sterilization and antiseptic techniques and antibiotic sensitivity test. |
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0503251 |
Physical Assessment This course is designed to help students learn and apply principles and skills used in the comprehensive health assessment of individual adults. History taking and physical examination techniques are presented through lectures, seminars, self-instruction modules,audiovisualsand supervised laboratory practice. |
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0503252 |
Advanced Communication In this course, the learner, as a health care professional, studies and understands the role and functions of group process with emphasis on the interpersonal relationships and advanced therapeutic communication techniques, conflict resolution, and intercultural communication.This course also addresses communication skills relevant to assessment of individuals and families. Therapeutic communication can enhance the professional relationship between the health care provider and the clients, theirfamiliesand significant others. Basic therapeutic communication skills willassistin obtaining information during client interviews, and while planning and providing care. This course will allow you to become more aware of your own communication style and how you vary your communication style with diverse populations of clients and work settings. The goal of this course is to incorporate the three elements of self-awareness, knowledge and practice considered important to effective communication skills’ development for healthcare providers working with a variety of clients in unique settings and contexts. |
2 |
0503253 |
Pathophysiology This course provides an introduction to pathophysiology fundamentals for students in variousCollege of Health Sciences programs.Itfocuses on disease processes and major disorders affecting particular body systems or organs.Knowledge gained in this course will enable students to apply these concepts tosubsequenttheory and practical courses. |
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0503260 |
Fundamentals of Nursing This course is designed to teach students basic clinical skillsutilizingthe nursing process as a framework, such as vital signs, personal hygiene, nutrition, elimination, body mechanics, patient safety, and medication administration.Students are required to demonstrate the skills in the clinical skills laboratory under direct supervision by faculty and clinical tutors.This is a preparatory course for the clinical setting. |
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0503261 |
Psychosocial Aspects in Health Professions The course presents the concepts and principles of psychosocial, cultural, and environmental aspects of individuals, families, and communities. This course enables the students to explore the impact of psychosocial variables such as the client's culture, religion, gender, socio-economic status, and educational level on the provision of holistic care. The courseassiststhe students in their own socialization process into the health profession and helps them to work effectively as members of the health care team. |
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0503262 |
Clinical Pharmacology This course is designed to provide an overview of the basics of pharmacology as well as the general pharmacology of different therapeutic groups. This will include introducing thestudents to the basics of Pharmacology, such as pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and how they affect the daily clinical practice and safe handling of the drugs. Following this introduction, the learners will be exposed to the general pharmacology of different therapeutics groups. These groups will include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioids, drugs affecting the gastrointestinal system, pharmacology of diabetes management, pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system, pharmacology of the cardiovascular system, pharmacology of the central nervous system, Pharmacology of anticancer agents, pharmacology of the respiratory system, and pharmacology of the anti-infective agents. The different topics will include knowledge covering the mechanism of action, side effects, drug-druginteractionand contraindications of each group. |
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0503263 |
Health education & health promotion This course provides the knowledge and skills that enable the student toparticipatein activities directed towards health education for the prevention of illness and injury, and promotion of positive healthy behaviors throughout the life span. The course also explores various theories related to health education and health promotion of the individual, family, and community. |
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0504252 |
Biostatistics This course provides students with an understanding of the principles of biostatistics as relatedto medical sciences.It helps students to understand the nature of data, data sources, methodsof data presentation, sampling distributions, data transformations, statistical inference,correlationand regression analyses. It also gives the student an idea about the concept of hypothesis testing and tests of significance. |
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0503350 |
Adult Health Nursing (1) This course covers the actual and/or potential physiological alterations and psychosocial impact of common health problems on adult/elderly patients.Concepts of illness, illness prevention, health promotion, and rehabilitation are presented in the context of a healing and caring nursing practice.Assessment strategies, diagnostic procedures, and pharmacological principles are integrated into the nursing processes. |
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0503351 |
Adult Health Nursing Practicum (1) This course introduces students to the care of clients with acute and chronic conditions. The course focuses on the application of the nursing process to assess clients,identifyactual andpotential nursing diagnoses, plan for and implement goal-directed nursing interventions, and critically evaluate the plan's effectiveness. Throughout the course emphasis is on the preventive, curative, rehabilitative aspects of nursing care. Attention is paid to the individual nature of people's response to illness within a psycho-socio-cultural context. The clinical training of adult health nursing 2 emphasizes the problem-based learning approach used in the classroom. The student is expected toutilizea self-directed approach inidentifyinghis or her own learning needs and addressing them using a learning log. The student is expected to collaborate with clients, peers,facilitator, and other health professionals in the course of work. |
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0503352 |
Maternity and Newborn Health Nursing This course is designed to introduce students to the care of pregnant women during antenatal,labour, and postnatal period, together with rendering care to newborn baby. The course focuses on application of the nursing process based on evidence-based practice in assessing mothers and newborn babies,identifyingactual and potential problems, planning for, and implementing goal-directed nursing interventions and critically evaluating the outcome.Throughout the course emphasis will be given on the scope of nurses' practice in obstetric nursing-educational, physical, social, and psychological dimension of care.The course will introduce students to the various assessment tools and diagnostic procedures performed at various trimesters of pregnancy and stages oflabour. The student is expected toutilizea self-directed approach byidentifyinglearning needs and reflecting on clinical practice. Collaboration with clients, peers,facilitatorsand other health care professionals are essential aspects for ensuring quality care within practice |
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0503353 |
Maternity and Newborn Health Nursing / Practicum This course is designed to introduce students to the care of pregnant women during antenatal,labour, and postnatal period, together with rendering care to newborn baby. The course focuses on application of the nursing process based on evidence-based practice in assessing mothers and newborn babies,identifyingactual and potential problems, planning for, and implementing goal-directed nursing interventions and critically evaluating the outcome.Throughout the course emphasis will be given on the scope of nurses' practice in obstetric nursing-educational, physical, social, and psychological dimension of care.The course will introduce students to the various assessment tools and diagnostic procedures performed at various trimesters of pregnancy and stages oflabour. The student is expected toutilizea self-directed approach byidentifyinglearning needs and reflecting on clinical practice.Collaboration with clients, peers,facilitatorsand other health care professionals are essential aspects for ensuring quality care within practice |
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0503361 |
Adult Health Nursing / Practicum (2) This clinical course complements Adult Health Nursing 1 to integrate the holistic care modalities in planning and implementing nursing interventions to meet the health care needs of the adult/ elderly patients. Essential competencies including clinical judgment,teamwork, professional behaviors, therapeutic communication, andutilizationof the nursing process as a framework for nursing practice are emphasized throughout the course in supervised clinical settings. |
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0503362 |
Pediatric Health Nursing This course focuses on the essentials of nursing management of children with developmental, psychological, environmental, and health-related problems. The course introduces students to growth and development, health promotion, and disease prevention as relevant to children.In this course studentsfocuseson the care of children from infancy through adolescence. The effects of acute and chronic illness on growth and development are studied in the health care setting. Education of the child and family on health promotion, disease prevention, and safety issues are addressed. Ethical issues are discussedregardingthe relationshiptothe child and family, including issues such as child abuse, informed consent, and the impact of diverse cultural and spiritual beliefs on health care decisions in the family. The nursing process, along with problem-finding/solving, and peer persuasion strategies areutilizedto analyze selected clinical case studies. The course content also explores current research and evidence-based practices in pediatric nursing. |
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0503363 |
Pediatric Health Nursing / Practicum This courseprovidesthe opportunity for application of the nursing concepts pertinent to children and their families as they deal with common acute and chronic health problems. The course focuses on the application of the nursing process to assess children,identifyactual and potential nursing diagnoses, plan for and implement goal-directed nursing interventions, and evaluate the plan's effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on acquisition of skills relevant to the theoreticalcomponentof this course in supervised clinical settings.Throughout the course emphasis will be given on the scope of nurses' practice in Pediatric nursing – educational, physical, social, and psychological dimension of care. The course will introduce students tothe various assessment tools and diagnostic procedures performed. The student is expected toutilizea self-directed approach byidentifyinglearning needs and reflecting on clinical practice. Collaboration with clients, peers,facilitatorsand other health care professionals are essential aspects for ensuring quality care within practice. |
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0503364 |
Adult Health Nursing (2) This course is a continuation of Adult Health Nursing I. The course focuses on the emergent needs of adult/elderly patients with co-morbidities, acute and chronic health conditions. Using a holistic nursing care approach, disease management and health promotion strategies are incorporated in the care of adult/elderly patients. Assessment strategies, diagnostic procedures, and pharmacological principles are integrated into the nursing process usingproblem-based learning approach. |
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0500450 |
Introduction to Research This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts and principles of the research process and their potential application to research practice. Emphasis is placed on steps in process, including formulation of research problem/hypothesis/question, literature search, study design, sampling and data collection methods, research ethics, different data analytical frameworks, interpretation of findings and implications. Potential application of the researchprocess will bedemonstratedthrough critical appraisal of a published research study based on student’s interests. |
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0503451 |
Critical Care Nursing / Practicum This course introduces students to the care of patients with life-threatening health problems and their families. Throughout the course, students will apply the nursing process to assess patients,identifyactual and potential nursing diagnosis, plan for and implement goal-directed nursing interventions, and critically evaluate the plan’s effectiveness. Attention is paid to the individual nature of patient’s response to life-threatening problems within a psycho-social-cultural context.Students are expected toutilizea self-directed approach inidentifyingtheir own learning needs and work collaboratively to fulfill these needs. Students are expected to collaborate with patients & family, peers, instructors,Mentorsand health care team members in the course of work. |
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0503452 |
Family and Community Health Nursing The course introduces the scope of family and community health nursing; this includes the essentials of family dynamics, family life cycle, developmental tasks, family, and community assessment, and finally the factors that influence family health. This course enables the student to assessphysical, social, and cultural environments of the individual, family, or group clients. This in turn will helpidentifyindividuals or populations at risk, implement and evaluateappropriate primaryhealth care interventions in partnership with community and other healthcare agencies.Health promotion and illness prevention concepts are integrated in the course content throughproblem-based learning approach. |
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0503453 |
Family and Community Health Nursing / Practicum The course applies the basic principles of community health care in the care of family and community in supervised community healthcare settings. The course focuses on essential topics pertinent to primary health care, schools, industries, maternal child health centers, and other community resources. Itendeavorsto provide students with skills necessary to care for various clients in the community in various settings. Amongthosefor example, old people, school students, families withdifferent needs, and groups with shared needs (e.g.Groups with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus). |
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0503454 |
Critical Care Nursing This course introduces students to the care of patients with life-threatening conditions. The course focuses on the integration of knowledge and skillsrequiredto provide holistic and safe nursing care to critically illadult’spatients and their families in critical care settings. The course includes an introduction to critical care nursing with physical assessment skills, diagnostic procedures, and pharmacological interventions integrated throughout the content areas. Emphasis is on critical thinking and nursing process as a framework for practice. |
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0503460 |
Mental Health Nursing This course presents basic information in psychiatric mental health and mental health nursing. It also explores the nature and scope of mental health and illness, treatment, and preventive measures. Students will have the opportunity to master these concepts through concurrent clinical rotations. This course of study will build upon the eight threads or competencies: critical thinking, technical skills, therapeutic communication, leadership/management, time management/ organization, professional behavior, caring, andutilizingthe nursing process.The content of the course is delivered through selected clinical cases in a problem-based format. |
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0503461 |
Mental Health Nursing / Practicum This courseprovidesthe opportunity for mental health nursing practice in acute and chronic healthcare institutions with an emphasis on the maintenance and restoration of mental health. Students areprovidedthe opportunity to work with individuals and families experiencing stress responses, maladaptive and severe behavioral disorders. |
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0503462 |
Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Professions The course explores the different ethical principles governing decision making in health care systems and provides an overview of the prevailing laws and regulations related to patient rights and safety, professional licensure, and scope of practice, particularly in the UAE. The course enables the students to understand the distinct, yet integral, relationship between multidisciplinary professions involved in providing healthcare. Ethical dilemmas common to modern healthcare systems will be emphasized. |
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0503468 |
ResearchProject This courseprovidesstudents the opportunity to apply knowledge of the research process and Evidence Based Practice (EBP) to the investigation of health-related researchquestion. Students will work with their research supervisors tofinalizethe development of a scientifically sound andfeasibleresearch proposal with emphasis on the study design, data collection tools, forms, and procedures. In addition, students will conduct the clinical/EBP research project, enter, and analyze data,writea research report, and present the findings of their research study. Emphasis is placed on steps of the research process including literature review, study design, sampling, data collection, and analysis, interpretations, and dissemination of research findings. |
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0503463 |
Consolidation of Nursing Practice Consolidation in Nursing Practice is a competency based clinical course that seeks to integrate research, theory, and practice in a variety of health care settings. Emphasis is given to entry level competencies were the student will consolidate and expand their knowledge; skills and attitudes acquired from previous courses thus facilitate smooth transition of senior nursing students to a confident graduate Nurse in clinical practice. The course aims to bridge the theory - practice gap through emphasis on evidence-based practice and assist students to refine critical thinking skills to support clinical decision- making, gain independence and competence in the provision of care to patients and their families. |
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Career Path
Graduates holding a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc. N) have abundant employment opportunities, fueled by the significant demand for nurses both locally in the UAE and globally. These graduates typically work as general nurses, delivering direct healthcare to individuals, families, and communities. Furthermore, they have opportunities to pursue diverse roles across nursing practice, education, leadership, management, and research.

How will you make an impact?
Nursing offers strong job security because of the high demand for qualified professionals. Graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree from the University of Sharjah are likely to receive job offers upon completion of their studies. The healthcare industry provides diverse career opportunities for BSN holders, with numerous organizations ranging from large hospitals to small clinics actively seeking these graduates.
Nursing is anticipated to be one of the top 10 professions in the world. After obtaining a BSN and meeting local licensing requirements, graduates can work as registered nurses in various settings including healthcare facilities, community organizations, industrial sites, educational institutions, travel agencies, and military establishments.
A BSN degree has become the industry standard, unlocking numerous career possibilities. Despite increased college enrollment and growing interest from millennials, there remains a significant shortage of nurses worldwide. BSN-qualified nurses can pursue a wide array of career paths, from emergency room work to specialized care for specific demographics, such as pediatrics, adutls, and geriatrics.
Potential career specializations for BSN-educated registered nurses include the following:
Staff Nurse (Hospital, clinics, etc.)
Critical Care Nurse
Pediatric Nurse
Charge Nurse
Psychiatric Mental health Nurse
Trauma Nurse
Emergency Room Nurse
Geriatric Nurse
Nurse Case Manager
Public Health Nurse
Maternal nurse etc.
These examples illustrate the diverse range of opportunities available for BSN graduates in the nursing field.