Executive Master in Business Administration

Degree Structure


Business Administration


Executive Master in Business Administration (EMBA)


Graduate Masters

Study System


Total Credit Hours

33 Cr. Hrs.


2-4 Years


Fall and Spring



Study Mode

Full Time and Part Time

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Degree Overview

The UOS EMBA program has been designed to deliver high quality management education to middle and upper level managers in the private and public sectors, with an express emphasis on the Gulf and UAE business environments. The EMBA at UOS is designed to be as rewarding as it is rigorous, providing ample opportunity for personal development and professional growth in an interactive learning and teaching environment. The discourse in the EMBA classroom reflects a participative process of inquiry and insight, guided by our highly qualified faculty. The overall goal of the EMBA is to deepen and broaden the participant's core managerial competencies to further enhance their professional growth.

Study Plan


Study Plan for Executive Master in Business Administration


What You Will Learn


  1. Discuss the theories and concepts related to various fields of organizational management
  2. Apply technical tools providing up to date solutions to organizational problems
  3. Demonstrate comprehensive understanding and holistic view of organizations
  4. Creatively analyze and solve complex business issues
  5. Adapt to uncertain situations and lead in varying context
  6. Apply and adopt ethical standards while being socially responsible
  7. Take proper initiatives and be self-critical
  8. Work effectively in a team
  9. Write effectively using appropriate concepts and research tools
  10. Present complex and various topics effectively and creatively

University Requirements

College Requirements

Degree Requirements

A) Remedial Courses


Students with non-Business degrees can be required to enroll in one or more of the following Foundation courses (12 credit hours) based on their academic and professional background:

Course Number CourseTitle Credit Hours
0308230 Financial Management 3
0308150 Introduction to Economics for NBS 3
0301120 Financial Accounting 3
1440162 Business Mathematics 3


B) Core Courses: 

All students are required to complete the following 9 Core courses (27 credit hours):

Course Number CourseTitle Credit Hours
0306613 Management Accounting and Control Systems 3
0306627 Human Resources Management 3
Leadership and Organizational Behavior
0306671 Operations & Supply Chain Management 3
0306631 Corporate Finance 3
0306640 Marketing Management 3
Management Information Systems 3
Strategic Management
Research Methods& Data Analysis 3

C) Elective Courses: 

Students are required to complete any 2 of the following Elective courses (6 credit hours): 

Course Number CourseTitle Credit Hours
Organizational Change and Innovation 3
0306622 International Business 3
0306628 Business Ethics 3
0306654 Decision Sciences 3
0306633 Financial Markets and Institutions 3
0306661 Managerial Economics 3
0306655 Decision Support Systems 3
0306656 Project Management 3
0306616 International Taxation and Zakat 3
Financial Analysis
0306695 Special Topic (s)

Course Description

Remedial courses:

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours Course Description
0308230 Financial Management - This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of financial decision making within a firm. The course deals with the goals and functions of financial management, financial analysis and planning, working capital management, the capital budgeting process, cost of capital, dividend policy and long-term financing.
0308150 Introduction to Economics for NBS - This course is offered to non-business students. It covers topics from both microeconomics and macroeconomics perspectives. From microeconomics, it covers topics such as: economic problem, supply and demand, price elasticity of supply and demand, consumer behavior, production and costs, perfect competition, monopoly. Topics from macroeconomics include; national income accounts, national income determination, money and banking, inflation, monetary and fiscal policies, international trade. This course will be offered in both Arabic and English.
0301120 Financial Accounting - This course introduces students to accounting concepts underlying financial statements. It focuses on the analysis, measurement and reporting of business transactions to users of financial statements. It also examines the uses and limitations of accounting information for investment and credit decisions.
1440162 Business Mathematics - Linear functions, systems of linear equations, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functions; differentiation of functions in one and several variables; optimization of single variable functions; unconstrained optimization of multivariable functions; applications in business and economics; basic matrix operations.
0306613 Management Accounting and Control Systems - This course explores the role of management accounting information in managing organizations. It focuses on the fundamental concepts and techniques that are used in generating management accounting reporting reports. The course also emphasizes on how managers use management accounting reports to control and evaluate organizations and organizational members' performance. The course provides practical applications on how the concepts and the techniques are used for planning organizations' operations, controlling organizations' activities and enabling rationale decision making and performance evaluation.
0306621 Leadership and Organizational Behavior - This course focuses on the leadership dimension of managers by dealing with the dynamics of human interactions in organizations. It addresses issues related to the influence of leadership on the behavior of individuals, teams, and networks in the context of organizational culture. In addition, it shows how to build productive relationships and manage performance for the long-term success of the organization. Overall, the course equips students with a balance of theory and practice on the major theories and research on leadership and managerial effectiveness in formal organizations. The topics covered in the course include: the nature of managerial work; leadership traits and skills; effective leadership behavior; power and influence; leading change and innovation; leadership in groups and teams; developing leadership skills; and a broad range of leadership theories encompassing contingency theories and adaptive leadership, participative leadership, strategic leadership, charismatic and transformational leadership, servant and authentic leadership. The course also covers cross-cultural leadership and diversity and deals with some contemporary issues in leadership.
0306624 Strategic Management - Strategic management is concerned with managing organizations for long-term success. It involves developing organization's ends-missions, directions, and goals-; means-strategies, structures, systems, and policies- to achieve them; and ways to control performance within the context of the wider environment. It is a continuous iterative process of making, implementing and monitoring and controlling strategic decisions.
0306627 Human Resources Management - This course focuses on preparing the future managers for meeting the present and emerging strategic human resource challenges. It evaluates the context of Human Resource Management with regard to equal opportunity and legal environment, managing diversity, and conducting job analysis. It covers the key human resource functions such as recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, reward systems and employee development. The course also emphasizes on the role of governance in human resource management with regard to respecting employee rights, managing discipline, and managing workplace safety and health.
0306631 Corporate Finance - This course aims at providing an overview of the theory and practice of corporate finance in a global context. Through out the course we show how to use financial theory to solve practical problems, and also to illuminate the facts and institutional material that students of corporate finance must absorb.
0306640 Marketing Management - The purpose of this course is to develop knowledge and skills in the managerial aspects of marketing. The course provides an understanding of marketing as the basis for general management decision-making and as a framework for analyzing business situations.
0306653 Management Information Systems - This course provides students with the information systems fundamentals necessary to operate effectively in a com­puterized business environment. The course provided an overview of the components, operations, and roles of information systems inbusiness environments. Major concepts and recent developments in computer hardware, software, telecommunications, and database management technologies are presented, and the strategic, global, and ethical dimensions of information systems are discussed.
0306671 Operations Supply Chain Management - The aim of any organization is to deliver goods and services with the right quality, quantity, cost and availability that will satisfy the customers' needs while at the same time making the most effective use of its resources. This can only be achieved through competent design of products, processes and work for employees, and effective strategic planning and control of operations. This course will introduce the fundamental principles of the subject of Operations and Supply Chain Management which addresses these issues and provide an insight into how reflective application of key operational techniques can ensure the effective delivery of products and services, and how the revenue side of the Supply Chain Management decisions have a direct impact on the market penetration and customer service.
0306672 Research methods and Data Analysis - This course aims at giving students a solid grounding in the investigative techniques essential to the production of a sound business project. It also addresses the important area of report writing with particular reference to the hallmarks of a high quality project report. This course also concentrates on data analysis techniques both parametric and nonparametric using statistical software. This course will culminate in the production of a comprehensive project proposal.

International Taxation and Zakat

- This course aims to develop knowledge and skills relating to the fundamental concepts of tax and zakat principles as applicable to individuals and corporations. The course emphasis on understanding the theory of tax and zakat systems, and also developing the skills of tax and zakat calculation technicalities.
0306617 Financial  Analysis - This course introduces and analyses the relationship between business activities (planning, financing, investing and operating) and financial statements. It demonstrates popular tools and techniques in analyzing and interpreting financial statements with an emphasis on the need of users' of financial statements.
0306622 International Business - This course concentrates on the strategic decisions and operational activities that managers of international businesses must undertake in formulating and implementing their business plans. Topics covered include: country factors, the global trade and investment environment, the global monetary system, the strategy and structure of international business, and business operations.
0306629 Organizational Change and Innovation - This course provides an understanding of the dynamics of change and the importance of innovation within modern organizations. Emphasis is placed on how managers can develop a culture receptive to new ideas, products, processes, and systems for improving organizational performance.
0306628 Business Ethics - The objective of this course is to provide a general framework of ethics within the context of international business, particularly the Middle East culture. Topics covered include religiousvalues and ethics; moral standards and cultural values; ethics and the law; and the relativity of ethical principles.
0306633 Financial Markets and Institutions - This course is a survey of money and capital markets. It includes a study of the intermediation process and the functions and operations of intermediaries and financial institutions in money and capital markets. The course focuses on the emerging money and capital markets in the Arab Gulf region.
0306654 Decision Sciences - This course is intended to improve the decision making and problems solving skills of managers. It focuses on the quantitative techniques that are used to solve managerial problems. Topics to be covered include linear programming, decision analysis, game theory, project management, forecasting, inventory models, waiting lines, and simulation.
0306655 Decision Support Systems - This course gives a comprehensive coverage of the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of managerial decision making and supporting technologies. It emphasizes teaching students the methods and skills of analyzing, modelling, and solving managerial problems using available computer software support. It also provides students with basic understanding of the process of effective DSS design and development.
0306656 Project Management - This course provides a comprehensive coverage of the major concepts in project management from a managerial and practical perspective. It focuses on advanced concepts in contemporary project management, including project planning, project scheduling, project budgeting and cost management, project risk management, project quality management, as well as the impact of new projects on organizational strategic goals. Through practical cases and readings, students will develop critical awareness of, and appreciation for the myriad of issues involved and recent developments in modern project management. Project management software, such as Microsoft Project 2013, will be used to help students learn to organize, integrate and present project information to facilitate project evaluation and management.
0306661 Managerial Economics - This course deals with resource allocation and strategic decisions made by managers. The course emphasizes how microeconomic principles can be applied to company decision making. The focus is on stylized practical problems that may face anyone in a management position. The course topics include market analysis, forecasting, production and cost analysis, market structure, risk analysis, linear programming, decision making under uncertainty, regulatory theory, and the role of government in the market.
0306695 Special Topic (s) 1 - Course content is determined by course instructor and approved by the Program Director.

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