Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Degree Structure




Electrical Engineering



Study System


Total Credit Hours

132 Cr. Hrs.


4 Years


Fall and Spring



Study Mode

Full Time

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Important Dates

Undergraduate Admission Deadline

Undergraduate Admission Deadline

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Degree Overview

To obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the student must complete a total of 132 credit hours. These hours span University, College, and Departmental requirements. The allocation of the credit hours is shown in the following table:

Study Plan


Study Plan - Before Fall 2020


Study Plan - Starting Fall 2020


Study Plan - Starting Fall 2021


Study Plan -Fall 2023


What You Will Learn

Become a specialist in the design of devices and systems that make modern life possible, with a master’s degree in electrical and electronic engineering.

Learn to understand electrical and electronic devices that make the human world go round: from machines and power systems like wind turbines, devices such as lasers, microprocessors, and computers, to communication systems like 5G mobile networks.

University Requirements

College Requirements

Degree Requirements

To obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the student must complete a total of 132 credit hours. These hours span University, College, and Departmental requirements. The allocation of the credit hours is shown in the following table:









Compulsory 18
Electives 6
- 15 21
Total 24 31

ProgramRequirements (Fall 2021)

A.Core Courses

The EEE core courses are listed in the table below.

Course # Title Crs Prerequisites
1440262 Mathematics for Engineers 3 Pre: 1440161
0402100 Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2 Pre/Co:1501100
0402202 Circuit Analysis I 3 Pre/Co: 1430117,1440261
0402203 Circuit Analysis I Laboratory 1 Pre/Co: 0402202,1430118
0402205 Circuit Analysis II 3 Pre: 0402202
0402206 Circuit Analysis II Laboratory 1 Pre: 0402203 Pre/Co: 0402205
0402240 Signals and Systems 3 Pre: 0402202
0402241 Random Signal Theory 3 Pre/Co: 0402202
0402250 Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits 3 Pre: 0402202, 1502201
0402251 Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits Laboratory 1 Pre: 0402203 Pre/Co: 0402250
0402310 Electromechanical Systems 3 Pre: 0402205
0402311 Electromechanical Systems Laboratory 1 Pre: 0402206 Pre/Co: 0402310
0402320 Field Analysis 3 Pre: 1430117 Pre/Co: 1440262
0402330 Feedback Control Systems 3 Pre: 0402240
0402331 Feedback Control Systems Laboratory 1 Pre/Co: 0402330
0402340 Engineering Computation Linear Algebra 3 Pre: 1411116,1440261
0402341 Multimedia Technology Laboratory 1 Pre: 0402240
0402343 Random Signal Systems 3 Pre: 0402240,0402241
0402346 Telecommunication Systems I 3 Pre: 0402240,0402241
0402347 Telecommunication Systems I Laboratory 1 Pre: 0402346
0402353 Electronic Circuits 3 Pre: 0402250
0402354 Electronic Circuits Laboratory 1 Pre/Co: 0402353
0402491 Senior Design Project I 1 Senior Standing Pre/Co: 0202207,0202110
0402492 Senior Design Project II 3 Pre: 0402491
1502201 Digital Logic Design 3 Pre: 1411116
1502202 Digital Logic Design Laboratory 1
Pre: 1502201
1502336 Microcontroller Based Design 1
Pre: 1411116, 1502201
1502337 Microcontroller Based Design Laboratory 1 Pre/Co: 1502336, 150220
1502300 Professional, Societal, and Ethical Issues in Engineering 1 3rd Year Standing


As part of the program for the Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the student is required to study 15 credit hours of technical elective courses. These courses allow the student to focus on a specific area for in depth knowledge and understanding. The student can also mix and match elective courses from different areas to get a more advanced exposure to the different Electrical and Electronics Engineering disciplines. The student should select, in cooperation with his/her academic advisor, the list of electives that best meet his or her needs and aspirations. It is highly recommended that the student register for these courses after completing all department required courses. The following table shows the list of elective courses.

Note: students can register maximum of 2 special topics as department electives.

Course # Title Crs Prerequisites
0402410 Power System Analysis 3 Pre: 0402310
0402411 Electric Power Distribution Systems 3 Pre/Co: 0402310
0402420 Microwave Engineering 3 Pre: 0402320
0402421 Antenna Analysis 3 Pre: 0402320
0402430 Instrumentation and Measurements 3 Pre: 0402353,0402240
0402434 Digital Control Systems 3 Pre: 0402330
0402436 Applied Control Engineering 3 Pre: 0402330
0402437 Programmable Logic Controllers and Applications 3 Pre: 1502336 or 1502334
0402442 Telecommunication Systems II 3 Pre: 0402346
0402444 Digital Signal Processing 3 Pre: 0402240
0402446 Cellular Telephony 3 Pre: 0402346
0402447 Wireless Communication 3 Pre: 0402346
0402448 Speech Signal Processing and Applications 3 Pre: 0402340,0402346
0402449 Optical Fiber Communication 3 Pre: 0402250,0402346
0402450 Power Electronics 3 Pre: 0402353
0402452 Communication Electronics 3 Pre: 0402353,0402346
0402454 Optoelectronics 3 Pre: 0402353
0402455 Analog Integrated Circuits 3 Pre: 0402353
0402460 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering 3 4th Year Standing
0402461 Special Topics in Control and Automation 3 Pre: 0402330
0402462 Special Topics in Communication Systems 3 Pre: 0402346
0402463 Special Topics in Electronics 3 Pre: 0402250
0402464 Special Topics in Signal and Image Processing 3 Pre: 0402240
0402493 Senior Seminar in Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1 Senior standing
0402441 Information Theory and coding 3 Pre: 0402346
0402414 Power Systems Lab 1
0402415 Grid Connected PV Systems 3
0402431 Instrumentation and Measurement Lab 1
1502410 Artificial Intelligence Engineering 3
1502448 Communication Networks 3
150244 Autonomous Robotics and Active Vision Systems

ProgramRequirements (Fall 2023)

A.Core Courses

Course # Title Crs
0402103 Introduction to E E Eng. 3
0402202 Circuit Analysis I 3
0402203 Circuit Analysis I Laboratory 1
0402205 Circuit Analysis II 3
0402206 Circuits Analysis II Lab 1
0402240 Signals and Systems 3
0402242 Random Signal Analys i s 3
0402250 Fund. of Elec. Circuits 3
0402251 Fund. of Elec. Circuits Lab. 1
0402310 Electromechanical Systems 3
0402311 Electromechanical Systems Lab 1
0402320 Field Analysis 3
0402330 Feedback Control Systems 3
0402331 Feedback Control Systems Lab 1
0402340 Eng. Comp. Linear Algebra 3
0402341 Multimedia Technology Lab 1
0402346 Telecommunication Systems 1 3
0402347 Telecommunication Sys tems1 Lab 1
0402353 Electronic Circuits 3
0402354 Electronic Circuits Laboratory 1
0402453 Mixed Signal Electronic CCT 3
0402465 Contemporary Topics in EE 3
0402491 Senior Design Project I 1
0402492 Senior Design Project II 3
0402494 Practical Training I in EE 1
0402495 Practical Training II in EE 2
1440262 Mathematics for Engineers 3
1502201 Digital Logic Design 3
1502202 Digital Logic Design Lab. 1
1502336 Microcontroller-Based Design 3
1502337 Microcontroller-Based Design Lab 1
Course# Title Crs
0402410 Power System Analysis 3
0402411 Electric Power Distribution 3
0402415 Grid Connected PV System 3
0402420 Microwave Engineering 3
0402421 Antenna Analysis 3
0402430 Instrumentation Measurements 3
0402434 Digital Control Systems 3
0402436 Applied Control Engineering 3
0402437 Programmable Logic Cont. App 3
0402441 Information Theory and Coding 3
0402442 Telecommunication Systems 2 3
0402444 Digital Signal Processing 3
0402446 Cellular Telephony 3
0402447 Wireless s Communication 3
0402448 Speech Signal Proc. App. 3
0402449 Optical Fiber Communication 3
0402450 Power Electronics 3
0402452 Communications Electronics 3
0402454 Optoelectronics 3
0402455 Analog Integrated Circuits 3
0402460 Special Topics in EE 3
0402461 Spe.Tops. n Control Automation 3
0402462 Special Topics in Comm. Sys . 3
0402463 Special Topics in Electronics 3
0402464 Special Topics in Signal Proc. 3
1502410 Artificial Intelligence Eng. 3
1502448 Communication Networks 3
1502449 Auto. Robotics Act. Vision Sys 3

Course Description

Descriptions of the core courses are given below.

0402100 Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1-2:2)

This introductory course covers aspects such as engineering profession, nature and scope of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering design and problem solving, study skills, communication and teamwork. The course deals with library search, labs facilities and resources available, lab associated with the course such as lab tools familiarization, Lab Safety, MATLAB/Simulink experiments.

Prerequisite(s):Pre/Co:1501100-Intro to IT


0402202 CircuitAnalysisI (3-0:3)

This course covers the fundamentals of DC and AC circuit laws, mathematical models for circuit elements, techniques for circuit analysis and for writing and solving circuit equations, circuit theorems, introduction to Op-Amps, transient analysis of first order circuits, phasor technique for steady-state sinusoidal response.

Prerequisite(s):Pre/Co: 1430117- Physics II; Pre/Co: 1440261 - Differential Equations for Engineers.


0402203 CircuitAnalysisILaboratory (0-3:1)

This course covers Fundamentals of DC circuits. Experiments that revolve around DC networks and their behavior under transient and steady state conditions. SPICE modeling of circuits, use of test and measurement equipment such as function generators and oscilloscopes.

Prerequisite(s):Pre/Co: 1430118 - Physics II Laboratory; Pre/Co: 0402202 - Circuit Analysis I.


0402205 CircuitAnalysisII (3-0:3)

This course covers AC power concepts, three-phase systems, magnetically coupled circuits and transformers, Laplace transform, transfer functions and Bode plots, frequency selective circuits and two-port networks.

Prerequisite:0402202- Circuit Analysis I.


0402206 CircuitAnalysisIILaboratory (0-3:1)

The laboratory is designed to provide virtual, practical and hands-on experience of a variety of AC Circuits with the help of Electrical Laboratory Equipment applying electrical principles and techniques. Laboratory work includes AC power measurements, resonance in both RLC series and parallel circuits. Frequency response for low pass, band pass and notch filters. Transformer operation and characteristics, two-port network measurements, Spice circuit simulation, three-phase circuits.

Prerequisites:0402203 - Circuit Analysis I Laboratory; Pre/Co: 0402205 - Circuit Analysis II.


0402240 SignalsandSystems (3-0:3)

The course deals with the representation and analysis of signals. Fourier transforms. Linear time-invariant systems, impulse response, amplitude and phase responses. Representation and analysis of discrete-time signals. Z-transforms. Introduction to analog and digital filters.

Prerequisite:0402202 - Circuit Analysis I.


0402241 RandomSignalTheory (3-0:3)

This course provides an overview of statistics in engineering, probability, and data summary at the undergraduate level. This course starts with an overview of the probability concepts, discrete random variables and probability distribution. Then, covers the continuous random variables, probability distribution and joint probability distribution. The last part of the course provides an introduction to parameter estimation and computation of confidence intervals.

Prerequisite:Pre/Co: 0402202 - Circuit Analysis I

0402250 FundamentalsofElectronicCircuits (3-0:3)

This course covers fundamentals of semiconductor physics, the PN junction diode (characteristics, modeling and applications), the Bipolar Junction Transistor (structure, characteristics, modeling, DC circuit analysis and biasing techniques), the Metal-Oxide Semi-Conductor transistor (structure, characteristics, modeling, DC circuit analysis and biasing techniques), digital applications of diodes (DTL logic), digital applications of BJTs (e.g. ECL logic), digital applications of MOSFETs (NMOS and CMOS static logic), and introduction to small signal analysis.

Prerequisite(s):0402202-Circuit Analysis I; 1502201- Digital Logic Design, 0402203-Circuit Analysis I Laboratory


0402251 FundamentalsofElectronicCircuitsLaboratory (0-3:1)

This course deals with CADENCE and its usage to carryout AC & transient analysis. Signal and Zener diode characteristics and application circuits. Bipolar and MOS transistor characteristics and DC biasing circuits. BJT and MOS digital circuit simulation using Spice and experiments using discrete components and transistor arrays.

Prerequisite(s): Pre: 0402203-Circuit Analysis I Laboratory; Pre/Co: 0402250-Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits.


0402310 ElectromechanicalSystems (3-0:3)

The course covers fundamentals of magnetic circuits, principles of electromechanical energy conversions, principles of DC and AC, machines, steady-state analysis of AC and DC machines, transformers, stepper and servomotors.

Prerequisites:0402205 Circuit Analysis II


0402311 ElectromechanicalSystemsLaboratory (0-3:1)

This course provide Hands-on exercises to set up circuits along with many measurements and observation capabilities of the virtual instrumentation system to explore the operating principles and characteristic of transformers, DC and AC Motors and Generators.

Prerequisites: 0402206 - Circuit Analysis II Laboratory; Pre/Co: 0402310 - Electromechanical Systems.


0402320 FieldAnalysis (3-0:3)

This course mainly provides a solid foundation on the topic of electrostatic and magnetostatic fields. The course covers time varying fields and Maxwell equations. It also explores the concepts of plane wave propagation, reflection and refraction. Transmission lines, waveguides, antennas, and fiber optics are also briefly discussed.

Prerequisites: Pre: 1430117 - Physics II, Pre/Co: 1440262 - Mathematics for Engineers.


0402330 FeedbackControlSystems (3-0:3)

This course provides an introduction to linear control systems, open-loop and closed-loop control systems. It covers different mathematical representations of linear time-invariant systems such as differential equations, transfer function, and state space equations. It includes the time response and performance analysis of feedback control systems. It provides the basic tools for stability analysis using Routh-Hurwitz method, Bode and Nyquist diagrams. It covers control design techniques such as root locus method, state feedback control technique, and PID controllers.

Prerequisite: 0402240 - Signals and Systems.


0402331 FeedbackControlSystemsLaboratory (0-3:1)

This course deals with the response of electromechanical devices and mechanisms in open-loop and closed-loop systems; analog and digital systems with cascade and feedback compensation techniques; and computer-aided design and analysis using MATLAB software.

Prerequisite: Pre/Co: 0402330 Feedback Control Systems.


0402340 EngineeringComputationandLinearAlgebra (3-0:3)

This course covers topics such as numerical solution of linear and nonlinear equations and system of equations using exact and approximative methods; determining ill-conditioned systems; Error terminology, IEEE 754 floating point representation, number approximation and precision, truncation error; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; interpolation and curve fitting; numerical differentiation and integration of functions, numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, use of MATLAB to solve complex engineering problems.

Prerequisites: 1411116 - Programming I; 1440261 - Differential Equations for Engineers.


0402341 MultimediaTechnologyLaboratory (0-3:1)

This lab provides introduction of MATLAB for signals at the undergraduate level. The lab starts with signal operations in the time and frequency domains. Then the lab covers speech manipulation and analysis. After that the lab deals with image manipulation and analysis. Demonstration of filtering and spectral analysis is also covered.

Prerequisite: 0402240 - Signals and Systems.


0402343 RandomSignal&Systems (3-0:3)

This course provides an introduction to random processes and their filtering at the undergraduate level. It starts with the statistical representation of multiple random variables, including the joint PMF, joint PDF, expectation, moments, covariance matrix and correlation matrix. The course then covers the basic concepts and statistical representation of random processes including the autocorrelation function, and the concepts of stationarity and ergodicity. The frequency domain analysis of random processes using the power spectral density is then addressed. The last part of the course covers the topic of filtering, including the application of linear filters to random processes, the noise-equivalent bandwidth, the signal-to-noise ratio and matched filtering.

Prerequisites: 0402240 - Signals and Systems; 0402241 - Random Signal Theory.


0402346 TelecommunicationSystemsI (3-0:3)


This course provides an introduction to analog and digital communications systems at the undergraduate level. After an overview of communication systems and their basic components, the course focuses on analog modulation. The main amplitude modulation techniques are covered including AM-LC, DSBSC, SSB, QAM and VSB. Angle modulation techniques are then studied, including frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM). Then the course covers the concepts of analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion, including sampling, quantization and PCM. The last part of the course provides an introduction to digital communication systems including the concepts of line-coding, digital carrier modulation (ASK, PSK, FSK, QAM) and demodulation.

Prerequisites:0402240-SignalsandSystems; 0402241 - Random Signal Theory.


0402347 TelecommunicationSystemsILaboratory (0-3:1)

This lab course provides experimental application of the basic principles of Telecommunication Systems already studied in the theory course. The first set of experiments covers analog modulation techniques including amplitude modulation (AM) transmission and reception (DSB-SC and DSB-TC) and frequency modulation (FM) transmission and reception. The second set of experiments cover concepts related to pulse modulation and analog-to-digital conversion, including sampling and reconstruction, pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), PAM-TDM, quantization and PCM. The last set of lab experiments deals with digital modulation techniques such as FSK, ASK, PSK and their demodulation.

Prerequisite: 0402346 - Telecommunication Systems I.


0402353 ElectronicCircuits (3-0:3)

This course covers a review of semiconductor device characteristics and DC analysis (diodes, BJTs and MOSFETs). Small-signal AC analysis, and basic application circuits (single-stage amplifiers, multiple-stage amplifiers, differential amplifiers, active biasing). Frequency response and feedback topologies. The operational amplifier and its linear and nonlinear applications (waveform generators, oscillators, first and second-order filters)

Prerequisite:0402250 - Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits.


0402354 ElectronicCircuitsLaboratory (0-3:1)

This course deals with Bipolar transistor single and multiple stage amplifiers, MOS transistor amplifiers, frequency response measurements and feedback, op amp linear and nonlinear circuits; filters, oscillators and wave generators.

Prerequisite: Pre/Co: 0402353-Electronic Circuits. 0402251- Fundamentals of Electronics lab


0402491 SeniorDesignProjectI (1-0:1)

This is the first phase of the capstone project, which, consists of two courses Senior Design Project I and Senior Design Project II. Subjects for the projects are linked to research interests in the department or sometimes in co- operation with local industry. Small groups of students work together to design, build, refine and test complete hardware or software systems to meet specifications. During this phase, students are expected to study the current literatures, acquire the required skills for the project, and finalize the high level specifications for the design. Each group of students submits a report and gives a presentation.

Prerequisites:Senior standing in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Pre/Co: 0202207 - Technical Writing


0402492 SeniorDesignProjectII (3-0:3)

This is the second phase of the capstone project, which, consists of two courses Senior Design Project I and Senior Design Project II.During this phase, students are expected to implement the proposed project as outlined in the report produced at the end of Senior Design Project I. Each group of students isrequired toprepare adetailed report, aposter, andmake a formal presentation of their work that will be used to evaluate their engineering design and verbal and communication skills.

Prerequisite: 0402491 - Senior Design Project I.



Descriptions of the elective courses are given below.

0402410 PowerSystemAnalysis (3-0:3)
This course covers Load studies, fault calculations, stability studies, transmission line parameters, impedance of transmission lines, capacitance of transmission lines, bundled conductors and parallel three-phase lines, current and voltage relations on a transmission line, power flow in transmission lines, one-line diagrams, per unit power system representation, network equations and solutions, load flow studies and methods.
Prerequisite: 0402310 - Electromechanical Systems.


0402411 ElectricPowerDistributionSystems (3-0:3)

This course covers an introduction to electric distribution systems, distribution system indices and load characteristics, different topologies and configurations of distribution systems, distribution system equipment, single-phase and three-phase distribution transformers, over-head distribution lines, underground cables, distribution protective systems, protective equipment and devices, voltage drop over distribution feeders, voltage regulation, distribution system compensation, distribution generation units, power quality issues and electric distribution within the buildings.

Prerequisite: Pre/Co: 0402310- Electromechanical Systems.


0402449 OpticalFiberCommunication (3-0:3)

This course provides an introduction to optical communication systems at the undergraduate level. It starts with the characterization of optical fibers, waveguides and wave propagation. The course then covers the design of optical transmitters (light emitting diode, semi-conductor lasers) and receivers (common photodetectors, receiver sensitivity, noise). The course also studies light wave systems, as well as dispersion management techniques, including pre-compensation, post-compensation and optical filters. The course also visits multi-channel techniques, including WDM systems. The last part of the course covers coherent light-wave systems including modulation, demodulation and performance.

Prerequisites: 0402250 - Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits; 0402346 Telecommunication Systems I.


0402420 MicrowaveEngineering (3-0:3)

The course includes a review of Maxwell’s equations and wave propagations in bounded media followed by a detailed discussion of transmission line theory, Smith chart, and impedance matching and tuning. Rectangular waveguides and their respective modes of propagation are discussed. Microwave network analysis using impedance, transmission and scattering matrix representations is also discussed. Working of passive microwave circuits like power dividers and directional couplers is covered. Project work is included to develop student engineering design and report writing skills.

Prerequisite: 0402320 - Field Analysis.


0402421 AntennaAnalysis (3-0:3)

This course covers the fundamentals of analysis and design of antennas and antenna arrays. Basic properties of antennas such as gain, radiation patterns, polarization, antenna temperature, antenna equivalent circuit, radiation efficiency, EIRP, near-field and far-field zones are covered. Detailed analysis of traditional antennas such as dipoles, loops, helices, and aperture antennas are followed by the design of more modern antennas such as microstrip and dielectric resonator antennas. Basic theory will also be covered for the analysis and design of linear and planar arrays, including array factors, pattern multiplication, beam scanning, amplitude weighting, and mutual coupling

Prerequisite:0402320 - Field Analysis.


0402430 InstrumentationandMeasurements (2-3:3)


This course covers the measurement process, errors and sources of errors, signal and noise in instrumentation, filtering, display and recording systems, elements of signal processing in instrumentation, transducers, sensors, micro-processor-based instrumentation systems, data logging, interfaces and data processing. Conduct sensor-based simulation/experiments.

Prerequisites: 0402240 - Signals and Systems; 0402353 - Electronic Circuits.


0402434 DigitalControlSystems (3-0:3)


This course deals with the discrete-time systems and the Z-transform; Sampling and reconstruction; Open-loop and closed-loop discrete-time systems; System time-response characteristics; Stability analysis techniques; Digital controller design; State-space representations of discrete-time systems; and Pole-assignment design and stat estimation.

Prerequisite:0402330 - Feedback Control Systems.


0402436 AppliedControlEngineering (3-0:3)

This course covers: Introduction to process control; Feedback and feedforward control configurations; Modeling of dynamic systems: Time delays, high order systems, multivariable systems; Process identification; Analysis and controller design performances; PID controller tuning; Intelligent controller tuning; Advanced control techniques; Process interaction and decoupling control; Introduction to distributed computer control systems and digital Control issues.

Prerequisite:0402330 - Feedback Control Systems.


0402442 TelecommunicationSystemsII (3-0:3)

This course provides an advanced topics in digital communications systems at the undergraduate level. The course starts with overview of the basics of pulse-digital modulation systems such as sampling, quantization, and quantization noise, Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), then Differential PCM and Delta Modulation. Then the course provides an introduction of Information theory concepts to be used for PCM bit encoders. Then the course covers intersymbol distortion and their cancellation such as pulse shaping and channel equalization. The last part of the course covers the signal space and its use for determining the performance of digital transmission systems such as MASK, MPSK, MFSK, QAM in the presence of noise.

Prerequisite: 0402346-Telecommunication Systems I.


0402444 DigitalSignalProcessing (3-0:3)

This course covers classification of discrete-time signals and systems. Digital filter structures and transfer functions. Design algorithms for IIR and FIR filters. DFT and its implementation. Z transform and digital signal processing applications.

Prerequisite: 0402240 - Signals and Systems.


0402437 ProgrammableLogicControllersandApplications (2-2:3)

This course is an introductary course on programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and their applications. The course starts with overview of PLCs, PLC hardware components, and the basics of PLC programming. Then the course will cover the developments of PLC ladder programming such as timers and counters, data manipulation, PLC sensors and actuators. The course is supported by laboratory activities through which students use PLC trainer to perform industrial control functions, troubleshooting, and networking PLCs in situations simitar to typical industrial projects.

Prerequisite: 1502336 - Microcontroller Based Design or 1502334 - Embedded Systems Design.


0402446 CellularTelephony (3-0:3)

This class provides a solid foundation on the topic of cellular systems including cellular networks, cellular technologies, and mobile radio propagation. The course covers network architecture, network planning, and optimization. It also explores the concepts of co-channel interference, noise, receiver sensitivity, and link budget. Propagation modeling, path loss models, and data detection will be illustrated. Evolution of cellular technologies, including 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and beyond 5G (B5G) will be explored. Concepts of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), massive MIMO, cell-free massive MIMO, and millimeter wave (mmWave) will also be visited.

Prerequisite: 0402346 - Telecommunication Systems I.


0402447 WirelessCommunication (3-0:3)


This course provides a foundation in Wireless Communications at the undergraduate level. It begins with an overview of Wireless Communications and its technical challenges. It then covers the basics, characterization and types of wireless propagation channels. Wireless transceiver systems are also studied, including digital modulation/demodulation and error performance. Diversity schemes (SC, MRC, EGC) and their respective gains are then visited. The course then covers error correction coding, including linear block codes, convolutional codes and Viterbi decoding. The course also studies multiple access schemes (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA) and cellular systems, including the concepts of frequency reuse, capacity and blocking probability. The last part of the course covers advanced wireless systems such as spread spectrum communication.

Prerequisite: 0402346 - Telecommunication Systems I.


0402448 SpeechSignalProcessingandApplications (3-0:3)


This course deals with Speech analysis and modeling, Digital processing of speech signals, Parametric coding of speech: linear predictive coding, Stochastic modeling of speech signals, Pattern recognition and its application to speech, Speech recognition and its applications, Speaker recognition and its applications, and the latest developments in the different areas of speech.

Prerequisites:0402346-TelecommunicationSystemsI;0402340-Engineering Computation and Linear Algebra.


0402450 PowerElectronics (2-3:3)

This course covers applications ofpowerdiodesandsiliconcontrolledrectifiers.Static converters. AC voltage controllers. DC power supplies. Choppers, Inverters in power systems.experimental sessions on power electronic Circuits and equipment

Prerequisite: 0402353 - Electronic Circuits.


0402452 CommunicationsElectronics (3-0:3)

This course covers the design of communication circuits such as oscillators, mixers and tuned networks. AM and FM transmitters. Low noise amplifier design, matching, higher-order filter design.

Prerequisites:0402353-ElectronicCircuits; 0402346 - Telecommunication systems I.


0402454 Optoelectronics (3-0:3)

This course deals with Physics and operating characteristics of optoelectronic semiconductor devices. Modern optoelectronic components such as waveguides, optical fibers, photo detectors, light emitting diodes and semiconductor lasers.

Prerequisite: 0402353 - Electronic Circuits.


0402455 AnalogIntegratedCircuits (3-0:3)

The course serves as an advanced course for electronics students in analog integrated circuits (IC) design. The course will focus on conventional and modern analog building blocks for analog signal processing in BJT and MOS technology both in continuous time and discrete time applications. The course include analog multipliers, the op-amp applications in active filters, op-amp non-idealities, Nonlinearity cancellation of the MOS transistors, MOS-C Continuous time filters, Switched-C Circuits, and High frequency analog blocks ( ex: Current Conveyors and current feedback amplifiers).

Prerequisite: 0402353 - Electronic Circuits.


0402460 SpecialTopicsinElectricalEngineering (3-0:3)

This course covers emerging and advanced topics in electrical engineering. Thecontentsandpre-requisitewillvarydependingonthetopic.

Prerequisite: 4th Year standing.


0402461 SpecialTopicsinControlandAutomation (3-0:3)

This course covers emerging and advanced topics in the field of control and automation. The contents will vary depending on the topic.

Prerequisite: 0402330 - Feedback Control Systems.


0402462 SpecialTopicsinCommunicationSystems (3-0:3)

Shannon Theory, Nyquist Sampling and Single-Carrier Modulation, Statistical Detection and Error Performance, Channel Coding, Adaptive Filters, Equalization, Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) andMultiple-Input Multiple- Output (MIMO).

Prerequisite: 0402346 - Telecommunication Systems I.


0402463 SpecialTopicsinElectronics (3-0:3)
This course covers emerging and advanced topics in the field of electronics. The contents will vary depending on the topic.
Prerequisite: 0402250 - Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits.


0402464 SpecialTopicsinSignalandImageProcessing (3-0:3)

This course covers emerging and advanced topics in the field of signal and imageprocessing.Thecontentswillvarydependingonthetopic.

Prerequisites: 0402240 - Signals and Systems; 0402340


0402493 SeniorSeminarinElectrical&ElectronicsEngineering (1-0:1)

The Coursereviewscontemporary topics in electrical and electronics engineering to enrich senior students' knowledge about the latest technologies and research areas in electrical and electronics engineering field. It includes the latest in the fields of circuit analysis and design, automatic control, electronic devices and telecommunications with numerous practical applications. The course introduces the students to research methodologies and sharpen skills needed to be successful as future engineers. It helps senior students to understand career development process and explore trends in the market while at the same time preparing them to start their career path. The course aims to enhance oral communication skills by giving the opportunity for senior students to give seminars about new topics of their selection.

Prerequisite: Senior standing.


0402415 Grid Connected PV System (3-0:3)

This course covers review of PV systems. Power conditioning and maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms based buck- and boost converter technologies. Maximum power point (MPP) methods for PV system. Inverter topologies for stand-alone and grid connected PV operation. Introduction to MATLAB Simulink. Simulation models and examples using MATLAB Simulink. Active power filtering with real power injection. Grid-connected PV system economics.

Prerequisite: 0402353 Electronic Circuits


Information theory and coding

This course provides a foundation on the topic of Information Theory and Coding at the undergraduate level. It focuses on two main parts. The first part of the course covers Information Theory: the amount of information concept, average information, entropy and information rate, Shannon's theorem, and channel capacity. The second part of the course covers Coding Theory: mathematics of coding, groups, fields, Galois fields), Block codes: (parity and generator matrix, syndrome, and minimum distance), Linear block codes and Cyclic codes, Convolutional codes, and Viterbi decoding algorithm.

Prerequisite:0402346Telecommunication Systems 1


Career Path

Our graduates are well-prepared for diverse career pathways, including employment in power stations, electric power, and microelectronics industries, involvement in construction projects encompassing electrical distribution, opportunities in sectors such as medical equipment, communications, instrumentation, and measurements, engagement in process automation and wireless systems operation and design across all industries, and developing microcontroller-based embedded systems.

How will you make an impact?

Every student’s journey at UoS and beyond is different, which is why our Career & Professional Development team provides personalized career resources to help students make an impact for years to come.

Helpful Resources

Student Life

Get ready to explore cutting-edge facilities, join engaging clubs and organizations.


Apply Now

Get started on your academic journey today by submitting your application! Let’s shape the future together and create innovative solutions for tomorrow's challenges!


Financial Aid

Explore our varied financial aid programs, providing support to students requiring assistance for their education.


Tuition and Fees

Learn about our tuition and fees and explore the costs associated with various programs.
