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Postgraduate Diploma in Ultrasound Technology Applications

Degree Structure





Higher Diploma

Study System


Total Credit Hours

24 Cr. Hrs.


9 Months


Fall and Spring



Study Mode

Full Time

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Undergraduate Admission Deadline - Medical

Undergraduate Admission Deadline - Medical

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Degree Overview

The Postgraduate Diploma in Ultrasound Technology Applications (PGDUS) is a unique program, designed to address unmet needs of the Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBG) specialist and consultants to equip them with the core knowledge and skills in using ultrasound technology during pregnancy and interpreting fetal ultrasound images as well as US images of female reproductive pathologies. This program targets OBG specialists practicing in UAE and the region. It is based on best international and regional practice in similar programs. It takes into consideration the requirements to develop and update OBG skills in the discipline. The past practices in Sharjah clinical training center gave us excellent feedback on how to design an effective program in terms of the scientific and training content. The PGDUS program is modular structure comprising nine modules and a comprehensive assessment of knowledge, skills and professionalism. The faculty are renowned international and national fetal medicine and imaging specialists.

Study Plan

What You Will Learn


University Requirements

College Requirements

Degree Requirements

Program Structure

Module No. Module Code Module Title Credit Hrs
Module 1 0953501 Fundamental Principles of Ultrasound and its Practice 2
Module 2 0953502 Early Pregnancy Scan 2
Module 3 0953503 Second and Third Trimesters 2
Module 4
0953504 Ultrasound of Fetal Brain, Spine, Head and Neck Anomalies 3
Module 5 0953505 Ultrasound of Fetal Thorax and Heart Anomalies 3
Module 6 0953506 Ultrasound of Fetal Abdomen and Skeleton 3
Module 7 0953507 Doppler in Obstetrics and Gynecology 3
Module 8 0953508 Ultrasound in Gynecology and Infertility 3
Module 9 0953509 Interventional and intra Partum Ultrasound 3
Total Credit Hours - - 24

Study Plan

The sequence of modules will be as follows:

Semester 1

Module No. Module Code Module Title Credit Hours
Module 1 0953501 Fundamental Principles of Ultrasound and its Practice 2
Module 2
0953502 Early Pregnancy Scan 2
Module 3 0953503 Second and Third Trimesters 2
Module 4 0953504 Ultrasound of Fetal Brain, Spine, Head and Neck Anomalies 3
Module 5 0953505 Ultrasound of Fetal Thorax and Heart Anomalies 3
Total Credit Hours - - 12

Semester 2

Module No. Module Code Module Title Credit Hours
Module 6
0953506 Ultrasound of Fetal Abdomen and Skeleton 3
Module 7 0953507 Doppler in Obstetrics and Gynecology 3
Module 8 0953508 Ultrasound in Gynecology and Infertility 3
Module 9 0953509 Interventional and intra Partum Ultrasound 3
Total Credit Hours - - 12

Course Description

Module Title Fundamental Principles of Ultrasound and its Practice
Module Code 0953501

Module Description:

The aim of this module is to give the candidate a background knowledge that enables them to start the clinical modules efficiently.

Module Contents:

  • Principles of Ultrasound imaging techniques and their Physics.
  • Basics of ultrasound modes (B-mode, M- mode, Doppler, 2-dimensional [2D] and volume sonography.
  • Description of the types of transducers and their technology
  • Knobology of the ultrasound machines
  • Common ultrasound artefacts and their remedies
  • Bioeffect of ultrasound and safety measures
  • Principles of infection control in ultrasound practice.
  • Proper and safe practice of ultrasound machine
    1. Ergonomic practices that minimize repetitive stress injuries (positioning of operator and equipment). 
    2. Correct transducer manipulation and image orientation
    3. Ultrasound image labeling and storage
    4. Appropriate communication of ultrasound findings to other health professionals. 
  • Medical ethics and medico legal aspects of Ob/Gyn Ultrasound practice
  • Multidisciplinary team working 
  • Transition to mastery
Module Title Early Pregnancy Scan
Module Code 0953502

Module Description:

This module has been designed to be acquainted with the ultrasound in early pregnancy and Basic First Trimester screening of chromosomal abnormalities and their anatomical structures and complications.

Module Contents:

The main topics of the modules are:

  1. Normal first trimester of pregnancy
  2. Fetal biometry of the first trimester
  3. First trimester screening
  4. Abnormal first trimester

    The details of the modules include the followings:

  • Steps for performance of first trimester transvaginal ultrasound examination.
  • Indications for first-trimester ultrasound examination.
  • Gestational sac evaluation (intrauterine location, discriminatory human chorionic gonadotropin levels, and differentiation from endometrial fluid).
  • Yolk sac.
  • Amnion.
  • Embryo/fetus (number).
  • Methods of determining twin placentation by ultrasound.
  • Role of ultrasound in follow-up of twin gestations.
  • Role of ultrasound in serial evaluation of discordant twins.
  • Sonographic findings of monochorionic mono-amniotic twins.
  • Embryo/fetus cardiac activity; document with M-mode or movie clip.
  • Criteria for definitive diagnosis of embryonic/fetal death in first trimester.
  • Components of sonographic dating in first trimester.
  • Ultrasound evaluation of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Atypical locations of ectopic pregnancy, including interstitial, ovarian, cervical, abdominal, and cesarean scar implantations.
  • Workup of pregnancy of unknown location
  • Subchorionic hematoma.
  • Sonographic features of molar pregnancy.
  • Association between thickened nuchal translucency and fetal chromosomal anomalies., nasal bone, facial angle, and Doppler of T.V and D.V Sonographic appearance of major fetal malformations in early gestation.
  • First trimester anatomical survey
  • Epidemiology of pregnancy associated problems, birth defects and gynecological diseases.
Module Title Second and Third Trimesters
Module Code

Module Description:

This module has been designed to be acquainted with the pregnancy and assessment of fetal growth, positioning and abnormalities, amniotic fluid evaluation and gender determination ultrasonography procedure in 2nd & 3rd trimester.

Module Contents:

  • Fetal biometry of the second and third trimester including;
    • BPD
    • HC
    • TCD
    • F.L
    • Hum L
    • A.C
  • Ultrasound of placenta including the anatomy, normal variants in anatomy and placental pathologies including:
  • Site abnormalities
  • Morphology abnormalities
  • Placental tumors and masses
  • Imaging the amniotic fluid including:
  • Amniotic fluid measurements
  • Discussion of polyhydromios and oligohydromnios
  • Ultrasound of abnormal echo-texture of amniotic fluid
  • Ultrasound of the umbilical cord discussing the normal anatomy of the umbilical cord, normal variants of cord anatomy and cord pathologies including abnormalities in number, morphology, vasa previa and cord masses 
  • Ultrasound evaluation of twin gestations
  • Role of ultrasound in diagnosis of twins.
  • Chorionicity and amnionicity in multifetal pregnancies.
  • Pathologies of monochorionic twins like unequal placental sharing, TTTS, TRAP
  • Role of ultrasound in evaluation of twin anemia-polycythemia sequence and selective intrauterine growth restriction in monochorionic twins.
  • Role of umbilical artery Doppler studies in the evaluation of fetal twin- twin transfusion syndrome.
  • Sonographic features of conjoined twins.
  • Role of ultrasound in diagnosis and evaluation of twin reversed arterial perfusion.
  • Ultrasound measurement of cervical length in second and third trimesters of pregnancy.
  • Writing the ultrasound report.
Module Title Ultrasound of Fetal Brain, Spine, Head and Neck Anomalies
Module Code 0953504

Module Description:

This module is designed to provide the basic and advance sonography knowledge about the anatomy of fetal brain, spine, head & neck and their anomalies in detail.

Module Contents:

Detailed anatomy of fetal brain, head and neck and common malformations

  • Ultrasound of supra-tentorial brain anomalies.
  • Ultrasound of infratentorial brain anomalies.
  • Ultrasound of fetal facial anatomy and common malformations.
  • Basics of volume neurosonography
  • 3D tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI) for CNS
Module Title Ultrasound of Fetal Thorax and Heart Anomalies
Module Code 0953505

Modle Description:

This module is designed to provide the basic and advance sonography knowledge about the anatomy of Fetal Thorax, Heart and their anomalies in detail.

Module Contents:

  • Normal fetal thoracic anatomy and common malformations.
  • Principles of fetal echocardiography including 4-chamber, 3-vessels views
  • Principles and practice of fetal echo-Doppler
  • Basics of volume echocardiography (STIC)
  • Normal fetal heart anatomy and common malformations.
  • Ultrasound of thoracic anomalies including bronchi, lung and chest wall
  • 4-D Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging (TUI) volume and spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC).
Module Title Ultrasound of Fetal Abdomen and Skeleton
Module Code 0953506

Module Description:

This module is designed to provide the basic and advance sonography knowledge about the anatomy of fetal abdominal organs and their anomalies in detail.

Module Contents:

  • Detailed anatomy of fetal abdominal organs including GIT, GUT and Hepato-biliary system
  • Ultrasound of GIT anomalies
  • Ultrasound of GUT anomalies
  • Ultrasound of liver, biliary system and spleen
Module Title Doppler in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Module Code

Module Description:

This module covers physical principles, indices, pitfalls and artifacts of Doppler modalities in pregnancy.

Module Contents:

  • Physical principles of Doppler, indices, pitfalls and artifacts of Doppler modalities
  • Technique of Doppler studies
  • Doppler indices used in day practice lie PSV, EDV, R.I, P.I and their role in day practice
  • Intra-uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)
  • Doppler in fetal growth and well-being including performance of the followings:
  • Uterine artery Doppler
  • Umbilical artery Doppler
  • Middle cerebral artery Doppler.
  • Management of fetal growth disorders (e.g. SGA, IUGR)
  • Role of Doppler in fetal anemia
  • Role of color Doppler in evaluation of adnexal masses.
    • Hemorrhagic cysts and their evolution
    • Endometriomas
    • Mature teratomas
Module Title Ultrasound in Gynecology and Infertility
Module Code 0953508

Module Description:

This module is designed to provide the relevant anatomy and physiology of the uterus & ovaries including normal appearance of IUCD and Assure systems and their anomalies.

  • Principles, tips and pitfalls of techniques of TAS and TVS
  • Ultrasound examination of no pregnant uterus
  • Indications for pelvic sonography. _
  • Relevant anatomy and physiology of the uterus
  • Sonographic features of the normal uterus in relation to the menstrual cycle.
  • Ultrasound evaluation of uterine masses including leiomyomas, AVM and leiomyosarcoma
  • Ultrasound evaluation of endometrial abnormalities (endometrial thickness, receptivity, Polyps, adhesions and masses)
  • Sonographic features of adenomyosis
  • Classification of congenital uterine malformations (2D and 3D ultrasound)
  • Role of ultrasound in localization of intrauterine contraceptive devices (2D and 3D ultrasound).
  • Ultrasound evaluation of adnexa
  • Sonographic features of normal ovary in relation to menstrual cycle.
  • Characteristics of a simple cyst.
  • Sonographic characteristics of hemorrhagic cysts and their evolution (gray-scale and color Doppler).
  • Sonographic characteristics of endometriomas (gray-scale and color Doppler).
  • Sonographic characteristics of mature teratomas (gray-scale and color Doppler).
  • Sonographic characteristics of pedunculated leiomyomas and ovarian fibromas.
  • Sonographic characteristics of hydrosalpinx.
  • Sonographic characteristics of tuboovarian inflammatory process (tubo-ovarian complex/ abscess).
  • Sonographic characteristics of peritoneal inclusion fluid.
  • Sonographic characteristics of polycystic ovaries.
  • Role of US in management of infertility cases including Uterine anomalies and pathologies, vulation disorders including anovulatory cycle, PCO, luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome, ovarian Hyperstimulation syndrome and follicular monitoring
  • Sonographic characteristics of adnexal torsion and Doppler for ovarian vein thrombosis
  • Sonographic characteristics of malignant adnexal masses.
  • Role of color Doppler in evaluation of adnexal masses.
  • Prediction models for ovarian cancer.
  • International Ovarian Tumor Analysis simple rules for classification of adnexal masses.
  • Sonographic features of endometriosis.
  • Sonographic of extra-ovarian pelvic pathologies (PID, extra-ovarian tumors)
Module Title Interventional and intra Partum Ultrasound
Module Code 0953509

Module Description:

The aim of this course is to know the role of ultrasound in interventional procedures in obstetrics including amniocentesis, CVS and fetal cardiocentesis.

Module Contents:

  • The role of ultrasound in interventional procedures in obstetrics including amniocentesis, Chorionic Villous Sampling (CVS) and fetal cardiocentesis PUBS percutaneous umbilical blood sampling)
  • Intra-aprtum Ultrasound and timing the delivery
  • Post partum Ultrasound
  • Management of high risk pregnancy (fetal and maternal conditions)
  • Role of Ultrasound in management of different stages of delivery
  • Detailed discussion of the different modes of volume sonography and their clinical application

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